All the things I like doing are torn apart and in ruin

Snooker was the tip top 43 break I liked best doing

In terms of solely just me on my own just enjoying 

Of course the Rubix cube in 43 seconds was amazing

The early relation folly of Edinburgh fireworks jolly

And perhaps some rainy day without blowing windy

The rain forests of Indonesia where without doubt fine

Buster, Katie, Hugo, and Larry doggies 

And lots of happy family growing up times

The 80th birthday in America was funny with joy

The life could have been bonny and shined

But in the end all of this has been called on time

And the end of it all is most definitely un-sublime

My life is in tatters and so does any of this matter

I have soaked in the bath and just can't believe it

I feel so shit my life is definitely not worth living

Watching Match of the Day and wonder if I will make another day

My mum has called and I will not call back, a fact

Crisis team are due to call and that does not matter to me at all

Quite absolutely my life is not worth living anymore 

Wish I could execute and make death part of my life worth it's 

I feel like a volcano that cannot perform its stupendous eruptions 

A cartwheel that just so not managed and mangled 

A Rubix cube that is totally unsolvable in complexity

An unnerving feeling that I can't have anyone next to me

Because I don't have any sense of want to be

Because I cannot ingest food of any value to me

Can't believe my life that has come to be

And living it from now I just can't see

Let alone any point in the future in years 

The only option is to end it in tears

Perhaps there won't be any more beers

For the dread, wanting and terrible fears

It has certainly gone on for to many years

I just can't help feeling that my death in pending 

And sense that it definitely the ending

And where I will end up has no bearing

For the wrench of my heart and mind fearing

And life is certainly not worth living

And at Christmas there was no giving

And now it is sure and no way thanks giving 

There is a terror of ingesting any fodder

Because all it will do is make me feel so much odder

I just feel the dice have been cast and meeting the maker is even nearer

Not that this man is no way religious, quite obviously that was clear

And he categorically would not shoot any bear or deer

And also for the meek and mild he would treat quite dear

And always would heartily cheer, for anyone to hear


My mouth is being rinsed with heavy salt power

It feels like it is totally on fire

It could be used to light anything pure

If there is anyone anyone out to enquire

They could do it every single day of every hour

I just hope this salt will let me be supreme

Even at night I might have a good dream

Hoping my body will fight like a team

It as never be like me for any sort of scream

But what for the lovely hot day ice-cream

I have never been to anyone so mean

I am never one to think the other side is green

I don't understand why people are not lean

It is not always best to urinate in a latrine

Nor not to defecate after a dinner so supreme

Do not let any army have a gun machine

Don't anyone dare to insult the Queen

Just had a relieving Magnum chocolate ice cream


Seriously simply cheap gold

A purest amber to behold

Little lady Welsh fair old

Stories when into fold

Needle piercing pinching

Touch of vein wincing 

Circular/jagged lighting 

Washing machine tumbling

Damn sore neck assuming 

Lovely bonny shine smiling

Articular lorries nudge close 

Tragic London far more dose

No room for figure of ghost 

Hunger for some light most

Deem not life for much more

Because of pain I so abhor

Passing cuisine not to adore 

Emotions glided through door

Water flowing veined tube

Dye infusing to show lube

Water flowing veined tube 

Owner obviously Rubix cube

I this the last breath for he

Or will the perfumed tea

Pass the afflicted poor me

Not one help offered thee

The passing must surely be

For the final transfer body

Will be passing for hobby

It has happened forever

Life will end so clever 

The only answer deemed

Life was treasure cream

For a life I pressed dreamed

Oh so it was never achieved 

Perhaps it is time passing 

I will be dead that is lasting

For I yearn so tragically 

Will this be so yearned end

Will not pass anyone to send 

Any body regarding tend

Never wanted any pretend

Let your sole respect any of thee

Just how you would lovely see 

How I would dye for you to be

For the people I have touch

Are the meek forever that I trust

Are the popular people I must

Lend a helping hand not cussed

For such a fine moral teacher

Would not leave any of each

It is not right to preach 

In this way they can reach 

The best, not to impeach 

Don't let anyone not reach

Help the centuries human kind

You can help the complicated mind

Atonement you will find

Questioned where travelling found

Love the musically Jenna sound 

Perfect human to glorious behold 

Happy to engage of she flowed 

Perhaps life is worthy bestowed

For the story I must tell) 

