I am a happy go lucky chap that a Policeman and a Doctor deemed me "articular and intelligent”. I spend my days doing rubix cubes, playing the guitar, doing sudoku and have written loads of poems and writings of all sorts of benefits to help the World.

Recently my younger sister told me I look handsome, a female bartender said I look like a surfer boy and my mother told me I looked like Tarzan.

Hi, I hope to be able to hear you today. It would really make me very happy. You are always in my thoughts you know? And am I yours.


I was celebrating my Birthday in a restaurant with my sister Helen and brother in law Richard, in a pub in Symonds Yacht,

It was a lovely meal and when I returned home, I drank a couple more beers.

Then I went to Ross Park with a really good vibe listening to music, it was about 11pm.

Unknown to me, were a gang of you boys, one of them pushed me to the ground on my left side, I chose to rise and was pushed down even harder.

This is when flight or fight dawned on me and I took the option of flight.

I found myself near a familiar petrol station, but my flight mind took over and I just kept on.

I was walking like a Formula One racing car cutting corners in sort of a wavy line, unknown to me.

A driver called the police telling them “I was wandering in the middle of the road“.

The next thing I knew were two police cars screeching from either side of the T Junction, aka Starchy and Hutch when I approached it.

The Police sort of berated me for ten minutes, then they decided to take me home, in the car a Police Officer related to me as “Articulate and Intelligent”.

I was soon home and all was well again.


If a Company chose to be paper free, sending emails instead of printing them out, this would save the Rainforests, on top printers, ink and electricity would not be required to some to some extent, the carbon box would be easily reached too and if this message was sent to new clients on accepting them as employed, maybe an email could be sent to existing clients, all other documents such a brochure, PDF, Word, and other document would be only electronics and if all companies across the World adopted this it would be a fantastic carbon saving.

When using a kettle I only fill it up with the contents of say, a saucepan, late mug or anything else which minimises the kettle use, also I had ice cold bottles in my freezer, so I placed them in my fridge and they lasted a week saving electricity.



Language problems – speaking slowly, struggling to make the right sounds when saying a word, getting words in the wrong order, or using words incorrectly. problems with mental abilities – getting distracted easily, struggling with planning and organisation.


What is the most prominent symptom of frontotemporal dementia?The most common signs of frontotemporal dementia involve extreme changes in behaviour and personality. These include: Increasingly inappropriate social behaviour. Loss of empathy and other interpersonal skills, such as having sensitivity to another's feelings


My experience of this disorder is that my Father had it and it made him have inappropriate social behaviour, this included banging his knife and fork on the dinner table for his dinner, taking a reading book out of the hands of one of my daughters, he also went into a pub and order a pint with no money, he was also found face down in a ditch. At one point in my life I worked for charities, this fifteen year old boy (clinical age of 8), I found him a mix of his real age in quite a lot of his life. I went and saw a football match with him and played snooker twice, his mother mentioned some sort of issue that I could not take in, but then he was found to have acted in inappropriate sexual behaviour in a toilet and was sent to secure accommodation, even though they had had the boy since he was three. These are perfect examples of inappropriate social behaviour and I have never acted like these examples in any part of my life. I would like the Mental Health Team to explain their basis for deciding that I have FTD, when both my scans, a year apart, showed no change, I did some kind of test around then and saw a consultant about the results, I remember the results were a little low, but then he explained on one maths test could be deemed right because the first calculation was wrong, but the rest of the sequence were right. I also spoke to him about the Rubix Cube, he had learnt it of YouTube (and the only other person I have met that could do it) proceeded to do it, were when I do the corners I match up the middle pieces were I can, he thought I was doing it wrong, but my natural way which I have always done, is be that the YouTube video.



Calamities in my life have shown in turn

That this sensitive man has been spurned

From an original loving world

Even though phycology scared

So he thought process charred

Not ever expected or encouraged

Without even trying he reached fair height

If he had tried hard he could have reached the stars

Unknown to him his fatherly secretly though he was best

And motherly aspect just thought he was a deer little boy

And with his sister they were kept as "little"

There was some recovery on the scribers world

For a career path that started to unfold

From bought ledger clerk in first start

It then followed with somewhat art

For the career was butterflying for sure

When he catapulted into computer career

Even masterfully carrying the company through year 2000

And was rewarded with salary, bonuses handsomely paid

He was effortlessly responsible for family life

And in this period there was no strife

And no clues to the unravelling that life

Perhaps it started with redundancy state

It is so well documented that it is currently in strife

And has turned out to be a horrible life

After several relationships especially a horrible wife

And his two daughters sided with the wife

One particularly twinned around with her

And has remained aloof for many a year

There were all sort of jobs to career follow

Recruitment, office manager and locksmithing

Director ships were certainly career earned

And the falling off the top has happened so severe

He will not be right for many a year

And right now he yearns for a beer

Because the feeling inside is so queer

I want it to be yesteryear I fear fear fear

Dear dear dear dear dear dear dear dear

Want a life he does not dread or tread

That is so obviously a heinous feature

That should not be bestowed on any animal



If you send any documents in the post, particularly booklets and pamphlets, they have to be printed, costing money, and the fuel for delivering them to the sorting office and then possible by train or lorry, and then by van or trolley to your door. The carbon footprint of this is unnecessary, as a company, if you had a policy for new customers to opt out of receiving these documents, then this would save all the unnecessary spoils of the World (particularly trees) , and can you imagine is all the banking and financial houses around the Globe adopted this theory, and then huge carbon footprint that would not be spent. Nobody sends out Christmas cards these days, and sending Birthday cards are rare, so documents and these items not being posted, is it the unfortunate time of the end of the postman, these particulars have to be supported from the ground upwards.


If all the companies changed the way they package their products, for example, a lot of cereal boxes are packed with a lot of space at the top, reducing the requirement of cardboard (some say it is product settling so has to be assessed). With plastic bottles bottles for pills, (there has been an occasion where 3 pill bottles contents fitted into one of the bottles), they are always bigger than the content, either the drug companies need to fill them up more, or the pill bottle manufacturers need to make smaller bottles, then less plastic would be produced, reducing packing volume and transport costs.


Hearts are hearts, clubs someone, diamonds girl's best friend, spades for graves

All the aces, Kings and Queens, Jack's and lower cards and two court jesters

The deck that is known as comes in many forms and games to test us

Bridge, cribbage, wist, shithead, canasta, cheat, sevens to play the best of us

Countless other games, some simple, some more elaborate, but all joyous

The nuances and bidding, strategy and cunning for us all to be stupendous

Then there are the solitaire stands playing by yourself can be glorious

But the best of them all are four players that somehow contagious

Cheat is obviously the game where there are no rules so fortune favours the bravest

And the shithead with so many ways to play it, different setups ups ending in a twist

There are some people that just don't cotton on, but the best obviously finest

But the fines if they don't have the cards they struggle and can't finish

With flushes, runs, pairs, two pairs, trio, four of a kind for all to flourish

Then there are the suits again in bridge order, clubs, diamonds, hearts and spades

And as stated, so many many ways and games even an old maid

Obviously sat around tables, but laptop, mobiles and handsets can be played

Reaching five hundred and one, pegging to one twenty one to win the game

Completing a rubber, shit head ft blind cards, all four red threes to attain

When you have a very strong hold in sevens and easily last play

The bidding in bridge is key to the game, your partner sits it out

And above all in all the card games is to have the best cards playing with clout

And be very very sure if you don't follow the rules you will found out

It is definitely not right if you have a temper tantrum most unsavoury

Because that sort of behaviour in another way is not to saviour

There are roughs, finesses, flashes, running flushes and full houses

The players in another way must not lose his trousers

If you find the optimum bridge partner is to be cherished

And what a world it would be if cards where abolished

And the players around the world would certainly admonish


I had a sore tooth and had to visit a Bupa Dental Care in Ross on Wye to have it filed down very well, then I visited a dentist Warrendale Dental Care in Ross on Wye, they looked at my teeth, I was supposed to have 2 x-rays, they did neither, stating that they could not see one of my teeth, the Dentist kept repeating himself and the only thing I learned was it was to cost three thousand pounds to fix my teeth, is repeated words were lost, on leaving I had pink post it note with the next two appointments on, which were never met, then I went to MyDentist in Hereford and he told me with straight talking my teeth were shot. Since that date I changed the way I ate, cleaning my teeth straight after breakfast and dinner, drinking tea four times a day and never eating anything sweet any more, taking several health supplements for them, on returning to MyDentist in Hereford, three months later. He came away from his screen and told me my teeth were the same, it was at this point I knew that my regime works and have stuck to that, so my experience of dentists has led me to my own regime, did feel about each under each of my bottom gums, but my mother and sister found out they had the same and I will never see a dentist ever again.

My own Christmas present to me, are my teeth, I use dentist tools when I rise and go to bed, I have coconut cream after brushing my teeth after breakfast and dinner, I have just started taking a calcium tablet, also vitamin A and D, also cod liver oil and coconut oil, my morning ritual of alternate ice cold and boiling hot bottles also address my teeth, all these things combined are a real benefit for them, once very dark brown black, 13 teeth mostly front ones, a particular right molar only recently discovered is benefitting better on the outside, because the inner not so easy, my worst original teeth are just massively better, do not have to work too hard on those, just will keep on going and have two months for it, what more no dentist would ever advertise this, because they could run out of business.

I have started using several too pastes to aid in the recovery of them, particularly deceased gums and bacterial deposits one teeth, the toothpaste I use are all ORAL B, Sensitive Protection for 24 hours, Healthy Whitening 24 hour Protection, Fresh Breath 24 hour Protection, Deep Clean 24 hour Protection, Gum and Enamel Repair, Professional Protection 24 hour Protection and these will be used in rotation with each other, too maximise the benefit of them.

I use ice cold bottles to rub along my gum line and I roll the bottle round between my bottom and top incisors, then the next day I use a boiling hot bottle to rub along my gum line and I roll the bottle round between my bottom and top incisors.

I stopped using the boiling hot bottle and ice cold ones too, also the coconut cream, I have persisted with the Coconut oil tubular white capsules on rising in the morning and last thing at night, I checked my teeth every friday and this one proves that everything was vindicated, I wanted it for Christmas but here we are a month on sort of so now I have three Coconut oil tubular white capsules which I have three more to have during my morning ritual, it will then follow with coconut cream after that.



This process is specifically designed to help blind people.

The Staff Manager should arrange (pre-meeting) with one of the blind people, to be good for them to start the speaking for what follows

If you have the blind people all in the room with staff and managers

The Staff Manager will turn of the lights

The staff and managers should not speak, but close their eyes

The Staff Manager then invites the blind people to speak

Everyone else should keep quiet and listen to the blind orator with no interruptions.

When the orator is finished, the Staff Manager puts the lights back on to enable anybody in the room to respond or answer what was said.

The light is then switched off again and the same procedure can be followed.

This whole process would start people with speaking issues to develop their speech.


A retired lady regularly visits her Friday Club at the Foxy Fox pub in leafy Little Longford, Tolkenshire for a spot of lunch. She has a young lady, Lucy,  convalescing with her from serious double organ surgery and invites her along.

Mother was ushered to sit on the other side of the table and watched as her grandmother sat very close to a retired man, paying him individual attention, very close and seemed to be canoodling or flirting of some sort.

I swapped stories with the group and spoke about her success in the Corporate World, how she dragged them from paper document processing to stream-lined information technology solutions tailoring across multiple departments. I also uncovered a suspicious cheque book stub, which I passed to the Office Manager that was found to be taken from several “client accounts” fraudulently by one of the directors and resulted in the discovery of £100,000’s of fraud. The Office Manager left, and I applied for her job. I was made redundant, with a three months severance pay and generous redundancy package, but was escorted off the premises gestapo style.


Mother is profoundly deaf. When she has people sit either side of her she cannot hear anything and why Lucy was ushered away. She had to bend herself close to the other party to hear what they were saying. That particular man this time has turned out to  be a nightmare. She certainly did not hear anything that Lucy was saying.


Both stories are each other's view of the proceedings, and have no doubt that the other parties would have their own story. For example, one viewed a glistening wedding car in glorious sunshine, more mundane local buses and people ebbing to and fro across the window that nobody else noted. 

So the “truth” of what happened can only be understood when all parties tell their part and the sum of them will tell it. Bit like pennies in a jar, if lots of people guess, the average is right.

Very different views of the event, possibly the truth sits between the two.

This is how our own Worlds collide, and how we manage (empathy) them, determines how successful relationships area. This is why there are always 2 sides to a story. And why people will read different angles of poems.


When I wake in the morning I have a walk before and after eating. On this walk I do several things, doing a full tree hug including all over the head (believing it will help all the brain especially the frontal lobe) and also do a swing, which I believe is good for the heart, body and soul. So these are done twice. Also when I wake in the morning I use a sort of pimple with a curved metal tool all over my head and a brush too (believing it will help all the brain especially the frontal lobe) , then I have a tea and do it again, I have two more teas and so it is done four times. With this hot tea, in a latte mug, I stroke the mug over much of my body including the frontal lobe. I also use ice cold bottles in the morning, all over including the Frontal Lobe. Everything is done like this every day.

I would like a full body medical check and any necessary scans, to prove or disprove that I have any kind of brain disorder at all.


Vista Computers were approached about a missing Word document and when I went there this young girl with the manager and he said the file would be 100 miles away. Later on, I opened my Word and found out there was a version option and restored it.

The landlord's handyman came to my house to check things, and he left saying “you need a fire alarm and a new Gas detector” and he never came back.

I have purchased an Alexa from Argos, speakers from Ballies and a sports blender from Morrisons and they all had to be returned.

I went to the office of the Stage Coach to enquire about train tickets and they told me to phone the council and when I phoned them I did not qualify for their discounts.

I went into a health shop and purchased coconut oil cream and the shopkeeper told me it was for the skin and I know it for teeth too and it removes gum diseases such as gingivitis..

The World is so much like this and this is why just have expressed this, on top of the times you waste calling anybody.

The Prince of Wales pub has mike nights, I was told by a friend it opened it Friday evenings, so I went their and the landlady told me it was alright to play and she served me a free pint, but I penned a poem the next day, and the first mike night the following Wednesday, I handed out copies in the bar, I had a discussion about framing it, but the weeks passed and on enquiry the Landlord came back with a “NO” and also I wanted to help with Mike nights, and all I was told is “they a not on at the moment”


We are all equal and our ancestors walked out of Africa, skin colour is not any reality to white black or yellow, just variations of light and dark.

Respect everyone is different and don't be judgemental

It you don't shout at don't shout back

If you whisper something people will listen

Arguments are for the upper hand

Don't interfere with anyone's past times

Don't start sentences with you/your, better to advise

If somebody feels upset or angry placate, don't inflate

Cuddles are for those that best deserves it

Strictly live and let live

Categorically don't judge or criticise

Lavish only good praises

Let them try, try, try and try again

Encourage growth in them If this person phycology was innate in human kind in human kind, what a kind humanity would be

Inclusion not division

Work together so all will grow

Look how ants are, nothing if not whole

When someone states that they do not like something do not challenge it, just be fair and let it go, similarly if people like something specific do not be discouraging it either.


When you drive to the recycling plant there are all sorts of skips for you to drop off, these include Soil, Rubble, Paper, Cardboard, Plastic Bottles, Wood & Timber, Green Waste, Landfill, Scrap Metal, Glass Jars, Ceramics & Glass.

These skips are assumed to be taken by lorry haulage; It is put forward that this could be done away with & would not only unclog the roads already oversaturated by lorries, & reduce the carbon footprint dramatically

The general public should be able to collect on a Saturday & drop off on a Sunday. It is proposed that a number plate system could be installed to not allow any person to return on that day.

Soil & Rubble should be separated for reasons which will become clear

It would be very feasible to actually have most of the skips to be recycled & would require the retraining of existing staff to deal with the general public.

So, it is proposed that the Skips in the recycling units could be reclaimed by the public.

Soil, this could be made available to the general public, & of course, all the heavy-duty plastic material for peat bags would be reduced.

Rubble Builders could take away for fillings they use cement & other building notions

Paper, people could shred the paper for the type of pets.

Cardboard has plenty of uses, like cutting the top off, tuning on its side & putting a small blanket there for your cat.

Plastic Bottles could be filled up at different levels to make music.

Wood & Timber Carpenters & chippies & joineries could reclaim & use.

Farmers & keen gardeners could enjoy this as green manure.

Landfill one would be the hardest of all. Any help on this would be very helpful.

Scrap Metal tubing can be made into instruments, like chairs or stools, rubbed & re-c cushioned for new seating.

Glass Jars put on a wall to pistol shoot or make Jams & marmalade.

Glass or Ceramics for use for mosaics & collages.

Companies could recycle polystirine packages and possibly cardboard too. If they collected these in their van, when they reached their depot, they could wait for another delivery and swap it, saving the planet and cash too.


The Council would look at training their Recycling Staff to be ready for the new situation of the public to be collecting. I sent a load of emails about these ideas and not one of them replied.


The plan is to send this to every recycling unit in the UK, if you have any contacts yourself, it would be helpful for Carbon Footprints & could make you

Feel more part of the community.



My name is Ziggy Corinthian and I consider myself my own General Medical and Mind Guru, and the following is the history of it and how it came to be, this is information that should be World spread, it is quite long.

But there were other types of exercising sprinkled in my day “kissing the tiles” and using the fan to massage my body. Sometimes I will do floor pilates in the park too and it was on the very green grass. This was the start of my way to becoming a health guru, mind, body and soul, because the “twaddle” became a way that I could say to myself with negative thoughts present themselves because it was true. I blink my eyes very often in the day and also dart them side to side, and hope there is nothing wrong with my heart.

It is s fine idea to cream yourself, it is good to rotate your creams, use Diprobase, Epaderm, Aveeno, E45 and Nivea for two and a half days, one at time is pays, it is virtuous for any part of the body, especially handsome feat and face, and between the thighs if you are wise, it is also a very great idea to use Sudafed and Savlon alternatively for spots. I am in a very good zone. I also use a pimple with a wired head massage.

I take Cod Liver oil tablets, with Coconut capsules too, and vitamin D, with Turmeric capsules, St John Wort, and Magnesium. I also use a dumbbell to exercise my biceps and triceps counting 10 of each arm for upward movement, 10 each of arm for up to shoulder height and 10 of each arm to the armpit and 10 of each arm raising to the ceiling and and 10 of each arm raising out to shoulder, and higher if you want too. Sometimes I use a fan to create vibrations around my body to take actions. I randomly use an ice cold bottle for the odd time my body needs it, including my face.

Two days running I had quite a bad bruising on my middle fingers and choosing to have ice cold bottles really helped. I do breathing exercises to aid a healthy life, raising my stomach up and down and also short eight seconds, then six seconds, then four seconds and repeat this twice.

I also stretch high my arm regularly and have grown from 5ft 7.5 inches to 5ft 8.5 inches. In Ross park and at my mothers house I also use most of the apparatus that are available. On occasion, in the sunshine park, I do floor Pilates so I don't have an abrasion.

The Stonebow unit told me next time you are “out”. Not exactly “RED BULL IN A CHINA SHOP”, but next time they were on, I went and was kicked in my bot and after that, the staff were a waste of my time, the Doctors and Physicians did not matter A jot, to me. So the two medical practices and all the consultants I have seen have just not helped me at all.

So during a period after that, I had a fit, and would not look for any help so I quit and decided to start anew on the right path. Sometimes I like to have a bath.

The fitness regime has led to the fitness path. I bounce my calves on the bed too, and make apple and pear drinks, just with a saucepan on the stove.

I then use the steam to rise up around my torso above, my stomach exercising too, I do boiling hot or ice cold massaging treatments first, each hand has a glove. I also do stunning Pilates every morning whilst it is summer and I do to exercise in the sun and follow it up with a walk in the park, this is when I do twenty sideways steps with my right leg, the twenty sideways steps and follow it up with twenty steps walking backwards and do repeats and it is a lovely way to sit on my rock and chant. “mmmmmmmmm” and then some meditations sayings, whilst caressing the rock I call my throne, and the gentle cooing of the calming Dove.

Then I am on the bench doing 20 soft press ups and feel my arms have a gentle shove.

Finally, I walked the full length of the grass and did my “War Dance” to cool my feet down and let time pass and in summer I like to have a long glass of water.

A stroll in the sunshine most days, in the afternoon I generally have a cold shower. I never want the time to pass. I look after my feet by swapping shoes and flip flops all the time, they do not have any grip, but they do not slop. In the morning I wear my flip flops which are cold, for my first cup of tea then Moccasins, also cold for the second cup of tea and finally back to the cold Moccasins which just is such a good thing to do.

This is because it minimises potential fungus. In the morning I stay naked for some time, including legs akimbo, walking bare chested and when I do, to minimise dust in my house.

When it is a lovely afternoon like today, I went for a lovely swim and enjoyed some lovely sunshine and it was just so much fun. When I wake up in the morning, I am gentle with my eyes, and I am really wise. When I start my exercises the curtains are sometimes yawning, drawn and it surprises me if artificial light comes on, and I also use both hands to become ambidextrous.

I have long since remembered that when driving in normal conditions I always use sunglasses unless foggy or torrential rain, and also wear sunglasses when walking most times, which coupled with the gentle start in the morning has kept my eyes and eyelashes in pristine condition since I was sixteen. When I cut up the oranges, they look like Y-Fronts and I have a picture to show it off and it really made me tickle. No nay never will I contact any medical consultants.

It is a good idea when you wash up once a day, this is a very green way, after breakfast, set them in the sink and leave them there, after preparing dinner, use really hot water from the tap and soak them as high as the sink will allow, because it is so hot, perhaps have a walk, come back and don plastic gloves, let the hot water out about half way up, then use a little water from the tap to rinse as you go.

I went for my normal walk this morning and my bare feet felt like I was walking on the softest green carpet. The saying use it or lose it, it is not relevant to the senses. Especially loud noises to your ears and bright lights to your eyes, when you have your curtains closed to protect your eyes, the closed curtain all the time means people cannot tell if you're in or out too. If you have an insect bite and you spend an afternoon in the sun, then after a dinner walk close to water, there and back and it really reduces the bites.

A lot of blood cells tests that always came back with negative for any serious conditions are not always detected, when there are no signs from a blood cell

If you drink lots of water, your we is always white, if this is so, wee in the grass, or any way you see fit, then the urine is so white and helps the plants and trees, and then the wee does not have to pass through sewage treatment plant, it can be saving the planet and all will benefit, my wee is just so white, I reckon I could bottle it and sell it. Just think of all the animals on the Safari in Africa, zebras, lions, wildebeests, cheetahs, they number millions, they were and defecate over the plains, dung beetles roll up dung and roll it navigating by the sun or moon, there will be microbes in the soil, and who knows it might act as fertilisers. I now use a plastic bottle to pee in, and I will pour it outside to save the planet and my pee will never be in a sewage system.