In whisper and not yell

Weather heaven or hell

Do I hear the death knell


Helicopter blades float to the ground

Some bobbing in whirls, no  sound

Red, orange, yellow, brown and green

Their World is a true pleasure to be seen

Floating meandering as they follow the stream

Rolling and swerving in a windy street

Dense rustling as you move your feet

Skeletons revealed in glorious sunlight

In the end they take a swirling final flight

Earthly creatures feast on their plight

Building a small mound with all their might


It is severity pain, it is

Is it real within, it is

Referrals attest not 

Prescriptions help not

CT scanners show not

Stone bow is a waist, it is

Could severity look inward, it could

Find an answer for it, it could

The pain is receding it will 

So severity is well, it is

Leading life so well could be

Severity is not in pain, it is not

It now does not matter, it does not

It maketh the man it does

Leading the life deserved to be, it will

Not any forms to ill will within they not

It would be for all to see, it will

Calmness, serenity and peace to be

Still waters run through and cleansed, it has

The sunset of pain goes down at last, it does

Everything all at peace, it is 

For all to see so plainly, it does


Have had some food today which went down lead balloons

Some of my kin are buffoons a clown with balloons

To blame my condition of alcohol 

This is an explanation monumental

Because it has not been told or understood 

This past week or so, I have been dire

Waking up and feeling this low

Then meal times just adds to woes 

But the alcohol and tally how last night 

Was a surprising festive delight

Just wishes that it would all be right

I wish to be someone that enjoys food, and last night it came to pass

The Christmas Dinner was passable 

And the entire affair was just simply enjoyable

But no alcohol will any more consumed 

To quell the torment that I constantly abhor 

I do doubt that the tide will not turn, only if in an urn

And it seems that I am taciturn

Because my brain is trained on pain

My life is just such stressful drain

No wonder the alcohol was entertaining 

Drugs and referrals never reaching

So medical staff cannot be impeaching


I feel like I should be thrown out with the bath water

There is no help for me on this planet like it ought to

I Feel like the merry had a little lamb sordidly off to slaughter

Never met any fine filly worthy of me for pro

Has no proper contact with my daughters

Never felt like I benefited from all but one teacher called Mr Cooper

I will always play and be kind to any animal or creatures

Except pesky files, ants and wasps that can bet torture

The cloud over run, buzzing and stinging tormenting

Special place for the spider , that weaved her web

Spinning the tormenting and  ingesting tasty in side her

Was back in the day enjoying summer days with scrumpy and cider

Really feel I am living through the grinder

Feel so dead, I would living through the mill and grinder

Feel so dead I would one last trip in a soaring glider

To take me away from this dirty pain to fire and cinder

Making sure lots of wood and dry grass as tinder

And let no-one on earth or celestial have any hint to hinder

For my life I lead has to be cut away, buy some magnificent blinder


Pebbles rolling back and forth

In the sea lapping the land froth

Parts of shells bleached white

So they no longer smell

The candy whisps they sell

The donkeys walking playing their bell

Perhaps there might be a wishing well

The fish and chips that go down so well

Or even a pirate ship with a bandit cell

All the young girls and boys feeling well

The ice-cream parlours that sell so well

The seagulls squawking there yell

Postcards sent home of news to tell

From the overall sense of well being


The festival night last eve was jolly and fabulous

 A popping bottle of Champagne

How mix of men and women behave

Twenty something spanning to eighties

Some of them deemed to be deities

Other in panic and certainly frantic

The atmosphere gloriously fantastic

Spinning leaves for green orange and yellow

Depending on the narration of the fellow

The free timing elation was true to behold

When the opportunity would unfold

To progress their cause gaining colour

With some gravity and opposite candour

The winning post appearing so near

Another narration of the fellow

As to win, for all to be challenged

The winners would have to call

The win was called in finale

A repeat mixed up different crews

The target now was still not to lose

Even though half  this time, like football

It kinda turned out the spoils where shared

All concerned where happily contented

Because no jibe was intended

The hilarity reached was so splendid

Unsure nervously tempted

Some earnestly spoken so well

So their kin could answer and tell

The progression finished with a bell

One who's the nervous one

Another who was the queen of the snow

One who checked authority over all

One who was assured of vocal song

Young gun supplying amber nectar

And the bell ringer on occasion was drunk

The host of this scribe happy jive life joy

And the occasion was true living

Because really it is giving, but not presents

The Christmas Dinner was passable

And the entire affair was just simply enjoyable

But no alcohol will any more consumed

To quell the torment that I constantly abhor

I do doubt that the tide will not turn, only if in an urn

And it seems that I am taciturn

Because my brain is trained on pain

My life is just such stressful drain

No wonder the alcohol was entertaining

Drugs and referrals never reaching

So medical staff cannot be impeaching


I simply and regrettably just don't want this day

In my bed this so bad man just wants to lay

He remembers Banda Arche circlet bay

The golden sand encircling around all the way

Turquoise blue sea pulsing in and away

Perhaps some dream lying in the sea sway

Watching the dolphins in merry play

The seagulls not squawking but chirping away

The fishes darting afraid to avoid sharks raid

The red coloured staccato crabs avoid the sea sway

A fine figured waitress brings refreshments on a fine silver service tray

She sensuously gestures a kind of romp in the hay

Something I may have enjoyed back in the day

Not something he can manage come what may

He just does not know what to do today

Wishes he could visit this bay, and enjoy the play

Like when he was son young, youthful and gay


A red tea light reflecting sunset lighting up an arch bridge

The flame of the tea lights are like little stars

White candles flames as straight as arrows

Brass and glass candlesticks glistening like star light

Jet black candlesticks oval and ornate

Oval white bowls oval and ornate with stones and cones

Pebbles alone have their own campaign

Corks offer up their own story to be told

The brass candlesticks central tallest flame

Jade and gold candlesticks twins in splendorous corners


Fallen last flattening leaves

Evidence of skeleton trees 

Soft slow rivers streams 

Wearing warming fleece

Orange and gold boot laces

Still such rich grass greens

Brick and hedge boundaries

Children slurping ice-Creams

Babies bound pram screams

Bench lounger puffs smokies

Sprays underarm to cleanse


This is a story I have to tell

Because I was living hell

Knowledge I always new well

From researching internet well

I tried calling myself by middle name

For my real name could be the pain

Then I switched to me manager pain

Using me real name to rid of pain

Then I thought I would have to name

The real causes of my pain

My pain manager in charge of all pain

My mother was a major source of pain

With not having any friends major the same

I can also say that telling myself

All manor of negative naming names

Topped between manage and majors

The secondary source were my girls

I pictured them all in my mind

To link them together in my mind

As I went to be to sleep to unwind

I awoke with a very troubled mind

Because I had a near anxiety attack

That was persistent in all ways

So I chose listening to music

In cradled on one side of the bed

Massaging top side of body

Whilst racking my brain with pain manager

Combined with telling myself bad names

I turned to the other cradle side

Massaging that top body side

I repeated the process over again

I just started to open my eyes

With such an amazing prise

My mind we as clear as an amazing bell

I can say it might be the start of hell

The end of living that he'll

The story I had to tell


What about the Sunday Roast 

The gravy has to be best to boast

What about the pizzas in their clay ovens

Perhaps the gluten free base were the heavens

What about the salad salads and fruit salads

All the meats, chicken, pork, beef and duck mallards

Smoked salmon rolling cream cheese filled

Pepper above salt should be milled

The sandwiches and tortilla wraps fillings

Curries with garlic, ginger, onion and spices

Fairy cakes, ice-Creams , jellies and ices

All the fruit and veg prepared can be a delight 

And the insidious Angel Delight, a fright

Stir fries and pasta dishes with special sauces

Mid afternoon tea in China cups and saucers

Probably could not be scribed by Chaucer

Or indeed penned anybody or authors 

Soups, stews, casseroles and broths

Any cooking or spills cleared up with cloths

All washed down with beer, wine or water

Prepared by some bars and pubs on water

Plenty of other establishments by rivers

With mother, father, sons and daughters

Aunt and uncles, grandpas and grandmas


In the bath they are with me every day

Today for the first time in a while

My face did lend subtle smile

They glisten in the artificial light

Lay like a carpet on the water

Today they formed a crown

Soothing sensation to overwhelmed

With heavenly stars glistening light

I popped the three biggest, an easy peasy

I usually swish them away to the plug hole

But I have left the fluffy bubbles to lay all day

Too evaporate in their heavenly way



When I think of an Indonesian field trip in the jungle, down a steep incline, the clearest stream emerges with bottle green and electric blue dragonflies bobbing across the ripples. High in the canopies monkeys darted away across branches to evade us. As we went a little upstream a 100 foot waterfall spilled into its stream. Ecstasy as climbing sides of falls and diving into the deep pool of the spill.

Recent trip to Thorpe Bay, scorching hot day, very warm sea, had own choice of playlist in Bluetooth ears, shades on, up to my neck in warm water, back to shore, ditching headgear, and few feet back in swam out beyond boys, laying on my back in warm water and basking in sun, relaxed legs and felt cool water, natural invitation for me to swim down few times to feel. Quite a few more strokes and then to shore for sunbathing/light Pilates exercises. Stroll along the beach, in search of ice-cream parlour, longer than expected. Perched on the shore wall, with a 3 scoop mango sorbet cup. The supplier had spoken to that day. Referred to it as an old friend in short version, sun, sea & sorbet.

Beating Sat Nav

Took meet 2.5 hours to get to Peterborough and seemed criss/cross way. On the way back Sat Nav estimated 6.48 arrival, stayed on A1M longer, time was reduced, stayed longer on A14, reduced again, longer on M11, reduced again, kinda heading to Stansted. When I got home it was 6.06, beating Sat Nav by 42 minutes. 


Just a damn good shot


Having a beer and a chat in pubs


When in both late teens, they partied with me, and admitted that cutting their hair was no problem. 


Listening to my playlists, blue tooth plugged and exercising or walking. 

Games on my phone when played with very strong reward. 

Any good feel social environment 

When Leicester do well, enhanced if moment is shared with others

When England do well enhanced if moment is shared with others

Picnic in park/basking in sunlight, music, enhanced if moment is shared with others

Walking in areas of green where trees border almost all the way round (aka Morden Hall Park & now Great Baddow Recreation Ground