A path leading to Ross Park has a serious rift in the tarmac, each end there are also barriers at each end of a pathway for a very long time, but eventually they filled in the rift and corrected only about half of the path.

Hereford Council have bobbed again, I applied for a Premises Grant and a Start up fund and I emailed it to thriveandrevice@hereford/ ad posted it off to them, I phoned them some days following to enquire about it, this is ridiculous, because they told me I had to buy equipment first and then they could pay me back, what was the point in completing that form with tick boxes for the Premises Grant and the Start up Fund. It is definitely a mad situation.

I go for walks in Ross park and the Hereford Council just seem to be ridiculous to me, there is wooden bridge that has a slight bit of rot and they have put up blue plastic barriers, which is a carbon waste with red and white squares on them with two cable ties on each, there is a wasted black tie on one of them, now these barriers had to cost and are not recyclable, if relatively small planks were used they would be a much greener option. On top of that, the Council have put up to white posts and one greener option of wooden posts, that all mention “NO PARKING” signs, they also have iron green gates that are lockable, the yacht club has cars going to it, so why are they there? The carbon footprint on manufacturing these is also just such a waste. The Hereford Council needs to change the way they operate. In amazement, on a walk today and they were actually working to repair the bridge, replacing the barriers with wooden slats, must be the only time I have seen the Council in a positive light.

I have had contact with Hereford Council too many times, on one occasion after speaking to reception, who had no knowledge of Premises Grants can be up to £10,000 and there are also Startup Grants too. Dave Price took my details for someone to call me back, but they never did. 18/11/21 I spoke to a guy who couldn't put me through, but after insistence he put me through to the business development manager, inane music was playing and after 20 minutes I could not do it anymore and all I wanted was a dialogue with the Grant Department.


I have been under the mental health team in Ross with the Knoll shop on Gloucester road, where I am no longer now, but during this period I was asked to join a group called Horizon at the Weston Under penyard side of town. It was a lovely sunny afternoon and I was spoken to by two lovely mental health team advisors. I mentioned that I would be like the Jack Nicholson character from “One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest.”It went very well and all parties commented “we will see you soon”, with cheery faces. I heard from my sister that I had been rejected, so I went back to Horizon and spoke with one of the two mental health team person, talk about “Jekyll and Hide”, she was almost crouched behind a small gap in the door and said “You are not physically disabled enough”.



The Hospitals in every single County need to change the way they handle patients, at the moment, if you call nine nine nine to speak to the police, you are put through to the ambulance service, who take you to Hospital after checking you vitals, or at a GP Practice they call and you go to Hospital by ambulance, (either way the patient explains their medical issues) on arrival at the hospital, you have to wait to see the triage nurse and speak medical issues again, then a long wait in waiting room, then seen by a consultant where again medical issues are repeated.


It would require a huge amount of capital just to amalgamate these steps above to streamline the individual elements, but it is considered that there are at least two elements so that two minds have passed you. One of the main costs would be the computer software changes, but if all the data were on record, the Triage Nurse step could at least be dropped and perhaps the consultant will already know the patient's medical issues. Medical staff would be required for retraining. And an IT system would have to be designed so it was available across different equipment of laptops, Ipads and mobile phones, system security would be paramount on such a large project. It would need endorsement from the health industry and its associated partners.


I had a meeting with DR Kimby Humby and a colleague. I had to ask five times for evidence that I have Frontal Lobe Dementia, after seeing my documents sent to her, and about myself, she asked me if I had voices inside myself. It has been some time and I have not heard from her at all. This indicates to me that she has no evidence at all, simply because all my documents and conservations have mitigated any possibilities of any brain disorder at all.

Dr Kimby Humby wrote a letter to the DVLA about my Frontal Lobe Dementia, she did not send a copy to me, this is so unprofessional and wrong, the medical World should copy the individual who the letter was about.


I do not go to Doctors because of long term of knowing about the fact that they can only offer prescriptions and referrals in most patients, If they were trained in helping their patients using self help healthcare, then the NHS would have less consultants, so reducing costs dramatically, and the Drug Companies around the World not be able to take the cream off the top of of the World Cake.


Doctors should offer a wider range of managing self help healthcare. One can use frozen water bottles massaging to cure muscles, bruises, cysts and skin care and health maintenance. Late hot tea mugs massaging helps cure cysts and muscles and health maintenance, instead of other hot remedies like Raljex. One can also use frozen bottles to roll your body on a pilates mat face down from your neck to your knees there and back, then turnover and roll from your shoulders to the ankles and back. One can also do pilates on the pilates mat. One can also use finger taping around the body, temple and frontal lobes, heart, and chest area, following up with an air fan vibration across the top of the chest, which can be used all over the body as another self health routine. A pimple gauge and hair brush can be used over the frontal lobes and cranial area of the head. After a shower or bath, one can kiss the tiles (these are cold) and massage your body across them for another way to help your body. If you have sore eyes, or for healthy eyes, press ice cold water bottles on them and they see a kaleidoscope of mesmerising colours. Talcum powder is a very good remedy for any kind of skin condition if used lightly, because aridity is critical for such areas and not cream because it lubricates the skin. Another good idea for good health is to Tree Hug, massage the forehead against the bark, then put your limbs around the tree hugging it, turn round and hug the tree with you limbs backwards, rotating your back across it and then to the back of your head, finally press your left and right rib cage against the bark. For a really light relief, be a star person, if you have cool cotton sheets lie on them in a star shape to feel the coolness, especially well being if exercising at the same time, in any case, exercise, exercise and exercise.


Some weeks ago I ordered my Medical Records and they have not arrived yet, my Social Worker said she would contact them and I have not heard from her either, this leads me to think that they have no grounds for any Medical issues that I have because of papers that I sent in to them.


If you are waiting to hear from any organisation or person, the longer it carries on the less likely it will be a positive answer, and too often it turns out like that.


Founded in 1884 playing at the Victoria Plant ground.

Known as Leicester Fosse and in 1883/1884 with 19 professional players a an AGM and had enough votes and formed the club in Division Two with iconic black strip, sky blue sash and long white trousers and switched to chocolate brown and blue shorts and tops respectively, then blue and white after that. It took fourteen years to earn their place in the top flight, playing in a field near Fosse Rd.

In 1891 they moved to Filbert Street. The 2014/15 season was the club's “Great Escapes' ', with nine games to go, they won seven, drew one and lost one, finishing Fourteenth. Jamie Vardy scored a record of eleven consecutive goals in the 2015/6 season, Ryad Marez and N'golo Kante earned plaudits after joining from French side Havre and CAEN respectively, qualifying for the UEFA champions league for the first time in the Club 's history. On Saturday 27th October, Chairman Khun Vichai Servaddhana Prapha was killed in an helicopter accident alongside four others outside the King Power Stadium, his son Jhun Aiyaawatt vowed to continue his fathers legacy.

They were registered as Leicester City Football Club after takeover and have won a record of second tier winners a record seven times, four FA Cup Finals and won it in May 2021, beating Nottingham Forest 4-1.

The club have won the League Cup three times, in 1964, 1997 and 2000

Leicester have played in seven European competitions to date, notably reaching the UEFA Champions League quarter-finals in 2016–17 and the UEFA Europa Conference League semi-finals in 2021–22.

Their crowning achievement was the 2015/2016 Premier League Winners with Cladio Renerie as their manager at odds of 5000/1. In 1929 they were 1 point from the Title Winners. Moved to the King Power Stadium in 2000. In 2010 they were taken over by a Thai Consortium.


Premier champions winners 

Never know their players as sinners 

Except Robbie Savage would have players for dinners

It was Claudia Renarie who took them all the way

With Thailand business men back them with pay

Jamie Vardy is as hardy as they come

Has contributed quite a sum

The trio of Marez, Ndini, and Kante

Were split from the team that won the play 

But Brenden Rogers is trying well today

Despite Harry Maguire signed by the Reds

Leicester City are top of PremierShip Table

It used to be Filbert Street Back in the day

Now it Is the King Power Stadium making hay


Evening Attack

Once I found myself in a very bad situation, one spent the evening handing out leaflets alternatively Mad World and Recycling that have been printed. One such evening one was attacked by a foot black haired guy with black jeans and jacket and one did not understand what he said, but I was tripped and kicked and punched, One managed to run away after spaying “leave me alone” Some minutes later one returned to recover the leather wallet and the Recycling papers that had blown away slightly on the tarmac and left with neither after being attacked by the same guy and now another guy taller with blond curly hair, there were two others in the background not offending. So not worth calling the police or going to hospital cos one can look after himself.

Boxer Shorts

I was once across my road sunning in boxer shorts slightly more than briefs on the beach, a police car and van came round and checked my wallet and phone and they went on their way.


A Police woman knocked on my door to tell me about being topless at Ross Park playground and the one in Weston Under Penyard. She left me her contact details but I will not be doing that.

Birthday Eve

I was celebrating my Birthday in a restaurant with my sister Helen and brother in law Richard, in a pub in Symonds Yacht, it was lovely meal and when I returned home, I drank a couple more beers and went to Ross Park with a really good vibe listening to music, it was about 11pm and unknown to me, were a gang of you boys, one of them pushed me to the ground on my left side, I chose to rise and was pushed down even harder, this is when flight or fight dawned on me and I took the option of flight, I found myself near a familiar petrol station, but my flight mind took over and I just kept on, I was walking like a Formula One racing car cutting of corners in sort of a wavy line, unknown to me, a driver called the police telling them “I was wandering in the middle of the road“, the next thing I knew were two police cars screeching from either side of the T Junction, aka Starchy and Hutch when I approached it. The Police sort of berated me for ten minutes, then they decided to take me home, in the car a Police Officer related to me as “Articulate and Intelligent”, I was soon home and all was well again.



Recent trip to Thorpe Bay, scorching hot day, very warm sea, had own choice of playlist in Bluetooth ears, shades on, up to neckish in warm water, back to shore, ditching headgear, and few feet back in swam out beyond boys, laying on my back in warm water and basking in sun, relaxed legs and felt cool water, natural invitation for me to swim down few times to feel. Quite a few more strokes and then to shore for sunbathing/light pilates exercises. Stroll along the beach, in search of ice-cream parlour, longer than expected. Perched on the shore wall, with a 3 scoop mango sorbet cup. The supplier had spoken to that day. Referred to it as an old friend in short version, sun, sea & sorbet.

Beating Sat Nav

Took meet 2.5 hours to get to Peterborough and seemed criss/cross way. On the way back Sat Nav estimated 6.48 arrival, stayed on A1M longer, time was reduced, stayed longer on A14, reduced again, longer on M11, reduced again, kinda heading to Stansted. When I got home it was 6.06, beating Sat Nav by 42 minutes.

Snooker Just a damn good shot

Social Having a beer and a chat in pubs


When in both late teens, they partied with me, and admitted that cutting their hair was no problem.


Listening to my playlists, bluetooth plugged and exercising or walking.

Games on my phone when played with very strong reward.

Any good feel social environment

When Leicester do well, enhanced if moment is shared with others

When England do well enhanced if moment is shared with others

Picnic in park/basking in sunlight, music, enhanced if moment is shared with others.