Life is not worth living at all

Inside is a void that will not endure

All the King's horses could not put me back together again

Father Christmas chimney collapses

All the angels will stop their watch

The New Year will not be seen

The Queen's guard will walk away 

Since they are not needed this day

All the stars in heaven will shine no more

For the celestial body implodes to zero

Major Tom has no hero

The garden birds will leave their nests

All the animals and sea creatures rest

There will be no more Sunday roasts

Seas will depart their coast 

Rivers and canals will leave mouth estuaries 

Monks in habits vacate their vestry 

No more sun dawn and red sky night 

The matadors arresting bull fights

The  North and South poles thaw

The polar bears & penguin demise dawns

Doors, gateways and windows close

Chest of drawers of course follows

The house martin does not swallow 

The sea reefs blanching to white

Big white shark will have no bite

Castle no longer rook or pawns

Knights don't bishop kings queens

John Bishop jokes no longer scream

Sellotape and cotton roles un-reem 

Nobody shouts for ice-cream 

No sweet is anyone's dream

Bedsheets and pillows un-maid

Butler is not playing with his maid

Loos, lavatories and urinals don't flush

Seaweed and reeds don't rush

Volcanoes eruptions disappear in a flash 


I am non longer to be known

Pain I endure is a gown

That has become overgrown

Consuming everything I own

That has no meaning anymore

Inside this vacuous eyesore

Life is not worth living at all

Inside is a void that will not endure

All the King's horses could not put me back together again

Father Christmas chimney collapses

All the angels will stop their watch

The New Year will not be seen

The Queen's guard will walk away

Since they are not needed this day

All the stars in heaven will shine no more

For the celestial body implodes to zero

Major Tom has no hero

The garden birds will leave their nests

All the animals and sea creatures rest

There will be no more Sunday roasts

Seas will depart their coast

Rivers and canals will leave mouth estuaries

Monks and habits vacate vestries

No more sun dawn and red sky night

The matadors arresting bull fights

The  North and South poles thaw

The polar bears & penguin demise dawns

Doors, gateways and windows close

Chest of drawers of course follows

The house martin does not swallow

The sea reefs blanching to white

Big white shark will have no bite

Castle no longer rook or pawns

Knights don't bishop kings queens

John Bishop jokes no longer scream

Cellotape and cotton roles un-reem

Nobody shouts for ice-cream

No sweet is anyone's dream

Bedsheets and pillows un-maid

Butler is not playing with his maid

Loos, lavatories and urinals don't flush

Seaweed and reeds don't rush

Volcanoes eruptions disappear in a flash

Potatoes, carrots and swede don't mash

Old habits do die hard

Bruce Willis does not die hard

Bob Willis stops fast bowling

Werewolves stop howling

Peter Shilton stops saving

Beards and minges not shaving

Erections stop erecting

Sperms are not injecting

Toner cartridges stop inking

Computers stop thinking

Cat eyes stop blinking

Cars and bikes stop motoring

Coach and buses stop stopping

Big Ben no longer chimes

Clocks and watches don't time

Oranges and lemons don't lime

Mohamed Ali no longer butterflying

Cups and saucers no long flying

In contrast all stop dying

The last pen that was writing

All the mouths stop biting

Perhaps because it will be passing

All the gals will be gassing

And the geese gaggling

Street corners of course haggling

Can the pain become dangling

By the silkiest thread hanging

Grand Canyon comes beckoning

And time for the reckoning


Heavenly body in silky skin

Jet black glistening hair

Engaging piercing black eyes

Tempting sensual lips

Gloriously natural face

Not any makeup any trace

Shoulders roundly sculptured

Boasting fulsome bikini

Elegantly adorned arms

Beautifully butterfly hands

Well defined fingers

Perfectly ballooned blossoms

Seriously serene stomach

Hip hip hooray

Slender elongated legs

Finest featured feet

Perfectly uniformed toes


All I want to do is lay in my bed

I always have a headache in my head

Food always descends like balloon lead

And every day a fear with dread

And the life I lead is certainly feels like I am dead

My throat is so bad it could not pass bread

And am so tired of this being said

I do not want to rise from my bed

From this life I want to be taken and away led

For I cannot see anyway day ahead

I feel so dire, frightened and dead

And I am so tired and seriously sad

I have that emotion in me so bad 

I don't think I can eat even a tad 

My stomach is in so much pain

I am having to tell this yet again 

My life is such a terrible strain

On this man who is in total disdain

I don't want to live another day of this again

Let me depart from this life on a steam train

Because life is leaving me down the sewer drain

I would be happy if I were by a warrior slayne

Do you hear it, I hate my life

Because everyday is the same

In so much pain and it is such a drain

And I feel so utterly rife all-over in pain


I will lay in my black flowers

For hours and hour

Perhaps for days and days

Because they have not been nurtured

And night time does not rejuvenate them

Nutrition cannot save them

The sun's rays won't save them

A rainy day will not save them

Nothing on this earth will save them

They will just wither away any day now

They may as well have not been anyhow

Most certainly universally misunderstood

No wood, forest, jungle and African plain could

Save the tired, haggard and withered look

They want to bring the world to book

For the wind battered and charred look

And from the World they will be took

Once again, waters will not help nor a brook

And again these flowers were something else mistook

For once there were in full bloom and looked good

And nothing seems to revive the bloom if it could

The question is will they be taken back to their wood

where they once stood, or burnt asunder with wood


Just fancy penning a poetic poem with no rues

Straight forward, definitely not entwined with clues

Not sure which yellow brick pave can solve

This scriber will endeavour with much resolve

And perhaps the endeavour can be behold

With reference to anything no matter how old

Like the Knights of the Round table were so bold

And aka Bob Marley coming in from the cold 

What about all the Jackanory stories were told

The infamy of Tony Blair and the gold he sold

All the people that have lived in this World

Perhaps generations of wanting to be in the fold

Robin Hood and his merry men in the wood

The Pied Piper piping the rats with his tunes

All the little seaside boy and girls with balloons

The brightly coloured circus clowns buffoons

For the devil and his ilk not to include

Certainly no cinema theatre interludes

As for the stately inter family feuds 

How about all the clouds in the sky

All the young want to learn why

Not the peeping Tom's who pry

Yes to the meek and mild, even if they cry

Angel fish, sea horses and cuttlefish

Indian and Pakistan spice curry dish

Giraffes, gazelles, goats and gesellschaft 

Stick insects, caterpillars and beetles

The Rolling Stones and The Beatles 

Rubella, rashes, scabs and measles

Kings, Queens and Court jester

Crocodiles, lizards and alligator 

Invigilators and examination testers

Those American first year freshmen

Lemonaid, soda and squash refreshments

Heavy metal, pop, reggae and jazz blues

Shower, sinks, latrines, baths and loos

That is the end of the poem with no rues


The butterfly stroke bearing fairy wings

Was some magical beauty to gladly be seen

This graceful creature hidden burden things

From this life she would no longer sing

And sent her off in surreal surroundings 

Anorexia Nervosa took her being

At such a tender age so unfeeling

Her parents bereft for her no longer being

The Observer magazine told the sad story

And she would never ascend from her potential glory


A bevy of swans gliding along the river with fanned out flapping waves

A raft of ducks all bobbing their heads down, two of them were in double trouble

The Mallard Hen mother saves them from dangerous peril

Wisps of pink candy floss clouds moving overhead

More clouds of pink and blue hues, and others of white and grey hues were mirrored in the river reflecting on the starlight reflection mesmerising the sun across the river

There were three swans ducking simultaneously for a photographic pose

Then the river bridge has semi circular arches and banked trees and blue skies, reflecting just so clear.

Just below the opposite bank in the water a sheep’s skeleton moved up and down

Late afternoon sun rays in spears lighting up the fields

The Ross skyline with the Church where the sun appeared above the spire and silhouetting the view


All I feel like is that I want to run under a truck

I feel like I have been run over by a truck

For this groundhog day that my life does suck

In terms of health I have run out of luck

If America took over, there would be no helpful buck

All the health officials have done nothing but duck

My mother wants to engage them in a ruck

I am in a terrible state so don't give a fuck

For anything or anyone to give a fuck


Walking on a country trail

Certainly not slow as a snail

The path with many types of tree

I know have no pain I my knee

Possible gasping for a pot of tea

Been pester by other things than a flea

A few feathers on the ground that were a pigeon once to be

In this scenario I never mind if a have a pee

But everybody should know it is desperate for me

Whilst walking I have been practising Pilates

In the hope a better health for me

Simon and Garfunkel are playing music for me

There is nothing of the sun to be

Fluffy clouds are blocking it naughty

Perhaps they should be parting with goodbye

Then I might sneeze with sun in my eye

Just lately I don't want to try

Hoping that sneeze won't hurt me

If anything now, could be soft or gracefully

Would love to return to health 

Sneezing would then heard noisily

Now rocks faces on either side of me

I am not am not a stick in the mud in front of me

I have always wanted to be in a party

Then path dotted with acorns aspiring to a grand Oak Tree 

Avoiding all the nettles was certainly me

The ferns fanning out for somewhere to be

Perhaps I should return soon to have that cup of tea


I don't know why I feel dead all the time

Because as long as the day, I have never done a crime

I have just done Ross Park, 2 walks round and one run for a better sleepy time

Because I am due not to be taking my sleeping tablet and that is the crime 

I am now too do my Pilates limb orientations and stretches to be prime

And have a soak in the bath with the hope of sublime

Setting me up for evening television line

Forecasting my sleeping hourly in time

For the awakening in the morning will take a while

When will my face next afford a smiles

Especially with felt sleeping on tiles

After the sporting gesture was probably a mile

I do feel like I pretty much have no guile 

In terms of rivers may the bath be the Nile

The nights preceding had better not be vile

It would be fabulous if CT sugar it was Tate and Lyle

It did take about an hour to sleep, woke at 3 and 6


Perhaps no one would notice if I was taken

The curtain did not bow nor a tree

Do you feel the feeling that I had enough

That my life is on a road so tragically rough

Just cooked some food for the first time in a while

Eating has definitely made me feel so utterly vile

So the deathbed bell will not ring for a long trial

And now the is nigh, because the curtain call if falling


The softly trickling chirping birdies songs 

Start their day making making their mark

When the silence is split by their song spark

Was one of them a musical lark

Or a sparrow with tuneful arrows

Or a blackbird making sure he was heard

Or a robin sounds a bobbing

Or a thrush perched in its bush

Or a yellow hammer, hammering away

Or a blue tit having a musical hit

Or a crow with the sound base so low

Or a starling that is merrily prancing 

Or a dove filling the air with love

Or a wren trying its best from its den

Or a cockerel doing its best to tell

Or a pigeon who puts his 5 eggs in

Or a raven sounding like heaven

Or a cockatoo cleans out the loo

Or a rook singing from a musical book

Or a swallow only summer songs

Or a goose where it helps it limber loose

Or a duck that chances it's luck

Or a flamingo that just doesn't know

Or an ostrich that thinks it's so rich

Or a swan with its apron on

Or a hummingbird is a humming

Or a jackdaw wants to sing more

Or a Goldcrest that now and then has a rest

Or a Jay that just has to much to say

Or a chaffinch on its perch won't give an inch

Or a magpie that just takes others pie

Or owls always on the prowl

Or storks who do funny walks

Or penguins that serve the best gin

Or budgies that put their chick in buggies

Or parrots that eat all the carrots

Or canaries that eat all the berries 

Or cockatoos who clean all the loos

I wonder if they are from the local park

Or if urban where do they park

Or on waters wading around

Or gliding on the surface so proud 

Or on the wing taking off from the ground

All in all such lovely sounds

It is as they tune out of the dark

Some like little poppet angels they do hark

Some more majestic as they also hark

Suddenly it stops and ruffled feathers park

It is so gladly heard by the ears that spark

It was a little warmth for my weary heart

I just hope I can return to my dark


I feel so utterly and totally wrong

Just want to hear the death gong

Departing this earth without a song

I just feel it will not be too long

Signified by a golden drum bong

I certainly don't feel very strong

I have always thought girlies wrong thong

To this world I don't want to belong

I never wanted to be in a choir sing song

I feel like a rancid smelly dung

Odious like foetid malodorous pong

I certainly don't feel a picture well hung

Never been susceptible to a bung

Never spoken with a forked tongue

And have had this feeling for so long

It has been a thread all along

I have never deserved to be seen as wrong

That I reckon has been that thread so long


I feel like I should be thrown out with the dirty water 

There is no help for me on this planet like it ought to

I feel like the merry little lamb sordidly of to slaughter

Never met any fine filly worthy of me for properly court her 

Has no proper contact with each one of his daughters 

Never felt like he benefited from all but one teacher

Never wanted to hear any religious or any other preacher

Would always play and be kind to any animal or creature

Except flies, ants and wasps that would could be torture 

That would over run, buzz and sting tormenting 

Special place for the spider, that weaved her web

Spinning the tormenting and ingesting tasty in side her

Was back on the day enjoying summer days with scrumpy and cider

Really feel I am living through the mill and grinder

Feel so dead I would like one last trip on a glider

To take me away from this dire pain to fire and cinder

Making sure lots of wood and dry grass as tinder

And let no-one on earth or celestial have any hint to hinder

For my life I lead has to be cut away, buy some magnificent blinder


At night mine is all lit up like a little house

Normally the are wooden, UPVC, or composite 

They can be all sorts of hues and colourings

With locks, hinges, padlocks, hasps and staples

They can be almost gate like, some definitely locked

Then there is the terms ajar, and knocking on them

Opening them for the blessed tots on bonfire night

If rewarded for their efforts they show delight

For Christmas they are adored in wreaths some alight

Then there is the overseeing of the whole house lights

And what about the corridors of doors and doors 

They open up, vinyl, tiled, wooden and carpet floors

There was a movie about scary monsters doors

And how the doors were travelling like roller-coasters

Not forgetting the once a day delivery by posties

For the birthday cards and first class deliveries

And the business terms of opening career doors

Never new how class ceilings cannot be door passed


You scribe the most lovely songs

Which you voice definitely belongs

Sure there is no surprise power 

It reaches me in my darkest hour

The way you sing w-a-y

You don't sing in any other way

Your n-n-n-n-n-n-n is the sweetest lay

There is not question you light up my day

It is the simply the way start my day

To see if you angelic voice cleanse away

Troubles I have in my mind and body pain

Tonight I park walked with you 

Almost in some sort of dance parade 

To the shore I took you in my ears

Have to say after a few bears

Counting swans that were not as many

But gentlemanly walked away 

Thought I'd better check on with no hit

Returning  partner relieving himself

So relieved she was was not in any misfit

I would just like this poem for you to be free

So I can touch you as you touch me


Candy floss clouds wisps streaking across

Cotton bud fluffs dotted all about the sky

In hues of pink, grey and white

With the glorious silver lining

The distant horizon of pale blue

And becoming richer as it nears 

The sun escapes its bright lining

And suddenly silhouettes trees

And the rooftops of the houses

With the longest shadow following


I am very sore all over

Have I fallen from the Cliffs of Dover

The desperate child that can't find a four leaf clover

The English cricketer that can't bowl an over

The TV program that finishes with "I think it is all over" 

I wonder if my life is nearing over because I am sure I won't recover

Any form of me is not worth the bother It certainly would not entice any lover 

I mays as well be boiled in a witches  coven

Or fired up in a pizza oven

Or murdered by the film eleven

Or drown in the sea of the coast of Devon

I wonder for me what would happen in the gates of heaven 

For this dead man to die, it will happen

I wonder what will be the final weapon 

It cannot be hurt over the pain so rotten 

I wonder how soon this life would be forgotten 

I may as well have been Johnny Rotten aka the Sex Pistols which are not forgotten 

Perhaps they should play once more and pistol shoot me during the final encore 

Then I will die in that horrible gore 

Then this fretful life would be no more

This man has cried no wolf to implore

Of his life so twisted with no cure


Black spotted dogs racing their tails

My boots remain completely dry

I took such good pictures to avail

I wandered round a curved tree meadow

That reminded me of Morden Hall ago

The with my umbrella in tow

I decided to be farmer Giles eyeing his stock

As it was winter and he fretted for his flock

The rooks were policing his brooks

The bulls bad timing of rucks

Sometimes the farmers life sucks

Don't know why because he earns bucks

He does not pay his staff much

He just goes out to lunch too much

Holding his purse close also too much


I feel I am in my worse sordid pain ever

It is with me and it will be just forever

There is nothing on this earth that will make me better

Not even a playful bouncy red setter 

Even a beautifully ink penned sealed with a kiss letter

Even if I was offered a holiday jet setter

Mind you in my life was only a mild go getter

Always in my life, I think well vetted

And always cats and dogs lovingly petted

To nobody was I ever indebted 

Unfortunately there was one I mistakenly bedded

I really want to be a flower dead headed

For that is surely where my life is heading

Just wish my mind and body were lifelong

With love and understanding forever wedded


My life is just not worth living at all 

It doth not resemble a summer ball

I simply don't want anyone to call

All I want to do is from this life fall

I don't want to end up with God, Peter or Paul

I definitely have not any iota of gall

I feel like I want to break down a wall

Once upon a time I used to play football 

I am very far from being very tall

I am lost in a huge humongous hall

I may as well lie on a live rail

Or be swept up by a gigantic gale

My life is such beyond the pail

Away from this life I want to sail

Or be swallowed up in a whale

Or be swept up by a dragons tail

If I were a test I would fatally fail

If I were straw I have definitely no bail

Not even precipitous snow, ice or hail 

Not a stamp on the envelope of Royal Mail 

If I were a hammer I would miss the nail

If I were a maid I would have no vail

If I were a villain I would end up in jail

If I were a meal I would have no kale


Oh for the glistening fronds of early grass

The glistening roof of cars and there mirrors

The ruined old castle weathered by master time

The river meandering bending the mirror

The swans bobbing on water or wading grass

The helpful style marking another mile

The country house named "Eastleigh"