Walking in areas of green where trees border almost all the way round (aka Morden Hall Park & now Great Baddow Recreation Ground)

Wandle Park - Wimbledon

Autumn lunchtime walk, entered an area of concave trees, fire red/yellow/orange leaves adorning the trees and with low branches almost touching the carpet same fire red/yellow/orange grassy ground. It was almost like walking into a large furnace.

Walking/kicking through autumnal leaves

Walked home for lunch because I could not bear the constant belching in the office of a co-worker. On the way in a square cut out of pavement where a sapling was growing was the electric purple crocus, popped down and took an amazing picture.

And that's another one, good picture

Purple is my favourite colour

Childhood Misdemeanours

Small group, probably pre-teens, coming across a completely walled garden of a derelict house with an abandoned swimming pool littered with planks of wood, general debris, and of course full of water. We would run daredevil across (aka James Bond over crocs).

Finding a bag of antique bottles,very excitedly, with a mate called Robert, realised there was another bag and reached that first for the second one in Railway Arches in Little Chalfont and I still cherish it today. Liking shorts or trousers that fit properly without need of a beltand flip-flops

The Sun

Always naturally acquire sun tan, never use sun cream.

When I see a pretty girl, clothes don't matter, too much makeup would.


All the things I like doing are torn apart and in ruin

Snooker was the tip top 43 break I liked best doing

In terms of solely just me on my own just enjoying

Of course the rubix cube in 43 seconds was amazing

The early relation folly of Edinburgh fireworks jolly

And perhaps some rainy day without blowing windy

The rain forests of Indonesia where without doubt fine

Buster, Katie, Hugo, and Larry doggies

And lots of happy family growing up times

The 80th birthday in America was funny with joy

The life could have been bonny and shined

But in the end all of this has been called on time

And the end of it all is most definitely un-sublime

My life is in tatters and so does any of this matter

I have soaked in the bath and just can't believe it

I feel so shit my life is definitely not worth living

Watching Match of the Day and wonder if I will make another day

My mum has called and I will not call back, a fact

Crisis team are due to call and that does not matter to me at all

Quite absolutely my life is not worth living anymore

Wish I could execute and make death part of my life worth it's

I feel like a volcano that cannot perform its stupendous eruptions

A cartwheel that just so not managed and mangled

A rubix cube that is totally unsolvable in complexity

An unnerving feeling that I can't have anyone next to me

Because I don't have any sense of want to be

Because I cannot ingest food of any value to me

Can't believe my life that has come to be

And living it from now I just can't see

Let alone any point in the future in years

The only option is to end it in tears

Perhaps there won't be any more beers

For the dread, wanting and terrible fears

It has certainly gone on for to many years

I just can't help feeling that my death in pending

And sense that it definitely the ending

And where I will end up has no bearing

For the wrench of my heart and mind fearing

And life is certainly not worth living

And at Christmas there was no giving

And now it is sure and no way thanks giving

There is a terror of ingesting any fodder


The individual can adopt the Introduction

Always be kind, courteous, respectful and considerate

Allow time and kindness with as much understanding as possible

Pay special attention for those less fortunate than you

Touch your neighbours

Keep contact with your family no matter what

If people are not right to you, they have had people not right to them, make allowances

With tone, body language and volume people can have it in their own head what to convey, but your experience can spin it a different way.First impressions are never right, it is only a snapshot, depending on your aspect at the time too. How often in amazing way you state (I never knew you did that and their estimation goes up a few notches)


As a family member try as much as possible not to adopt negative experiences you may have, raise yourself up and notch as experience you would not adopt to anyone else. As far as meeting people, never assume you are better than them, or visa/versa because we are all different.

We all have all different characters, some better than others. If you use parameters of zero-100 percent, a blind person is zero and twenty vision is top. This is applied in every manor, brain cells, body balance, heart, personal traits, hair, sex drive, odour.

The people between the average twenty to eighty percent category are the majority, The others that fall outside those parameters are those that have special needs, albeit they may have a particular brain pattern that spurn the mathematicians, artists and leaders of some form or another.

In order for people to grow happily we all need to be part of that. Everybody is sure to benefit.

There would be less distance between the average and special needs.

With children, always crouch to their level, dogs where necessary, but offer your lightly clenched hand to be smelt and most dogs receive well. Cats unfortunately have to come to you.

If you come across a council worker who is clearing the park bins and a park walker mentions there is an armchair in the carpark, he states it is not his job, they know about it, it's another department. When you consider that it all delivered to landfill, this attitude is miles away from this document.

If you are man and sore when hot, a cold tip, place tissue between your groyne, maybe 4 tissues (or 2 kitchen towels folded once and place either as side keeping them in place, they should be a V, I know works for boxers, not sure about pants, though it might easier with the side of them taken the vIf you ever want anything done speak to the decision maker.

If you have pesky nits in your swing bin, remove the lid and put cloth or something on it, to seal it and they don't return.

If out on a walk with adverse weather, use a plastic bag to contain cushion, tape up to water tight, could be used for back or bottom, or take two.

Keep a stool in the bathroom, it is far easier than stooping and easier all together for brushing your teeth etc.

I was most unfortunate, there were tiny midges invested in my home, I was banging on the walls and somebody phoned to say “The neighbours are reporting noises, I thought to be polite and went do both doors and knocked on their door and there was no answer, this has led me to change the way i do things, so now everything is out away as possible, and what's more, the tidiness the cupboards means there is less hassle to clean the kitchen, it is also best to put thing away as you go, and the recycling as you go.

If you have any problems with your Television Company, there is another way to do it, hook up your computer with the TV mini display port to your TV, then you can download all television media players you like. And you would not need to have any form of Television, like Sky and Now.

Do you know the meaning of “LESS IS MORE” in material things and the decluttering of the mind helps too.

Here is a suggestion: if you have several people around the table you could ask them all to make a complimentary comment to the person on your right, this will engage people and make for a happy situation.

When I awake in the morning I feel that I make a carbon judgement possibly, I use a dessert spoon, to stir my tea in my latte mug, then use to stir my milk when hot water is added to take a concoction of 10 pills, then I use it to eat my breakfast and finally use it for taking coconut oil. I also use my latte mug and use it after the milk, for orange juice too, this is just perfect because it is less washing up to do, and less water too, so I do think it ticks the carbon box. I use kitchen towels to dry my cutting knife and the chopping board and then place the kitchen towels to dry and use again until they become too soiled.

When I wake in the morning I keep my curtains drawn in my bedroom drinking tea, upstairs I have my lounge curtains drawn with a towel where the sky light is, and usually wear sunglasses even when cloudy and I just think that this will have long term benefits and that is why I do it.

This could be the way to speak to people, if they talk rubbish to you, call it twaddle and it is not useful for me at all. Ask them to offer advice and in no way should it be an instruction, because I know better..

A good idea in the morning is to roll your duvet up in a tight roll and it serves to air your bed.

If you have odd socks in your drawer, match up two pairs to save doing them all at once. When you wash socks, pair them up and put them in a different drawer, do not use these, until the unpaired ones are used up.

You can look after your feet, you can wear Flip Flops, Moccasins, Walking Boots, Tainers, Skechers go Walk, if you wear these alternately then it minimises any kind of foot problems. Also, if you go out for a walk, massage ice-cold bottles to the area before and after walks, especially for legs.

If you do little things all the time, it can save you doing “big” things just as acorns grow into Oak Trees, and just like this little thing, it is another recommendation for a better life.

I have started my morning these days after thinking about it as 1 leg, this is because I was doing mainly for my legs, this is with an Ice-Cold bottle under my thigh and the back of the Knee joint moving the same leg, and also massaging my knee with it too. On top of that, I have added my shoulder joint inside and out, my pelvic bone in and out with still cold bottles, this is a mix of cure or preventative treatment, I also do my face and neck, including the eyes and bags under the eye, I do all these for 1 leg, up to 3 legs in total, then just do the same as 1 leg and leg treatment and pelvic treatment for successive times before walking an after walks up to about 6 or 7 legs.

For the Police, if they tell a criminal that they are a felony then psychologically it is wrong, if it would be so much better if you asked, we would like to help you come to terms with the felony.

If somebody says they do not like something, do not come back to it apart from accepting it, we all have a right to do this, say if there was a friend who wants to do Hangliding, some might say “too dangerous, be careful” but it is better to praise them and accept it. So just to underline, if anybody says they like it, or if they don't like something accept, accept, accept.

I went out for a walk this morning and there was a very low mist almost touching the ground, the sun almost looked like a bright moon, if you are near the water's edge it is “Double Bubble” meaning the sun is shining and it also appears as a reflection on the water, the higher you are it becomes a mirage on the water, the mirage also is increased as the sun lowers towards the water, and finally today the moon was so alone in the totally blue sky.

Jack Frost was very strong today, high lighting spider webs, and the mist rising from the river was like steam.

Dampness is a problem all around the house and aridity and dryness is better. This aridity and dryness also helps skin conditions.

If you have a group of people, especially those that have Mental Problems, it is very helpful to encourage them to bring something that they are well versed in, say a picture, photographs, knitting, cards or books or anything else they are good at. This engenders good feelings in the group and will be very good for individuals. This idea of “Show and Tell” should be spread across the Mental Health Groups.

If you talk bad to people they will be bad, talk good and they respond well. Police Officers should offer information about the MET in terms of the good work done by Policemen and Women in the community, good work for the local people, and not all the statistics about misogyny, murders, drug barons and robbers. The BBC propagates bad news about all the atrocities around the World, if they reported more palatable items, the factions of Melita and terrorists would have no voice and would gradually fade out to no more atrocities around the globe.

When you stand in front of a speaker you will soon lose your hearing, wear sunglasses and save your eyes, if you walk where it is notorious for people, if you walk there time and time again you will meet some form of dis-demedina, so save yourself to be better during your life. Do not let anyone piss on your fire, because it is so better to be yourself, and this is key to live your own life.

If you dress well it is a really good tell, if you dress down it is like a Clown.