The staggered house banking the river

Of course the birdies musically harmonic

The clouds wispy gracing the sky  

The sun declining it's autumn shroud

Of this poem I am happily with pride

It is such a wonderful day, so happy inside

It is a treat many many tried


Bees bereft of meadows

Burning burns burns

Carbon causing chaos

Cars cough exhausting

Currents losing currents

Ice melting murder

Fields feeling fretting

Forests felling forever

Green space smalling

Industries industrial pollution

Ozone outcry unheard

Polar bears polar demise

Reefs reeling decline

Solar flares felling

Temperature testy soaring

Tree tired telling

Turtles turning tidal

Tigers tormented torrents

Utilities utilise resources

Water rising calamity


A gnarled old tree that belongs in the wood

Where a majestic Theodor once stood

Perhaps in the time of Robin Hood

When in flood the trees are water mirrored

It is autumn, the trees have lost their leaves

Earthly creatures feast on them in the soil

As they do it without audible sound

In springtime the trees are newly bud

So leaves open and no more floods

One day a tree stopped opening the buds

Perhaps it's demising with a shuddering thud

So new trees on the rich soil will bud

Replacing the gnarled and majestic tree

It is for the for everybody to see for free


Out for a walk today, feeling pretty good in every way

Had a skinny dipping muddy way in

Once there I had a swim that was exhilarating

With the swans bobbing up and down

Oh for a very wish of a happy clown

Luckily I didn't do anything that was brown

Now drinking pints in the Ross centre town

There is know way my face has a frown

Maybe I could where a gilded gown

Or sit suitably on a studded diamond throne

It is so noble to let the dog have a bone

Or listening to music on the phone app

Or listen to a monk that has a singing tone

Always glad to be on my way home

Or sitting on a magical shiny throne

I have never wanted to live on own

What about the excellent London dome

The swallows from Amazon have flown

All the greenest and flowers have also flown

All the tiniest shoots and dandelions have grown

What about anything  life being so alone

Don't let any little blighter feel on his own

Don't let anyone think that there life is prone

What about all the busy bodies menacing


I want to shoot myself with a gun

My life seems like it is totally done

For this life I don't want to belong 

There are no medical angels to come

That can make my pain undone 

I am such in such a terrible state

I just don't want the agonising wait

I don't want my life to live as fate

This life now I simply hate

I want to close the garden gate

For anything else is just too late


I hanging on my hurting bones

From those two nights of sleeping woes

I feel so dead right now from head to toes

A third night is going to follow those

And it is without any sort of dose

And I will not sleep despite my repose

Because my mind and body just knows

That sleeping is best for well being souls

And the fear that is in waves of wows

From the third night in a row

Will render this life even to a record low

And does not know where it will end

And not worth anything in this life to follow

And the tired, mis-wired, tormented soul

Will just want to die in any sort of earth soil

How can one suffer the tiredness and sadness toil

With the agony of the neck, jaw, teeth and cheeks turmoil

It is no wonder that this condition does not support rest

And the perpetual decline has never been in arrested

And the doom feeling for this night is certainly attested


I simply and regrettably just don't want this day

In my bed this so bad man just wants to lay

He remembers Banda Arche circlet bay

The golden sand encircling around all the way

Turquoise blue sea pulsing in and away 

Perhaps some dream lying in the sea sway

Watching the dolphins in merry play 

The seagulls not squawking but chirping away

The fishes darting afraid to avoid sharks raid

The red coloured saccardo crabs avoid the sea sway

A fine figured waitress brings refreshments on a fine silver service tray

She sensuously gestures a kind of romp in the hay

Something I may have enjoyed back in the day 

Not something he can manage come what may

He just does not know what to do today 

Wishes he could visit this bay, and enjoy the play 

Like when he was son young, youthful and gay


Peacock in rusty steel circles

Knife angel cast with iron wings 

Hereford Bull Iron glancing

A winged mermaid with wings

A wooden owl with snipped vertical wings

Twins reading a book as siblings

The face misshapen in hiding

The ostrich garden girl pecking

The flight of a girl skipping

Bright red dragon webbed feet

Walking the dead holding up lanterns

The Scottish thistle just spouting

The standing turning around looking

Japanese warrior guarding

The man in the universe star gazing

The Sculpted head flower to spring

Peacock in rusty garden circles

Knife angel cast with fairy wings

Hereford bull Iron Glancing

A winged mermaid which sayings

A wooden owl with snipped vertical wing

Twins reading a book as siblings

The face misheard inn hedging

The ostrich gardening the4 grass pecking

The flight of a girl skipping

Bright red Dragon with fire fairy wings

Walking dead holding up lanterns

The Scottish thistle just spouting

The stag turning around and looking

Japanese warrior silver beading

The Man in the woods star gazing

The sculptured herald flowers spinning


The canine that his owner loves all together 

He should be wearing a cap with a feather

That he could wear in any weather

Frolic and jump around in heather

All abound free from any tether

Then return to his owner so they are back together

And very far from hell together

His coat is so warm he does not want to wear leather


Where can you find pleasure, search your mind for treasure,

learn brain techniques

Where can you begin to make your good life come true

on the land or on the sea

Where can you learn to soar high and reach the stars,

study mindfulness

Sign up for the carefree and rid of negativity,

when your brain and mind meet

In the Moment, yes, you can sail wherever you chose

In the Moment, yes, you can put your mind at ease

In the Moment, come on now brains, make it sound

In the Moment, you can see the clear view

In the Moment, come on, protect the mindfulness

In the Moment, come on and join the happy people

In the Moment, come on stand with them

In the Moment, in the Moment.

You want it, you want it, you want it. They want you as a new person

If you want happiness don't you want to change the turn around is fast

Don't you hesitate, there is no need to be slow

We are enlisting new recruits always

Never too young to sign up today now

but don't you worry 'bout the thing

for I'm sure there will be always the good Moment

protecting the brain and

In the Moment

You want it, you want it, you want it. They want you as a new person

You want it, you want it, you want it. They want you as a new person

But I'm afraid of negativity

Hey hey look men

I get pain even thinking about life

You want it - Oh my goodness!

You want it - What am I gonna do in mindfulness

You want it, You want it

In the Moment

In the Moment


Not quite, perfect circular bliss

Golden white heavenly dune

Pristine clearing cobalt sea

Circlet of waving coconut palms

White roaring rolling tumbles

Oscillating gentle lapping

Ruby red staccato scattering 

Fluffy white duvets barely featuring

Basking and bathed in glorious light

Swishing and swaying wind in flight

Oh for wishing bliss remains 

For solacing calming for thee


Decline moist underfoot ravine

Monkeys flees canopy trees

Bottle green and siren blue dragon flies

Bobbing and darting stream floor

High waterfalls tumbling white diving 

Crystal clear appealing cool pool

Ledge jumping into solace body 

Bliss swimming basking bright streaming


Feel and infusion of the calming grain with your tingling fingers

The sensation as the heat radiates sumptuous warming washes with the virtual swathing

The pulsing soothing flowing ripples and lapping

Cooling snaking effortlessly everywhere

Flyers above, soaring high, reaching the sky

The rushing soothing sound imports

The permeating kaleidoscope optically mesmerising

The salty fragrance sensationally infuses

And heaviness heavenly diffuses


Found in an embryonic pose

Later her true self was exposed

Placid oval almost perfect face

With makeup never any trace

Softest engaging eyes

Shinney hair bordering encased

The soft dulcet tones

Graceful movement as she moves

How she played the bass guitar by ear

Even though first time without fear

Just loved teaching her pool

So morraly she one was so cool

Tried Shit Head like teacher at school 

She could not do, it was not her tool

We had plenty platonic hugs

Where she referenced to sex

Admitted she had trouble with other sex

I conceded my age, which I thought

From that moment I was not in her thoughts 

Did she know that sex was not in mine

Because father time has arrested mine


One opening of a Patchwork plateaux with Angels and Beasts

Winding, meandering, descending and arising

Tubular orange Clad in dark clothed.

From old tapped nails rising to miniature mushrooms

Orbital spikey elongated spheres

Orchards bearing heavenly fruit

Oh my, deer deer deer

Sweet chirruping of perched plumes 

Carpets of fern fronds meshed with a crown of piercing thorns

Heavenly star gazing across splintered on it rays


Mercedes drives you round the bends

Mini is just so funny ha ha ha 

Jaguar is splendid black puma

Rolls Royce helps you make as choice

Volvo just like to greet you and say hello

Ford is at as price anyone can afford

Nissan helps any one step out of the fire pan

BMW plays cards and donates coinage double

Audi has an engine that makes the noise loudly

Honda makes you feel a sense of wonder

Kia just runs all the time in the wrong gear

Toyota does not feel any better

Peugeot is like a cat with perpetual purring

Subaru acts like an excited kangaroo

Mazda likes to sing "da da da I am a car"

Lotus just simply make a fuss of you

Lamborghini will sort out any knees

Dodge obviously manages to dodge

Jeep likes impersonate Little Bow Peep

Land Rover bowls a superb over

Lotus just like to make fun of us

Bentley troubles you mentally

Skoda makes us feel somewhat older

Porsche you just have to feel remorse


This poem is difficult to do

I want any reader to be able too

Once upon as cooking time

This desperately poor sole

Was most definitely a chef verso

The time has passed to enjoy the menu

It horribly passes kind of lumpy offal

To a canyon that feels volume-ness

It is received with unquestionably horrible gut feeling

Never mind the neck that delivers its quarry

And now reader, has to know what a shit evening follows

Even though I can watch films now

It does take of the edge somehow

And little sis once told of a series I like

It is the fourth series I am choosing

And the gritty melodramatic drama

Is fitting, with punchy music playing

It will fit me up for a night watching

Probably be best to take me away

From the darkest sense rig


Sumptuously steaming Sumatra gala

Sensing the sultry zephyr 

Desperately in no dubious need

Crouching and Squatting secretly down

Beneath glossy green foliage

White knickers stretched to glimmer

Yellow trickling down to earth

Sultry solemn face glance

Dramatic fiesta taken picture

Forever etched and captured 

Returning to the fold feeling relieved


The woes have been written in the last two days

So not travelling that road today

I am not eating or drinking today

I might delight in the odd mini magnum

That may soothe my throat and peach my tum

I will shop today for the three ambers

Tomorrow I will shop for three more

On Friday I will sip them in

To the TV cast of spaghetti westerns

I Just hope it will be my last sleep

I feel like I will be following little bow peep

Can I make that hat final gigantic leap

I do not even mind if I pace up and down

For I am sure that the ship is up shit creek

I wonder if I will express my last weep

For it is definitely time for my life to sink

I am so much on that tottering brink

It has long since skewed my thinking

I just wish the pills and the consultants did wink

Or they just wish for some health link

So I would not be so out of the pink


This life I lead is truly fed up

I wish I was a new born pup

That I could not be looking up

It would not matter what I fed on

I would grow up much much stronger

Instead of this life so very down

I wish I could laugh like a clown

I could take a bath and drown

There is nothing in this life to know

That this life is now worth a penny to owe

I just do not have the time to go

I do not have the grass to mow

I am not a glass to bowI with a seed that will grow

I am not an archer without a bow

I am the thesaurus without out any word from a dictionary

If I was a motorcar I would not need a tow

If I were a meadow all the insects would have much trouble

If I was a pigsty there would be no room for a sow

If my sparklingly blue eyes I would have no brow

If I were a drunken sailor there would not be a bar for them to go

If I were a scarecrow warding a field, the ravens would not leave me alone


This is a life I don't want to live

For a long time I have not given a fig

All I want is to imagine I was at a gig

And a frail pathetic try at a jig

Trying not to be like a squealing pig

Have a choking throat last cig

Swill it down with an amber swig

And fall in the earth in a whole big

I would never manage to dig

My pain would finally give

I think for this day my body I will not give

And there is nothing I want to give

I don't even want a card from Moon pig

I don't want my ears to have earwigs 

Nor want any twiglets and sprinkles 

Never thought it right wearing wigs

My throat is a hole that finds it hard to swallow 

And not certain now it could even another drink

And senses that there is nothing it can take

And in my sadness, like a rhinoceros I do wallow

And any emotions in me don't even reach shallow


Under bath water it sounds like thunder

On earth it is certainly a wonder

It wanders around the globe

In meandering rivers and great depth seas

It trickles down mountains into great rivers

When the sun hits it, it acts like a car mirror 

Only in floods can it be one of the sinners

Some wash it down with their dinners 

Youngsters have to learn the swimming

And overall it is such a life winner


Some live on the prairies 

Some supply dairies 

Some live in savannas 

Some live on the plains

Giraffes have all the laughs

Cows just don't know how

Dogs are always the greedy hogs 

Cats wear very fancy hats

Sheep drive around in open jeeps

Lions make strongest metal irons

Polar bears just really don't care

Seals sell the best shop deal

Lizards are the flashiest wizards

Buffaloes are simply the best fellows

Hippos make the softest pillows 

Crocodiles travel for miles an miles

Alligators are the best serving waiters 

Hogs just want to stay in their bogs

Tigers are the wily survivors


I look very young for my age and I can talk to anyone and have the luck that animals respond very well so I am a very social animal.

When I see special things in nature, I usually keep to myself to keep it to myself, so recently on a walk, I saw the most fantastic perfect moon in a very blue sky.

I am a go lucky person, I treat myself very well, love the sun feel on me, do lots in the day to keep me well, I am better than them because my own treatment is all from my mind as special, but this one, seeing the perfect moon in a gloriously blue sky

Do you want to meet a really friendly guy, plenty have told me this in their own way and a copper and GP have also told me "I am articulate and intelligent"

I will always want to ask people about themselves and swap what we could do about converging our interests and hobbies.

Hi Sharon, you have pics of your two labs, sit well with me, my Mums Lab is called Hugo and we hit it off very well, like animals for me, and the same can be said of people.

Everyday I do a 3x3 and 4x4 Rubik's cube, and they are self worked out, the only person I know that could do the 3x3 Rubik's cube was a medical consultant and he learned of it via YouTube, when I demonstrated the 3x3 to him, he thought I was not doing it right, this is because I sort out the middle side pieces at the same time as there with the upper corners, I also do a sudoku every day and practice cords on my guitar, I have written scores of poetry and I do Mic nights to express these, I also do lots of walking when the sun is out.


I walk most days, and one day, on a sewage pipe, there was a duck twice on each day that was so nice. When I pass it now, I think they could be a duck again, but I have not seen it for ages.

On another occasion, whilst shopping , I found two trolleys with a pound coin where you use the tool to eject it. I then checked all for sometime and never again.

I am lucky, because when out on a walk I notice anything around me without trying, so many “not in the right place things”, I often find money.

There were twin turquoise pushchairs with twin yellow footballs in, and a tot with playing with aeroplane with wings, and in the playground the children were playing and singing, even playing the colourful pipes


Luke is so lucky with his loot

He has a very bright smile

His demeanour has a sunny side

He takes great care of his mother

He sits by the fireplace for warmth from the flames

He has a younger sister that he does envy

Because she is adorable and lovely

But after all he feels satisfaction

That she has such attraction


I have stood for more than 2 centuries

To be seen by all, some hidden underground

My twin kindly attests for me

It was a tempestuous stormy night

That roughly ripped two of my boughs

Leaving me in untravelled demising

My twin is now the Majestic Majesty

Full bodied and full healthy cones

That have deemed not to evolve on me

If my tortuous woes where sheared off

I would slowly return to my previous glory

I fret though and obsessed with my plight

Scared of a hollow tortured monolith

That I will become in my twisted end


I went out with phone intention

Since I had yesterday some attention

The lady behind me was in frustration

There was a guide dog suddenly 

Coming to his to attention

The store member took my phone

I had to her undivided attention

She sorted my phone with some hesitation

She must have gone back to her station

Perhaps the lady behind me lost frustration

All in all it was a pleasant sensation

So Vodaphone I would gladly mention

Down to the local park

A bunch of people at the bus stop

Numerous post crowned in pyramid shape

The weeping willow was saying hello

The canoeist taking their fares below

Lots of people not saying hello

Perhaps they were lost in their mind fellows

Or maybe they were thinking of cellos

Just so long as there are not any bellows

Because most people should be mellow

Let's think a wish for all the people in ghettos

But not for the wasted trips on aeroplanes

But let's keep all the airwaves open

Not let be just a token

The poor little boy in his pushchair crying

Oh, blue long hair, electric blue t shirt


It was the middle of the night

Half between sleep and wake

Mesmerised by lucid dream

The kaleidoscope filling the scene

Multi Coloured hues engaging

It was such spell bounding hold

Bewitching came to unfold

A fantasy reaching out to gold

Captivating vision to behold

Like dancing around in delight

Beguiling showing off star light

A myriad of colours so bright

Multicoloured showing so bright

My mind could not hold the fight

And succumbed to ecstatic ecstasy

Just like the yellow and red sun screen


Oh how it cleared my woes 

The enclave of sumptuously leaved trees

Bordering grass that should not be mown

The shallow, rippling and shimmering river

With trickling music to your ear 

Oh how it cleared my woes 

Four year old pink balloon tied tricycle  

Shinney white and graced pink and bright

Grandad’s guiding pole, similarly adorned

The huddle and chatter with Grandma

A Sudden crouch for a squirrelling squirrel

The beyond joyousness of the tot beheld 

Oh how it cleared my woes 

Joggers and riders all bent on the same

Youths kicking around a ball, using their tops for posts.

The Parakeets screeching alarm

To which danger I do not know

Oh how it cleared my woes 

The sprinkle of joyful picnickers

Some hampers and blankets

And others oh so natural cock-a-hoop

And dancing dogs chasing their tails

The rollicking children playing chase

With others fluttering in the stream

Oh how it clears my woes 

My final act is to walk once more

Before the soft gentle tickling flame

The flowing scattering across the park

So the meadow poppy and lily will blossom 

So the meadow poppy and lily will blossom


Her third child in Malaysia was born under the sheet

The nurse staff could not believe it was neat

As a young mother she would sit on a seat

Cluck like a hen and pretend to lay an egg

She was never short of pulling one's leg

He third child would always include her

With all the rest of the family play cards

An indication of the boys inclusive nature

The father of the family left for foreign shores

Left the mother with the four teenagers

She managed to come out of her shell

A few breakdowns and out of that hell

Then she met Morgan and life was well

All of her dogs she has held very close

Told third child declaring he was closest

Because of his plight in so many doses


Are you the typical mother-in-law

Your daughter that told the stories

They were so troublesome worries

I came from the curry house that night

You were rid of company, your plight 

You came to take crisps from my door

The multipack message was skewed

And taken as not to come back any more

A time ago we were ships passing at night

We were now both suffering that plight

The gracious olive tree extended to me

Astonished that your son defended me

Now time has passed for many years

I know you were not as bad it appears

For you are not the apple to rotten 

For the daughter I have not forgotten


A trumpet makes you bloody lump it

A drum makes you musically hum

A saxophone rewards a dog with a bone

A piano is very good at letting you know

A guitar spends most of his life in a bar

A recorder like all it papers in order

An organ has a donor card for its organ

A bassoon likes blowing up a balloon

A flute robs banks and takes all the loot

A tambourine thinks it's a King reign

A gong thinks it is a raging King Kong

A spoon likes tapping out a tune

A tangerine spends most of its life dreaming

As cymbal when sowing is a thimble

A triangle simply has the best angle

A cello thinks it's the best fellow

A piano is simply in the know

A keyboard when it's played to much it's bored

A violin thinks it's Vera Lynn

A harp flys in a galactic warp

A banjo just loves to say hello

A bell just simply wants to tell

A clarinet will take on any bet

A bagpipe thinks all other instruments are hype

A recorder sells anything to order

A bell is so friendly it likes to tell

A bassoon likes behaving like a fool

A double bass is top of the class


My lovely tree was a skeleton with the backdrop of a light and a purple sky and a lovely blue, pink and grey morning sky

And was adorned in wisps of grey, pink and white fluffy clouds

It was also all lovely green shroud pierced by the dazzling sun in the heart of this amazing tree

The tree with full loaded green perfect leaves bathed in a lovely blue haze

There was a grey blanket behind the pristine green perfect shape, almost like a heart turned upside down.