The individual can adopt the Introduction

Always be kind, courteous, respectful and considerate

Allow time and kindness with as much understanding as possible

Pay special attention for those less fortunate than you

Touch your neighbours

Keep contact with your family no matter what

If people are not right to you, they have had people not right to them, make allowances

With tone, body language and volume people can have it in their own head what to convey, but your experience can spin it a different way. First impressions are never right, it is only a snapshot, depending on your aspect at the time too. How often in amazing way you state (I never knew you did that and their estimation goes up a few notches)


Normally the are wooden, UPVC, or composite

They can be all sorts of hues and colourings

With locks, hinges, padlocks, hasps and staples

They can be almost gate like, some definitely locked

Then there is the terms ajar, and knocking on them

Opening them for the blessed tots on bonfire night

If rewarded for their efforts they show delight

For Christmas they are adored in wreaths some alight

Then there is the overseeing of the whole house lights

And what about the corridors of doors and doors

They open up, vinyl, tiled, wooden and carpet floors

There was a movie about scary monsters doors

And how the doors were travelling like roller-coasters

Not forgetting the once a day delivery by posties

For the birthday cards and first class deliveries

And the business terms of opening career doors

Never new how class ceilings cannot be door passed


It started in a small village called Hayborough

Where she swung on a mighty oak tree

One to high swing she fell off, no joke

She has always perceived as happy go lucky

But the move from cushy life Kirby Muxloe

When she cried that night in lots of woe

Because the move to Leicester was her first blow

But her and her bro were always good be fellows

She was shut out on a ledge of a coach house

She banged on the large glass window

And so cut her hand and stitches to sew

She went off to Lucy Clayton school for lady finishing

Not very sure it was relevant to her personally

Then she was swept off her feet

For in Indonesia Rocco she did meet

At nineteen she eloped with him to New York

Soon she was pregnant and baby was born

In a tiny flat she was baby blues torn

In total she had children three

But this wedding was not long to be

Then she met Gary and very well heeled was he

Plenty of arguments featured in parting of three

But my big sis told in her heart he would always be

And now she sleeps on her daughter's floor

And does not want any relationships any more


I am fed up to the teeth of it

The food malarkey is the nub of it

Yesterday's lunch was OK ish a bit

Come the evening, buffet went down in a fit

Just made me feel so well documented as shit

So today's decision is to consider whether to eat

And see how my body copes with it

And maybe I can have an evening that is not shit

It also frustrated me the days events

Asked office for my pool cue and I could not have from excuse

Asked them also for Paracetamol which materialised

However impressed on 2 members of staff and low had a bath


I went down to Southend yesterday to visit the subconscious mind fellow which I will come to later. Afterwards, I took the opportunity to go for a swim. I knew that low tide was about 1pm, so it was a bit hopeful. When I went in, it was ankle deep. Saw a fella way out further than me still only about thigh height. So headed that way and ended up joining him in kinda swimming and nattering. He was from Iraq, English wife, and Essex daughter, so we had a 10-15 min chat and both made our way back to shore and he went on his way. I stuck around a bit and had another swim, then tried to find something to eat to no avail, saw a Waitrose and went in and came out with a pesto kernel pasta, prawns and anchovies washed down with Golden Hen. Wasn't bad actually.

You know I have always heard you say how your mum treated you badly and doted on Uncle David, however, you and your dad had a special relationship. It is actually akin to Jacqueline's story, though very much exaggerated on her part.

A few things came out today, firstly admitting, although not difficult to part with Kayte, and well capable of looking after myself, I don't like being on my own. I also reckon 3 relationship failures have taken its toll, but that did not come out this afternoon.

I kinda blurted out a few things about my childhood as he asked. Started with Johnny and Oxbridge and how you pushed him initially but encouraged him all the way. And how dad helped Sally through maths O level. And the 2 little ones were perpetually treated like that. I could say you therefore favour Johnny and Dad favoured Sally. But overall that is not true. You had a very strong personal bond with me, and you told me dad once said I would do the best out of the kids.

My carrying “trauma” is that because I was never told or encouraged to work hard, and with older siblings in the limelight (Sally played piano as well) , I was worth it. Having said all that, I don't know how, but I never did much work at school at all and I still achieved 7 O levels, I think more than Sally. I did even less work in sixth form cos I only did it to avoid work. 7 different schools wasn't good for me, 3 changes back to back in senior school. I was the best in maths in every class I was in (ok, 1 or 2 on apar) and very good at art. I only got a C grade in maths, so I don't think exams were my best forte either, all the more remarkable I got any. They say that the top end of maths and art are very similar so who knows what might have been.

When I went from Anstey to Groby (2 of the 3 together), I went from bottom of all the years to top of a new 3 year middle school, i.e. 2nd year, new I take 1st year and no 3rd year. I had a great relationship with the headmaster (4 of his lads would play table tennis with us and I was the only one who could beat him). I also had turned a corner from bullying. So it was very buoyant. Then we flipping moves instead of me still top in year 3.

Anyway, this has affected me so much in adult life, to the good I have to say. I know that my brother worked damned hard for his exams all the way. And I know this is the root to success.

So Jodie came along, naturally studious and gifted in some ways, especially the written word. I remember a particular puzzle with pieces the size of pint mats in pubs. It was the alphabet, and Jodie did it in alphabet order “correctly”. It was given to Lauren and she started with the A and then instead of doing B next, she did the piece beneath it and her Mum said it was wrong (she was less than 2 I think) and I said, let her do it her own way, and sure enough she completed it. We all learn and work differently, does not mean some are necessarily worse than others, especially these days.

Anyway, to compound my own inadequacies, you informed me that you did not think that Lauren was A level material, me inferring gene line had followed down, and you continued devaluing. The thing is, I remembered my brother, so I told Lauren, if she worked hard she would achieve. I of course never passed on your remarks as this kind of language is rife in children's life and sets them back if they don't hear enough encouragement or perpetual negative things.

Both the girls went to 1 primary and a very good secondary school.

Lauren phoned me first with her A level results A, B, B (Jodie was B, B, B, think Jodie went off rails a bit unfortunately) and I had insider info on Liverpool uni sociology degrees and told her to contact them straight away (even though she had not applied there). She also told me that she could not have tried any harder when she achieved her degree.

I generally encourage people, whoever they are. My ex Jacqueline's work on the home Computer for her studies and I helped her with it. There are a lot of put downs in childhood from parents and teachers that they carry into adulthood, and some to the grave.

Just recently I have been told I am very good conveyor of information, very good listener, intelligent, articulate, tell interesting stories and to cap it all, a genius (bit over the top, but I took it, and remarkably I told the network meeting my career path and demonstrated my rubix cube and it was the Essex Area leader comment).

This just underlines to me that my education generally suffered and I know that I could have done so much better.

Anyway, apparently I have to offload this to repair my mind and body.

I will send Jonny something too because I have had repetitive dreams about remonstrating with him. So my subconscious mind has something to tell him.


It is good to have your house with curtains drawn and any other materials to block out sunlight. It can be better if you have a really dark bedroom and a less dark upstairs and. This can help on the basis, if you set your bedroom at night to be by Jet Black Cave, curtains drawn and any other materials to block out the night lights. Apply similarly to Dark Morning Cave (blocking out sunlight) and the Grey Day Cave (blocking out sunlight). If you stand next to a speaker for a period of time, you will go deaf, so when light is blocked out, it can benefit your skin because it does not have to deflect light, it is also very good for your eyes and any potential skin disorders. I think of these terms, Cavemen lived in caves that I suspect did not receive sunlight, so it is a very natural phenomenon.


I have a very wide range of health regimes that help my body maintain healthy ways, or I specialise in specific areas until that area is well. This is done every day of my life.


I feel very well balanced and have reached true enlightenment (this is because nothing fazes me or worries me), my day consists of doing things that I like doing.

Once upon a time I was prolific at writing letters, emailing and calling. This has totally changed now, I will only be reactive. I have changed my email address so no more unsolicited messages and changed my mobile number for similar reasons, now I can only be contacted by post (unless my mobile number has been given out, which is very selective) and I will only respond to a letter if appropriate.


If you can park on side streets with no parking regulations, or in say pubs or other premises that their car parks are not too full, then walk to where you want to go and you do not have to pay for parking.


It is very good to sort out things that are damp or wet before they become worse. If you use a small white bin instead of a large one (a lot of recycling helps with the volume of that) but if you dry tea bags and other foods before you place them in the small bin and even let that stand overnight in a cupboard.


If you only shower every three days and bath only once a month and wash up only once a day and only use enough water to boil the kettle i.e. if you are making tea - only fill it short of the top for milk to fit in it. This, over the course of time, reduces your utility bills. If you do not have any lights on anywhere in your house until dark this will obviously save electricity bills and you do not have to buy light bulbs.


It is good to air your clothes overnight (especially If you only shower every three days) and your bed covers during the day, and wear clothes for three days and your clean sheets once a month, if you sleep on your own.


When shopping do not buy more than you need, only buy for the number of people in your house and never any more than that, this will ensure minimal food wasted, and good for budgeting.


If you have loads of experience Medical and Dentist Information like scores of medical consultants and just as many different drugs, several visits to Dentist and you have your own way to sort your medical health, just do it.


When you go to sleep you are either on the right side or left side of the bed, when you have cups of tea or other beverages, it is a good idea to spread your weight by sitting on the other side for a month, turn your mattress round, now sit in the middle of the bed for the rest of that month, repeating this as longevity for the mattress.


It is a good idea to defrost your fridge on the last day of each month, this results in about an hour to defrost it. Let the plastic draws thaw (does not take long to defrost it in this way. Put all the frozen items in the fridge to keep them frozen, then just put them in the defrosted draws and turn the fridge back on.


I really would like to know from the Mental Health Team or knowledge from doctors, whether this behaviour is anywhere near typical of Frontal Lobe Dementia. Since well over a year has passed from the second Pet Scan, I suggest that another one could determine whether it has deteriorated, stayed the same, or improved. I add ways almost everyday.


As a teenager, I found it very easy to do the 3x3 rubik’s cube (quickest time 43 seconds), I have never known anyone else that can do it, except one of the consultants I saw, he had learnt it of YouTube, when I demonstrated it to him, he thought I was doing it wrong, I did the corners at the same time as the side pieces as much as I can and praised me for doing it that way. But I also solved the 4x4 cube, when I was nineteen in one day, I could and do these on most days. I also love snooker with a strong second pool, my highest break in snooker is 43 (same as the quickest time of 3x3 rubik’s cube). I have also written scores of poetry, and play my guitar attending mic nights, in the park or up at Ross Clock Tower.

A Police Investigator and a General Practitioner Once Remarked the Same Statement About Me, That I Was “Intelligent And Articulate”.


When I wake in the morning I have a walk before and after eating. On this walk I do several things, doing a full tree hug including all over the head (believing it will help all the brain especially the frontal lobe) and also do a swing, which I believe is good for the heart, body and soul. So these are done twice. Also when I wake in the morning I use a sort of pimple with a curved metal tool all over my head and a brush too (believing it will help all the brain especially the frontal lobe) , then I have a tea and do it again, I have two more teas and so it is done four times. With this hot tea, in a latte mug, I stroke the mug over much of my body including the frontal lobe. I also use ice cold bottles in the morning, all over including the Frontal Lobe. Everything is done like this every day.

I would like a full body medical check and any necessary scans, to prove or disprove that I have any kind of brain disorder at all.



Sunlight is essential for human health and well-being. The health benefits of sunlight include generating the production of vitamin D, supporting bone health, lowering blood pressure, preventing disease, and promoting good mental health

What are 5 benefits of the sun?

Image result for what are the benefits of the sun's rays

A Healthy Summer: 5 Benefits of Sun Exposure

The sun's light kills bacteria. Surprisingly enough, sunlight does kill bacteria! ...

Sunlight reduces your blood pressure. ...

Sun exposure reduces cancer risk. ...

The sun strengthens your bones. ...

Sunlight improves your sleep quality.

Is Sunlight Good for Your Hair: The Sun Will Prevent Hair Loss. Not only can the powerful sunlight help to stimulate and regrow hair follicles, but a little bit of sun exposure each day can actually prevent your hair from falling out. It's all about getting a good dose of nature. Here are 5 reasons why wild swimming can benefit your health as well as being a great


way to cool down and get in touch with nature.

Improves your Circulation. ...

Lose weight. ...

Benefits to your immune system. ...

Get a Natural high. ...

Improves your sex life.

Stimulates blood circulation. Going to a water body frequently is a great way to combat blood circulation problems. Physical activities, combined with the reduced gravitational effect of water bodies have helped stimulate your entire circulatory system.vitamin D.


Being exposed to wind can cause the outer layer of skin to dry out and weaken. The force of the wind can then make these dry, fragmented skin cells fall off. Losing some of that outer layer of skin reduces the sun-protective effects of the stratum corneum.