My lovely tree has such glee to me it is perfect in green form and the evening sun bathing thee

Another grey shroud would be above my lovely tree

Blue wisps and white cotton buds all around, adorning in greys blues and white around it all lit up in brilliant green by sunlight

Shaded all in blue surrounding such a lovely tree for another delight

Just plain with a blanket of grey and white fluffy clouds bat


Monday No fun-day wake from my bed

With feeling dread of Tuesday Blues

Spend my evening feeling dead

Return to my bed not quite feeling dead

With my sore head it has to be said

Tuesday Blues day wake from my bed

With feeling dread of Wednesday Pains

Spend my evening not quite feeling dead

Return to my bed with my sore head

With my sore head it has to be said

Wednesday Pains day wake from my bed

Wake from my bed of Thursday Burns

Spend my evening feeling dead

Return to my bed not quite feeling dead

With my sore head it has to be said

Thursday Burns day Wake from my bed

With feeling dread of Friday By

Spend my evening feeling dead

Return to my bed not quite feeling dead

With my sore head it has to be said

Friday By day Wake from my bed

With feeling dread of Saturday Rats

Spend my evening feeling dead

Return to my bed feeling not quite dead

With my sore head it has to be said

Saturday Rats day wake from my bed

With feeling dread of Sunday grunts

Spend my evening feeling dead

Return to my bed feeling not quite dead

With my sore head has to be said 

Sunday grunts wake from my bed

With feeling dread of any day ahead 

Spend my evening feeling dead

Return to my bed feeling not quite dead

With my sore head has to be said


Perfect Postman decades of delivering  

Music Musicians master over decades

Special Sportsman or women that do make the team

Olympians spanning Gold over four year terms

Miraculous Midwives multiple deliveries

Surgeons striving medical advances

Nurses nursing and counselling patients 

Artists depicting particular 

Teachers teaching caterpillars to butterfly

Forces fighting for sovereignty

Astronomers leaping for mankind

Statesmen steering the nation high

Foster parents perennial parenting 

Adopting individuals providing shelter


Suffering is how it is, how do I escape it

That frustration can cast its shadow 

Cravings can uncloak the human mind

Fantasies flying away in fireworks

Delusions dart out of memory lane

Pain steps out never return again 

Unpleasantness unpeels utterly

That dangling pleasure in my mind dies

With enlightenment it is happy in the now

Serenity and Nirvana extinguish the flame

Now enlightenment is with me now

Which is achieved with total contentment humans

The most contorted and riven souls

Should be accepted into this fold

Perhaps they could be the most beautiful 

So all can reach enlightenment gold

I want this story to be historically told

Because the scriber does not want to hold

He just want to end his life out of this world 

But he just does not how to unfold

Sordid and wretched is his life he wants sold

Definitely will not last to ripen aged old

Has never been brought in from the cold

Feels so wrought I could never be bold

If I were a champion I would not earn gold

I just can't feel anything good to be told

About this life that I just totally and utterly want to unfold


Whales just like too ocean and sea sail

Dolphins are best at cleaning their fins

Reefs are the seas most important chiefs

Haddock look after the Princes paddock

Place are simply all over the place

Stingrays have all sorts of prays

Tiger fish cook the most glorious menu

Carp play the most tuneful harp

Cuttlefish will grant you a lovely dish

Walrus travels to work on a bus

Otters root out all the rotters

Porpoises have the most purpose

Manatees make the most of summer teas

Shrimps are in charge of all the pimps

Prawns so enjoy the morning dawn

Sea lips love to have a morning lie in

Hippopotamus live life without any kind of fuss

Sea horses run all the summer courses

Sharks are in charge of all the parks

Turtles in charge of reef tills

Octopuses are in charge of the fuss-ess

Sting rays are in charge of all the bays

Seals sell the best reduced deals


One big whoosh

Followed by tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock

Of a Grandfather Clock

Each of them a little faster

Now a clunk, clunk, clunk, clunk

Accelerating bit by bit

Returning to tick-tock again

Creaks next with silence and then absolute still

Hush and listen to the birds sing like a show

For a moment it is still and silent

Then on bigger whoosh this time

Takes away the quiet and starts all over again

Whooshing wind caressing across my form

Dappling sunlight in and out, with blinking shadow

Goal posts bear the cutest little meadow


Quite frankly, I would rather be on the walk feeling well

Than at home feeling totally totally shit

Listening to familiar music 

Emotionally gently swaying here and there

In some hope I can achieve less shit

For it is so easily meant becoming fit

By the end of this walk it had better work

So I can be rid of this sorry sorry health rock

So I can finally hear a helpful tip rock

So fed of it only being health mock

I just so hope I can pull up my socks

So my life can be rock and roll

Finally I would be a happy chappy

I was minutely stung on upper arm

But stung like it was sent from hell

I went to see close to the river

Used the cold water to bathe my sting

Then here and then I decided to go in

Nobody around so I skinny dipped in

Like maybe like once when I was a child

The sun had broken the cloud

Sun stroke me dry lightly

Then it followed me all the way home

Still feel so unwell I just have to tell

Enjoying the sun and the caress of the wind

Like massaging as gentle as a feather


I feel like I have run out of luck and it sucks

All I feel like is that I want to run under a truck

For this groundhog day that my life does suck

In terms of health I have run out of luck

If America took over, there would be no helpful buck

All the health officials have done nothing but duck

My mother wants to engage them in a ruck 

I am in a terrible state so don't give a fuck

For anything or anyone to give a fuck


I feel like a stool of stagnating ships

Just waiting for the end of life pips

I feel very strongly no food to pass these lips

All I can do is take drink in little sips

There is no one in this life can offer any tips

All I can think of is I will end up on a waste tip

For my life is a tap sore end and no more drip

If a cowboy on horseback could not whip

If I were a pancake in a pan I could not flip

I certainly could not make any trips

Any dock could not hold any ships

All the belle of beauties can't wear slips

The Friday night fish would have no chips

If I were the crunchiest bag I would not crisp

If I were a top notch vocal cord I would not lisp 

All that is left for me is one more trip

If a dancer lithe and supple can't do a jig

For once more my life I don't want to live

And that is certainly and surely does have to give

Put if another way I can't even give a fig

Even the best rock concert would not gig

The television car show would not have a Stigg

My life is certainly one big obese fat pig

And as far away as galaxy for a cig

The deepest most expensive house foundation dig

The wicked hair comment about dance and a jig 

What about that cinematic actress Diana Rigg

And all those people on high horses acting a prig

And all those women foolishly wearing a wig

Only Fools and Horses actor not called Trig

If I a tree after a harsh winter I would not have any twigs

A big fat rotund belly beer drinker would not have any swigs

And the worst earache ever has no earwigs

I would love to have someone play crib

And see a Christmas play in a crib

Repeating my life I just can't can't give

In this terrible, terrible, sordid life I live

And just know how I just don't want to live

Stone-bow I am attesting did not give

The sense of foreboding is so strong 

This life I lead will not be long

It will certainly not be wrong 

I have known this all along

Passing anything over my tongue

For a long time has been so wrong

Can't say that I want to come along

To anything cos I am far from strong

All I want is medics not to be wrong

So they can help me step up on a rung

That will stop my life like I am stung

I have never thought I am well hung

But one relationship spoke it like song 

No I have been unwell all for so long

Would like to go out like a gold band gong

How much longer am I gonna sing this song

Before someone actually benefits me right

So my life would not be so strife and trite

And I could actually live a real life

Without that oh so horrible feeling not right

And someone has actually shined my light

And I could be ready to actually fight

For the life I actually want to live

Although I have found it hard to give

And in my life I have not found it hard to forgive


Just one earthly entrance  

Winding round and snaking meandering

Paths descending down and arising up

Orchards bearing heavenly fruit

Elongated and Orbital gold spiked spears

It has been there countless centuries

Let them alone with baby piglets

Their footprints are there for all seen by all

Tubular orange clad trees with dark bark

In triangular piles in tight dark cloaks

Oh my, deer deer deer

Sweet chirrupings from perched plumes

Carpets of fern fronds mesh together with piercing thorns

The jigsaw puzzle tree

2 winged angels gliding around Orchards bearing heavenly fruit

Old tapped nails becoming miniature mushrooms

From the myriad green patchwork plateau with angels and white doves

Heavenly star gazing across splintered through streaking rays


I feel like I am living with the after death perdition 

It is said with absolute and total reason 

I feel it is in every single season 

My pain to me me is total treason

I am living in a solitary prison

Feel like nobody would listen

For the pain I endure and nowhere near a glisten

I just hope that my life like bread has risen

From this life of every day perdition

There is nothing in this life that would be a helpful addition 

For someone is so racked and ruined in this condition

There is no one on this earth that could make it there mission