Wind can actually cause mini-knots in each individual hair strand.Whether your hair is thick or thin, curly or straight, gusts of wind are going to sap your hair of moisture, too. Increased friction is going to wear away at the cuticle and create damage.


The rubbing of the stone can create a sense of relaxation making the mind more relaxed and generating a sense of calmness. There are also people that may use them during meditation practises, this is known to centre a person's concentration benefiting the meditation.


Hugging a tree increases levels of hormone oxytocin. This hormone is responsible for feeling calm and emotional bonding. When hugging a tree, the hormones serotonin and dopamine make you feel happier. It is important to use this “free” space of a forest we were given by nature to holistically heal ourselves.`


The cool dew on your feet triggers temperature receptors that signal to your blood vessels near the surface to quickly constrict to avoid heat loss. Those blood vessels then relax to help bring warm blood to the skin's surface of your feet. Walking helps to magnify these effects.

Walking barefoot may also help improve the strength and flexibility of the muscles and ligaments of the foot which improves the function of the foot, reducing injuries of the foot, and improving posture and balance of the body. Walking barefoot on a clean and soft surface is perfectly fine.


Downstairs I have a four pint milk bottle to pee in and upstairs I have a green watering can to pee in, this is because I do not want my pee to go through the sewage system. So I use the pee in a full green watering can to “water” my front and back garden on alternate days and when I pee anywhere, say a pub or someone else's house I never flush the toilet.

My Carbon mind believes

“If the whole World adopted this way, just think of the amount of water that would be saved and how green the grass would be, after all all the animals in the world pee in their habitat and all sea creatures pee in the sea”


M: 07949 276 179


Perfect Toes bestow bloom bow

Perfect Feet, cos I know how to treat

Perfect Ankles play verdure bangles

Perfect Shins simple shape wins

Perfect knees haleness buzzing bees

Perfect Thighs wellbeing blue skies

Perfect Hips sails ocean ships

Perfect Chest healthiness muscular best

Perfect Back carrying body rack

Perfect Shoulders soldier so sublime

Perfect Arms proper prime charms

Perfect Hands no arthritic sands

Perfect Fingers lay fitness lingers

Perfect Nails health sea ships sail

Perfect Eyes whisper energy wise

Perfect Teeth weave summer wreaths

Perfect Face cosmetic boat race

Perfect Neck What the Yeck

Perfect Brain not on the mental train

Perfect Young brings bonny joy

Perfect Proportion proper promise pose


Jonathon has long since said the I am treated like a baby

Sally has never dis-respected me.

Uncle David, Mum has memories of him from a very young age, he has never been any problem for me or indeed Auntie Anne when seeing them in adult life with my family.

Dad, a penny has dropped about him, Mum has said he was good with us when young, I am not sure on this, but when he left to have his dinner in the study, I think Mum may have lead the conversation to us four about our school days and he could not be party to that, because he could not social contribute, or something like that ?

Christmas 2023

I left this party early, leaving a note and these are the reasons why.

“I cannot talk to two of you, I feel like the dwarves leaving Rivendell and sorry about the talc on the floor”

Helen, I was asked by her about if I had had my first tea, had breakfast yet and others without reply from me. Psychological reality is this is the sort of question a parent asks a child before they going to school, have you brushed your teeth, are your socks and shoes on …… so Mum “baby” to me, Helen “child” to me

Mother, I had a lovely first day playing dominoes, we reached 5-5 and played out the final game which I won.

On Christmas morning I was drinking Champagne and was in a happy place so do not remember too well.

I was told by mother, on several occasions, that I had lost the back do key culminating in a stern lean over me repeating this. Then she came back and told me she had found it under the fridge. Each time I answered that it was not me was too much.

She has said that it was lovely to have me at Christmas. When I remember her physically taking rice from me to cook it. Then I heard her state twice in quick succession “I detest it” in a menacing way. I have no idea who she was talking to, but I have heard it before myself. So where was the love in that?

She did ask me to come round to see Jodie, her bay and Alfie, I replied “no” and then she said she “would respect my answer”

Richard was the straw that broke the Camel's back. On Boxing Day eve we had a conversation about the fact that I support Leicester and Arsenal are my second team, he would not accept this and badgered me saying he supported several teams once and then different teams the second time. The following morning I arose thinking I cannot talk to him. I already thought about Mum for a long time and he reached that. I will not explain why, because I have had this sort of conversation several times and “twaddle” is how I deem it. Richard also stated “I fill in a bit here and now”, so no point in conversation, Mum has had a catalogue of these conservations.

Tom and Bella, as I said Christmas morning, are lovely young people, perhaps they are balanced on family life and have not yet had to balance adult life too much.


This is done for me and all I want from family members is to respect me as an adult who does not need any advice on how I live it, act it or about anything else.


Jonathon has long since said the I am treated like a baby

Sally has never dis-respected me.

Uncle David, Mum has memories of him from a very young age, he has never been any problem for me or indeed Auntie Anne when seeing them in adult life with my family.

Dad, a penny has dropped about him, Mum has said he was good with us when young, I am not sure on this, but when he left to have his dinner in the study, I think Mum may have lead the conversation to us four about our school days and he could not be party to that, because he could not social contribute, or something like that ?

Christmas 2023

I left this party early, leaving a note and these are the reasons why.

“I cannot talk to two of you, I feel like the dwarves leaving Rivendell and sorry about the talc on the floor”

Helen, I was asked by her about if I had had my first tea, had breakfast yet and others without reply from me. Psychological reality is this is the sort of question a parent asks a child before they going to school, have you brushed your teeth, are your socks and shoes on …… so Mum “baby” to me, Helen “child” to me

Mother, I had a lovely first day playing dominoes, we reached 5-5 and played out the final game which I won.

On Christmas morning I was drinking Champagne and was in a happy place so do not remember too well.

I was told by mother, on several occasions, that I had lost the back do key culminating in a stern lean over me repeating this. Then she came back and told me she had found it under the fridge. Each time I answered that it was not me was too much.

She has said that it was lovely to have me at Christmas. When I remember her physically taking rice from me to cook it. Then I heard her state twice in quick succession “I detest it” in a menacing way. I have no idea who she was talking to, but I have heard it before myself. So where was the love in that?

She did ask me to come round to see Jodie, her bay and Alfie, I replied “no” and then she said she “would respect my answer”

Richard was the straw that broke the Camel's back. On Boxing Day eve we had a conversation about the fact that I support Leicester and Arsenal are my second team, he would not accept this and badgered me saying he supported several teams once and then different teams the second time. The following morning I arose thinking I cannot talk to him. I already thought about Mum for a long time and he reached that. I will not explain why, because I have had this sort of conversation several times and “twaddle” is how I deem it. Richard also stated “I fill in a bit here and now”, so no point in conversation, Mum has had a catalogue of these conservations.

Tom and Bella, as I said Christmas morning, are lovely young people, perhaps they are balanced on family life and have not yet had to balance adult life too much.


This is done for me and all I want from family members is to respect me as an adult who does not need any advice on how I live it, act it or about anything else.


I have reached enlightened supremely

The place is peaceful and serene

Thoughts are well clear of the scene

My mind is completely empty for sure

And I think it started raining of with twaddle

Aiming at my brother in law, it is remarkable how I have reached this score, because my life is so much better, to the absolute letter

With no thoughts that would make me feel fraught, all gone like they ought

I love walking and exposed to the sun

Close to the river with shimmering fun

The twinkle stars of the mesmerising reflection of the sun flickering of the river

I will be out this afternoon for the Sun

To caress me with some kind of fun

I went out yesterday for a merry merry day

It was so sun sublime as double walk

In my shorts and air free sandles first

Then with my so well sturdy walking boots

Then pre and post after a lovely dinner

The day was such as fine winner

With sore sore sore back ribs

And I just know, walking will be trips

To aid my body and mind pips

The twinkle of the reflective winks of the sun

The glorious walks have so aided my ribs

Out for a grey windy day, I take it any day

The sun has lost its so warm rays

But the rushing wind so wraps away

To my body in the best possible way


I have reached enlightened supremely

The place is peaceful and serene

Thoughts are well clear of the scene

My mind is completely empty for sure

And I think it started raining of with twaddle

Aiming at my brother in law, it is remarkable how I have reached this score, because my life is so much better, to the absolute letter

With no thoughts that would make me feel fraught, all gone like they ought

I love walking and exposed to the sun

Close to the river with shimmering fun

The twinkle stars of the mesmerising reflection of the sun flickering of the river

I will be out this afternoon for the Sun

To caress me with some kind of fun

I went out yesterday for a merry merry day

It was so sun sublime as double walk

In my shorts and air free sandles first

Then with my so well sturdy walking boots

Then pre and post after a lovely dinner

The day was such as fine winner

With sore sore sore back ribs

And I just know, walking will be trips

To aid my body and mind pips

The twinkle of the reflective winks of the sun

The glorious walks have so aided my ribs

Out for a grey windy day, I take it any day

The sun has lost its so warm rays

But the rushing wind so wraps away

To my body in the best possible way


Sars is such propaganda nonsense

I reckon it is spun for monies

So the economy springs does not spring up

All the nonsense of the cleansing

At all points of the day

It is flu like symptoms

So why all the exposure

When it is not needed for closure

To have to wash your hands all day

And wear a mask over your face

So the virus has no virtual trace

Propaganda gathers plenty apace

It stirs up panic in the human race

No one has shown any form of grace

Oh the state of the art television in any case

The council have lettered rubish

What a waste of council tax money

On a park venture for sun rays

I could not believe my weary ears

A police woman sent me on my way

Because it was part of the Sars way

You cannot sunbathe for rules today

So I moved on and sun some more rays

Next time they can arrest me another day

If it was let be it would be a natural cull

Once a Doctor friend was kind to the elderly

I want the stars to take me to heaven

Cos I feel so wretched retched with alarm

My life does not have any charm

I just wish I could not come to any harm

So this wretched feeling so harmed

Like a snake in a basket that is charmed

Then I could be placed in tomb embalmed


If you buy some bulk items, like milk or a joints, put one 4 pint milk in the freezer and a joint, then when you need them take out in plenty of time for them to thaw, this has two benefits, freezer is not used so much, and bulk buying you save costs too, if you have a smaller fridge this uses less electricity too, so tick the box of carbon and well done. De-freeze your fridge every month, to make it more efficient on the usage of Electricity.

Charge your mobile when you wake up in the morning so you can monitor it to charge exactly.

To save on the Electricity usage you should not use lights in the house or street lights when they are not necessary, turn off all electrical sockets at home and in the office, with the exception of fridges and boilers. Do not use a dryer for your clothes, shake them from the base of the clothing and hang as much as possible, but shirts and t-shirts must be hung on coat hangers. Only have the electrical plug switched on when the equipment is needed. Also, only use the kettle filled with the item volume you want to boil. If you have fruit drinks, make two at a time and save the second one for next day, saving on electric, if you are cooking with electric plates or the electric oven, turn them off when the eclectic plates are boiling, then they still will be boiling and will come to a simmer, for the oven, just before everything is cooked, turn the oven off and you will have saved more electricity.

Saving on the Gas supply, only washing up once a day, do not put heating on in the house or office, wear sufficient clothing. Spoil yourself and have a bath once a month, minimising use of the Gas boiler. Or turn off your Gas boiler totally and boil water for washing up, but obviously not if you have a gas cooker, and it is conditional to have an electric shower.

This has tremendous Carbon benefits contributing to the less impact on the Tipping Points.

Lots of the above are little things, but If you do little things all the time, it can save you doing “big” things just as acorns grow into Oak Trees, or stop problems from happening, like a life jacket saves from the cold and just like this little thing, it is another recommendation for a better life.

If you contacted the Electric Power Companies to inform them that the Electrical Grid should be shut between 1am and 5pm, if mirrored around the World, nocturnal animals will be able to live in complete darkness and the carbon footprint for Electricity would reduce dramatically.

Domestic, supermarket, business, restaurants and all other operations that use fridge freezers or freezers, their contents would definitely recover the four hour slot of their contents.

This idea should be advertised on television and on billboards so the general population will adopt the idea and it is paramount that the carbon footprint message is included.

It is well known that a few people will understand the message straight away, most will have to hear or see it several times to let it sink in, and a small minority will never want to adopt it.

This would save Electricity hours as 4 hours a night, 28 a week, 121.24 a month and 1,454.88 a year. This is per household, and if applied across the UK and the World a massive carbon footprint would be saved.

The top users of Electricity use at night are as follows:

Street Lights

Security Lights

Offices or Shops that keep lights on

Road lights

Park Lights

Christmas Garden Lights

House Lights

Building Lights

Supermarket lights

And any other users that have their lights on unnecessarily

Church steeples are lit up and the top tower comes on first and then the supporting structure

Welsh Water works in the car park at Ross Park, had a cabin light on and the work area all lit up.

All these examples are a waste of electricity and should not be allowed to happen to reduce the carbon footprint. It also is not the best environment for nocturnal animals, birds and insects, anything benefitting the natural World is paramount


I visited Southend for work and to swim because it was warm. The tide was out. So I walked along the beach side. I decided to jump up on the wall (you need to connect to your childhood for the best fun). I traversed a couple of beach entrants and suddenly below my feet I saw a mobile mostly sticking out of the sand. In motion of retrieving it, I pondered for a while , but as I righted myself, I saw a beach side restaurant which I entered. At the bar where there were 2 guys, the taller haired guy started pouring a drink and then a light haired guy came to me and I spilled my story (not the beer) to him. He immediately said that it looked like “Davies” phone and took it out and dialled the number and amazingly it rang.

Later, on the return from the Peer walk another situation occurred where I saw a special needs person with some paper clasped in his hand being ushered to the car by two carers, during the ushering, the special needs person dropped the paper, it turned out to be a five pound note and I handed it to the carer.


When you go to the park and lay your head

Close your eyes for a potential surprise

Open your ears, it may disappear your fears

Hear the feet of people just walking

And of course some of them are taking

Then you can hear the birds chirping

The dogs incessantly ball barking walk in the park

I went to it when it was oh so dark

Listening to music like a lovely harp

Then suddenly a shove that was a little sharp

On rising and shocked there came a shove

That was to strong for sure it was so dier

A blow from no-one, it was soft for sure

A kindly couple of gents put their ore in

A decision to make a flight or fight

Me to take flight with all my power might

So this gang could no longer feast on the plight

It was not the end of that terrible night

My flight turned to wishing to go home

For there were no roads to be known

After age the police cars are shown

I eventually managed to persuade them home

Then the final chapter of this tail

All is well and we all set out are own trials


If the World changed the way they answer telephone calls it would be a much better place, instead of the inane music or multiple repeated messages, customers would be much happier, it is obvious that these two elements should be scrapped. The Hereford Council Grant department has direct calls to them, I think this model should be applied across the Council and proliferated around all businesses and organisations so these procedures were adopted. I think this model should be applied across the Council and proliferated around all businesses and organisations so these procedures were adopted. And I think a computer system should be programmable so that one main office should have one telephone number, but the software would enable internal numbers to that, so the number 01234 567 189 then the first internal number would be 01234 567 189 001. then 002, then 003 and there would be 999 staff numbers available, if you started with 0001, 0002, 0003 there would 1000 staff numbers and so on, this would reduce the telephone number system, which is probably well saturated by now. I have discussed with other people and they are all fed up with and I stress it too about inane music and repeated messages, I moved my bank account from Halifax to Lloyds simply because Lloyds are in Ross and I can walk in there, the Halifax was in Hereford and when I call them, they pass me through several colleagues.


The banking World just simply has to change, recent experience with Lloyds has driven this, a new card without a pin and to top it all. It requires you to sign the back of the card, when the cheque has long gone. When you go to Lloyds the Bank Manager will not accept opening a bank account and cannot receive a statement of an account to open, instead they have to book an appointment for one hour and 45 five minutes. When you visit Lloyds website, it is for an application , firstly it tells you it would be 14 days, then the account was not accepted, and after all that the system tells you that it is accepted, when you go back lloyds to verify this the teller takes your identification and returns with “the account is abandoned.” Still this bank is well away from good customer service, I had a text to say there was a fraud transaction at 4am in the morning, I was on the phone for 20 mins and spoke to them, then I was told I would be put through to the fraud team and I hung up the phone after waiting another 19 mins, to top it all they actually called back but cut of before they finished just the first couple a verification topics.

Both Halifax and Lloyds, keep you “Hanging on the phone”, because you keep hearing the message for around 10-20 minute call time, how good would it be if the message was “Thank You for calling you are in our cue system, I will come back to you each time you move up” There are a multinational banks and perhaps they could consider employing more staff to manage the answering service.

I have received a letter from Lloyds Bank to change my balance from what it is to 1,500 pounds, this is ridiculous, I am on Universal Credit with a fixed amount. The problem can be sorted easily, all you would have to do is a computer programme line with if the account has Universal Credit on it, or any other financial payer the Government do, providing it is less than 1,500 pounds, then don't send this letter out. The Bank would save money on paper and printer ink, no post would be wasted on mail and they will have happier customer, there are also the costs of transport, the Post Office vans could reduce, so the green and carbon boxes are clearly ticked hear, If Lloyds Banks across the United Kingdom and overseas it would be so beneficial, and if across the whole globe of banking what a better World it would be.


Mrs Mac with kittens from our black and white cat

Brilliant buster the dog, well fancy that

Housing on holiday, burying sand and cavalier hat

Katie dog has her pups, yet another fancy that

Billy the budgie was let free, and again then he went

Freedom for the bird, but he would undoubtedly be spent

Good old mate Daryl, he was almost to me a brother

Unlike my hardworking brother, Bob Marley & Pink Floyd who did not bother

Then there was my now advocate sister, who at the time was something other

Sister Sally, school year apart, our shared male and female friends

That kind of features my early soft childhood as it stood and ends

And good night for now, for it is sleep is something I intend

And I sincerely do not want to cause anything to offend

I am back now in the morning and feel really bad unfortunately

But have to complete this because it is my destiny

Thirteenth birthday Grandmother Sex Pistols

Three summer trips to Indonesia for superb holidaying

And Christmas cracking on the beach playing

About this time I was forty three seconds rubix cubing

And remember the fourth school in a row,

Top of the class in the first maths testing, attesting mathematics

And then the Saudi Arabian pool swimming and pool playing

Then it was time to consider the career I was intending

It started with Fisher Controls bought ledgering

Bluet Smith accounting and Carter Parrot computing

And Bowker Orford career comfortably achieving

Then recruitment for gaming managers

And JPA for seriously magnificent payments

Then Popress Limited Office Manager easily

And the astounding set up of Averkey Locksmithing

Godda change this story now, can't take life anymore

I just feel so desperately desperately ill, a life I abhor

I cannot pretend any more, would love to live my life,

Publishing these poems with laudable praising and no strife

Lifestyle that could come with such success, so sublime

And even live the life of Personal Manager for APAS Just In Time

Could be a life so achievable, but it cannot be for me, because

Time has come to depart this earth, just how I can achieve it

I just cannot fathom how to successfully I can complete it

But I just know now no food can be tolerated and I don't want

The life where I just die slowly over weeks like an anorexic would

My mouth is so dry, dry, dry, dry, dry, dry, dry, dry, dry, dry, dry, dry

Perhaps these poems can be published posthumously

and like some in history, not known at their era

But lorded as geniuses over the course of time

So dead I am, so dead I am, so dead I am

I kinda feel sick inside, and am definitely sick of life

I have just tried to make my deathbed more comfortable

I have spent the last few days, was watching Peaky Blinders last eve

Drinking as I am now honey teas fuck them as in general about here

Kevin interrupted last night and we had a take away pizza

That I thought went down OK, not knowing the in the morning in such dismay

I am certainly not OK, I am absolutely not OK, I am terribly not ok

There is no jollity, there is no jollity, there is no jollity

What will my mother feel for her son to be in such turmoil

It would certainly help burn the midnight oil

Perhaps if I really think I can turn over the foil

To try and make the lines rhyme if possible I just feel so shit by a mount intensely

I have just gone back over the poem feasibly

There just in not any one I want to be

That is different in time what I used to be

Because it is distinct from "I don't want to be anyone else"

Which was always my mantra, I am not sure what I mean

It is because I just don't want anyone or anything now

Because my life is unquestionably worth jot I see

Because I am in such dire straits physically

And up shit creek without a doubt emotionally

Just can't see my life ahead, just can't see my life ahead

And of course like everything else I do have heavy head

Even though trying my hardest on already mentioned death bed

There is a guy up the corridor that moans in pain sounding "dead"

Guy next to me shouts and shouts and shouts hurting my head

I really do feel dead, I really do feel dead, I really do feel dead

Know now no food can pass down this sordid throat, it does not float

I wonder how many people in the world has spent their last days

Playing out prose to help the dying process, be less "dying"

There was a time in my life my dreams where of flying

If only I could live that dream now, it might have life loving

Think that is now all I can say, now think that is all I can say

Definitely don't want another day, definitely don't want another day

Don't want any family or kin to be in dismay, just understanding

I just can't live this way, I just can't live this way, I just can't live this way

Perhaps if staff here where understanding my plight

It will summon up in me, possibly a form of me a fight

And would it end in Angel Delight, and would it end in Angel Delight

Just remember, been feeling sick constantly now, guess norsious

Though I have never been physically sick since any diagnosis

Nor any cold, flu or any other virus of any kind, so very strong immune system

Positive thought process that simply does not register in this pain sodden brain

The pain in my stomach is so excruciating now, don't think I can take anything

Just done double toxic straight tea, abandoning honey teas for now

Simply know that water is most important for your cells

Actually hopefully bottle of water from last night pizza delivery

Mother is due in a couple of hours and sure she will be sour

Gayle the OT lady knocked the door, giving me some info re Ross

Asked me how I was and told, she said "well, thanks for opening the door"

And said she was not back till New Year, and for me to have a good one

Sick to the teeth of staff here, documented so many times how bad I am

Given up on asking for a much needed bath, because an excuse would come

Told staff I am Pier that does not care, not Peter that cries more than once

Tried the water and it went down quite badly, hope the tea goes down better

Know I did not shower yesterday, don't know if today, cos simply in bad way

I certainly grant my mother & sister to act as Power of Attorney regarding my health in any way they see fit, because I am past pleading anymore

Don't know how I will fair today, trying tea to start the day?


I sat on a marble foyer table

It was unbelievable what was to occur

My keys were in my back left hand pocket

And relief was certainly well rocketed

So we made it back to my mother's home

Who made a good lunch, and lovely supper

Then the final chapter of this tail

All is well and we all set out are own way home

Finally back at my house now

My sister after a long while turned up with smile


Like a bundle of joy in here with her red hair and red glasses

Adding colour everywhere in her velvet turquoise dress and green shoes and a hat suit her best

The way she looks at me is just so sweet

Her perfect voice just radiates around everywhere

The Lady seems to belie her years and she shines herself with cheers

I have been out in the rain, with my hood and she makes me feel so good and serene inside which is so boon

She is so bony and virtuous and so delicious with her perfect lips

The way she slightly sway in the most beguiling vocal dulcet tones

The music gently massages her bones, and reaches the part that she must know

The lady emanates with such a glow and makes me feel so warm inside

This feeling I cannot hide, the flame that must be you also rides in me

When she sings there could be angels

There adulation of the clapping hands

But unfortunately, I wrote her this poem and let her have a copy. The next thing I knew was the Police came knocking on my door with my poem in their hands, they warned me not to approach her, did it gently once, but it was a waste of my time.


All medical staff would be required to be retrained across all departments including actual health and computer operation re-training and management training for staff at all levels.

Of my experience that is outlined below, I reckon that the Health Service would benefit if all the different departments shared a common database, ie the Ambulance Service, GP Practises, Hospitals, Hospices, Outpatients numerous consultants and medics and paramedics and even Dentists and Opticians and Chemists, they should only allowed to share common data for lowest type of staff, then as your grade rises for individual departments it would be granted upwards for that and then a further grade for senior consultants to share between common departments. This would require a sea change in mindset and the computer companies would need to change their habits.

If you go to the doctors with a medical problem that requires a visit to Hospital, you first have to tell reception on your arrival, perhaps see the triage nurse fairly soon, then a long wait in A&E to see the consultant, you may have blood taken in the interim, this means you will have had five conversations about your medical problem (GP, Reception, Triage, Bloods and Consultant) repeating yourself each time. If you phone the Ambulance service, you tell them and then the Ambulance Staff, on arrival at hospital you go straight to Triage, then Bloods and finally the consultant. If the Doctor sent an email to the Hospital consultant and let the patient have a copy to take to Hospital for guarantee reasons and the Ambulance Staff emailed and copy too, then the wait in A&E would not be required and the Triage Nurse would not be either.

All medical staff would be required to be retrained across all departments including actual health and computer operation re-training and management training for staff at all levels.

There was a time when I was prolific at calling Ambulances, I called forty times. It was appalling. My vitals were always top notch.It was a warning Medics would tell me not to worry about them calling. It was a worry for me. It was like dawn. Double edged sword because they were in a vice I was in Chelmsford and I sought my Doctor's advice. But all he did was set off an alarm bell. This was shocking but on the other hand he did say “I was articulate and intelligent” and really quite well. Then I moved to Ross on Why and started to see Doctors in the Alton Street Practice. The fire alarm bell went off disturbing Medical Consultants that included “Rheumatology”, “Neurology”, the famous Charles Bell. And the specialist “Gastroenterologist” Serious conditions are not always detected when there is no sign of a blood cell.Along with all this time I had medication for nerves, stomach, pain and anxiety, I just had to YELL at appointments to see several consultants to describe them as different areas of the brain. The spell in the Stonebow unit in Hereford I went by train and was never good for me in terms of restrictions.


Have a power shower

That can easily last for an hour

With ice cold and hot in turns

Up to five times a day helps me flower

Lathering soap all over my muscular body

Massaging could be for hours and hours

Trips through the countryside also lasts for hours

The sun and basking my body all over

Whilst I was bent on looking for a four leaf clover

The skinny dipping wishing to last forever

Gently massaging my body all over

Then when I am in that power shower

Gently massaging my body soapy lathering

Then fan vibrates muscular power

Then the river dive in particular

Just invites so spectacularly

The Pilates style is so spectacular

Rotations and stretches all over

With floor exercising regularly

Stretches working so methodically

The river running such a torrent

It was at times it kept me buoyant

The fan has special attention

As it rotates all over my body

With special hand and feet attention

Circular moves are worth a mention

Sometimes I have ice cream confection

The pub night is visited for personal satisfaction

Because of the patron interaction

Not a hint of any infraction

I thought the second day was worth attention

The soft roar of the running tide

When too strong I have to swim and hide

The sprinkling fall of the yellow brown leaves

The wind caressing according to form

The swans ducking here and there

The fisherman angling without a care

Water bottle massaging all over

It is such a glorious day

The sun does more than hit "hip hip hooray"

How can you not like every little bit of it


Thinking about things helps your mind process the day's events.


The sun never rises or sets in the same place, so this alone means that the weather is different every day.


You can see amazing weather shows that you will never see again, like low clouds nestling in against tree lines, or shafts like pink clouds across the blue morning sky.


It takes two people to argue, neither is right or wrong, it only changes if one person changes their viewpoint to accommodate the other person's view, like arguing about a bike ride around a lake when the parties split and arrived at the end at different times.


If people have thoughts that they cannot let go, like childhood events or other life stresses, then they will never be happy.


Normal skin cuts can heal very well if left alone to air without any cover. Also, if you clean cuts they become less sore.


Twaddle was a word that came to me to tell a family member that they were talking rubbish, this led me to quote Twaddle myself when wrong thoughts were in my head, and eventually led to total enlightenment. One better, now I name these thoughts, beginning with FISHY, so fishy firm, fishy affair, and fishy female. This sorts me out physiologically.


Once upon a time there were plastic and metal barriers and other rubbish around the large parking area and pump station of my housing estate. So on a daily basis I moved this rubbish out of sight where fencing hid it from my view, eventually a JCB forklift truck came and took it all away. In the same large parking area, my landlord arranged to have two parking signs put up, because sewage collection lorries need to turn to enter the pump station area. I noticed cars still parking there and notified the landlord about this. Some time later, a painting road crew came along and painted a yellow junction box there, the same as the traffic light with no entry boxes.


Last summer, I was walking back to my house and as approached it I dropped my key down a sewer drain, I went to the agent on my housing estate and they arranged for workman to come and help, one of the sewage lorries came along to suck up most of the water, then they used many implements to finish that off and finally (8 workers in all) used a spirit level with a magnet to recover my key.


I have seven ornament elephants on my banister, two black, one silver, one wooden and three golden Indian dressed ones. On occasion I have a light show with them casting their shadows against the stair walls.


On one of my window sills, I have an assortment of mostly green and white antique bottles with seven candlesticks, 5 red tea light candles, and several other candles. I light them occasionally and sometimes a few less for an evening meal.


For the winter season (21/09-21/03) I have towels trapped in my windows with thermal curtains to minimise heat loss in my house. It also has two of its four walls with another house against them. I never have to have the heating on for this and I take down the towels for the summer season (21/03-21/09).


Walking on green grass for your feet to be great

Walking in the shadows and sun intermittently flashes your feet making them feel up beat

Use an ice-cold water bottle to massage your feet will help treat problems

You can cover up your arches with masking tape up using different types of plant leaves working with ease.

When you tree hug, stand backwards and tap your soul on the bark a few times, then tap or stroke the arch of your foot on the bark

A blue torpedo scrubber for even better results, particular on soles of feet for rubbing out cracks and diseases

Steep them in a concoction of lemon and lime, red and white cider and salt solution for a real solution to have sweet feet

Exercise your feet in the air (25 reps at a time) by stretching them out flat, moving side to side, then curling down the toes, and then curling up the down followed by flexing your knee to arch the feet too (50 reps)

Change your shoes and socks, even cut socks, if you want to think out of the box

If you are boiling something on the cooker, if you place a board on the floor, put the pan on it and move your feet over the steam for a cream result

Exercise your feet in water by kicking your feet horizontally or kicking plants in the water to relieve the torcher.

On rocks, curling your toes around the edge of the rock, for your feet to have a treat

Putting feet in talcum powder for a real treat

Use your soles and arches to Kissing cold tiles around the bath and your feet could walk for miles

Swinging flexing your feet in the air and you feet will be singing

Standing in water flexing them too so they will be very well standing

Flexing feet in a warm bath under the cold tap for them to be amazing

Drag your arches on your bed for sensation on marches

Massage garlic all over feet and it helps stop ageing

Wrap plasters around any area of the feet for days and they end up in very good ways because dirt was the main culprit, and this would keep them clean. Heeled came from the Heel, because that was the most injured part of the Feet and would take ages to Heel.

Any red part or dirt/black wounds, Sudafed the area, then talc over the area and then plaster over it and leave for a couple of days for cured results.

It is so emotive that I look after my feet and it helps me live in an upper mind well.









What about the Sunday Roast

The gravy has to be best to boast

What about the pizzas in their clay ovens

Perhaps the gluten free base were the heavens

What about the salad salads and fruit salads

All the meats, chicken, pork, beef and duck mallards

Smoked salmon rolling cream cheese filled

Pepper above salt should be milled

The sandwiches and tortilla wraps fillings

Curries with garlic, ginger, onion and spices

Fairy cakes, ice-Creams , jellies and ices

All the fruit and veg prepared can be a delight

And the insidious Angel Delight, a fright

Stir fries and pasta dishes with special sauces

Mid afternoon tea in china cups and saucers

Probably could not be scribed by Chaucer

Or indeed penned anybody or authors

Soups, stews, casseroles and broths

Any cooking or spills cleared up with cloths

All washed down with beer, wine or water

Prepared by some bars and pubs on water

Plenty of other establishments by rivers

With mother, father, sons and daughters

Aunt and uncles, grandpas and grandmas


I am master of my own Meditation

I am widely in charge of my own World

Master of my own Mind and body Health Guru

Let the light shine on it

Perfect brain not on the mental train

Perfect feet because I know how to treat

I gain more capabilities

Clear minded

Full capacity

Totally enlightened

See no sour

Speak no sour

Silence any sour

The glass is always full

Every last drop

See the big picture

Think outside of the box

Matter of fact

Happy chappy

Always look on the bright side of life

I want a winter day way

Perfect young boy brining body joy


Peace simple gesture with cupped hands

Tranquillity turquoise angel rising majestically to the stars

Harmony and melody mystical magical music

Serenity golden goddess silhouetted by the evening sun in a naked negligee

Morgan “May all the angels guard you in the night”

Calm sending blood all over the body

Composure standing in good stead

Happiness and jollity

Motion for anyone of devotion

Solace is just is a magical space

Well being is rolling over in the deepest night, cuddling you lover

Laced with gold and just so ace

Sally never blaspheming me

Sharing friends at school, playing snooker with Beth

Brian West just simply the Scotties best

Copper and doctor "intelligent and articulate"

Loyalty is a true legend

Forest of fiery red yellow and orange like walking into a furnace

Sensing the sun swapping the skin all over

Rolling duvet from feet up to the neck with feeling

Staccato eye darting across sunken lights

My lovely tree has such glee to me it is perfect in green form and the evening sun bathing thee

Another grey shroud would be above my lovely tree

The perfect green tree shaped and the sun piercing its heart

Blue wisps and white cotton buds all around, adorning in greys blues and white around it all lit up in brilliant green by sunlight

Shaded all in blue surrounding such a lovely tree for another delight

Just plain with a blanket of grey and white fluffy clouds bathing it

On an autumn walk, the wind swallowing round a flock of pigeons and white doves birds feeding on the ploughed field, all these sights were not absorbed.

The lovely young tree in a circle of perfect red leaves.

My lovely tree with golden autumn leaves.