To help this poor solemnly totally afraid of life with no remission 

What this poor man does today he can't cope with a decision 

Because the mind is just feeling in terrible division

He is nowhere near his old self so driven

For the total and utterly life that is riven


I just to want be left to alone like a dog with a bone

It is ruby Tuesday and tomorrow is golden Wednesday

I most definitely don't want tomorrow

Because I am sad with sorrow

There are tears in my eyes as emotion holds

Because it will one day soon goodbye

I am not exercising in the morning anymore

Not the Pilates in the evening at all 

I don't care for my hair anymore

I don't want to eat as any more

It has dawned on me this life is abhor

This my life and I have had damn enough

I am definitely in the rough, no longer tough

It is a definite chance maybe SARS

I can't go to any bars

As for the isolation and masks, what a fiasco

Perhaps no one would notice if my life was taken

The curtain call does not bow, nor a tree bough

Do you feel the feeling that I had enough

That my life is on a road so tragically rough

Just cooked some food for the first to time quite a while

Eating it has definitely made me feel vile

So death bell on food for a while


I am just so very badly ill

Feeling like rancid pigs swill

Or I fish without any gill

Or a little bird that does not sing on the window sill

I feel like I am terminally ill

There is certainly enough for the cremation bill

So my kin will not have to cough up the dough

And then they will not be able to raid any till

For this life I just do not want to fill

This now,  my life has no absolute will

I feel like I have been ground in a mill

For my ashes to be spread along a meadow

In Morden Hall with my kith and kin

This poem should be read by my relatives

This life just did not have any win.


In bath this morning letting water out

Down its draining circling spout

It went down with any shout 

Or any pursed lipped mouth

The went for a walk 

I was listening to Enya tunes

Playing my umbrella for a recorder

With some other instruments in order

Then was a Robbin bobbing about

Which I have not seen for no doubt


I was watching Peaky Blinders

Fellow patient shouting blinders 

Had heard many times as room next door 

Knocked on office window, guy on phone saw

Knocked on board room, swapping shifts

To implore, don't want to hear any more

Was not able to listen any more had to shift

So grab cue for few games of pool

Just reminds of my pain so cruel

My upper chest, shoulders, neck cruellest 

Back upstairs, cue to office 

Back to phone to continue watching


My throat is totally torn

No food can pass at dawn

Not even a lonely old prawn

My neck and chest also are torn

I just wish I could be reborn

Without this burning gown

I wonder what it is like six feet down

And the awe of meadows where birds fly

Perhaps I could give a dog a bone

It would be utterly useless if I lost my phone

And the medical staff cease coming to my home

It is now shown on my face a fretful frown

When it is dark I might go to the park river and drown

For someone from this life might be to follow

I am watching Tolkien for one last throw

Before I Go down to the valley below

I just want to go out in a nightgown

Lighting up the streets lights with my glow


Out for a pint tonight cos I wanted the might

Looking for a real ale pub, it seemed to be right

Sat on table and the conversation seemed able

Thought that the slim guy was as not friendly able

The other chap was so cordial 

I was telling so many sort of fables

And all of a sudden the slim guy

Somehow did not like my story glory 

Now wanted me to leave the table

Funny how instincts of me are so able

Carried me well through my life's table

Feel sorry for the slim guys unable

Very fair from my model of life's parables


Joy & hope, yes, they rob I

Sold I to the painful ships

Minutes after they took I

From the mountains’ top

But my mind was made strong

By the 'and of the all of my might

We forward in this Regeneration triumphantly

Won't you help to sing

These pains for freedom

'Cause all I ever have

Regeneration songs

Regeneration songs

Emancipate yourselves from mental cruelty

None but ourselves can free our pain

Have no fear for continued therapy

'Causes some of them can stop the pain

How long shall my acute pain steel me

While we stand aside and look? Ooh!

Some say it's just a mental problem

We've got to fulfil the therapy

Won't you help to sing

This song of regeneration

'Cause all I ever have

Regeneration songs

Regeneration songs

Regeneration songs

Emancipate yourselves from mental cruelty

None but ourselves can free our pain

Have no fear for continued therapy

'Causes some of them can stop the pain

How long shall my acute pain steel me

While we stand aside and look? Ooh!

Some say it's just a mental problem

We've got to fulfil the therapy

Won't you help to sing

This song of generation

'Cause all I ever have

Regeneration songs

Regeneration songs

Regeneration songs

Won't you have to sing

This song of regeneration

'Cause all I ever had

Regeneration songs 

All I ever had

Regeneration songs

These song of regeneration

Songs of regeneration


Tricycled tot free wheeling flood

Swan flapping circlet rippled pool

Snaking river mocks mill pond

Grass carpeting preen calming

Trees crowning green glorious

Majestic swan taking running flight

Newly hatched six signets delight

Oarsman guiding gliding meander

Clouded flies bobbing annoyingly

Birds singing, chirping harmony

Time o’clock blowing dandelion


I feel like the apple in a basket rotten

Like sour rancid milk in a bottle

Like anchovies have always been to me

Like the terrorists are to mankind

Like a tortious barb wire bind

Like police heinous crime find

The shotgun pellets of a stag in its hind

Anger of a volcanic eruption/hurricane wind

Like a massive mound of smelly manure

Or those who dish out torture

Any fruit that have long lost their fresh

Any well soiled and beaten flesh

Guava smell from Indonesia forgotten

The contents of a great shark gut cut open

All the washed up garbage on the sea shores

All the years combined of all the whores

Or all the flies around a wound sore

Or a fly with maggots outpouring galore

Or all the cinema eighteen's gore

Anything that is rotten to the core

Anything that resembles a sore

All the detestable earth wars

Anything not edible that is raw

An historical trauma that has thawed

At least week old tub of coleslaw

The seedy lawyers not covering law

A toilet roll holder that does not hold the roll

A bubbling pot that does not come to boil 

A fencer who has long since lost his foil

The candle burner that has no oil

This person lives in total turmoil

A vagina birth control that has no coil

A summer bed of flowers that have no soil

The person is being to lose his soul

The top football player that can't score a goal

The mare that has lost her first foal

The poorest man living the street no dole

The sexiest slender vixen has no pole

The biggest under earth cavern has no coal

The tallest netball player scores an own goal

And all the smelliest but maybe cute bottoms

Any penis that is not cleansed in every part

Or killing of any animal with a blow dart

Or the returning of an annoying wart

Or a cull of bodies being carried by a cart

Or maybe just one smelliest fart

Or the camel toe of a lamb dressed tart

Anything that is ripped and torn apart

The tearing of a riven love heart

Anything that has long been so dead

Someone dead melted into their bed

In the tortious mind of someone's head

Any story of a heinous terrifying thread

Any vegetable decaying to a mess

A haggard old lady out of her dress

I simply wish that my life was forgotten 

It has been so rotten groundhog day so often

Do not want to eat because it is so rotten

I most definitely want it to be forgotten 

The taste in my mouth is kind of mettle throttle 

And my life is so detestable, not eating

Maybe I will end up like a rotten vegetable


Just fancy penning a poetic poem with no rues

Straight forward, definitely not entwined with clues

Not sure which yellow brick pave can solve

This scriber will endeavour with much resolve

And perhaps the endeavour can be behold

With reference to anything no matter how old

Like the Knights of the Round table were so bold

And aka Bob Marley coming in from the cold 

What about all the Jackanory stories were told

The infamy of Tony Blair and the gold he sold

All the people that have lived in this world

Perhaps generations of wanting to be in the fold

Robin Hood and his merry men in the wood

The Pied Piper piping the rats with his tunes

All the little seaside boy and girls with balloons

The brightly coloured circus clowns buffoons

For the devil and his ilk not to include

Certainly no cinema theatre interludes

As for the stately inter family feuds 

How about all the clouds in the sky

All the young want to learn why

Not the peeping Tom's who pry

Yes to the meek and mild, even if they cry

Angel fish, sea horses and cuttlefish

Indian and Pakistan spice curry dish

Giraffes, gazelles, goats and gesellschaft 

Stick insects, caterpillars and beetles

The Rolling Stones and The Beatles 

Rubella, rashes, scabs and measles

Kings, Queens and Court jester

Crocodiles, lizards and alligators

Invigilators and examination testers

Those American first year freshmen

Lemon-aid, soda and squash refreshments

Heavy metal, pop, reggae and jazz blues

Shower, sinks, latrines, baths and loos

That is the end of the poem with no rue


I am in so such severe pain

The fierce streak that rips my throat

The burning sense that compliments it

Travels all the way down my oesophagus

And joins the very sore tyre across my stomach

My chest feels like a heavy block

The pain in my head is something of dread

My face is in so much pain

My eyeballs are so very sore

My cheeks are so very sore

My fingers are very sore

My wrists feel somewhat weak

There is no one that could take a peek

In this dead man if they took all week

There is nothing they would find, not even a leak

There are odd sensations from head to toe

And my stomach never stops gurgling

I just don't feel right at all

From this life I want to fall

Because it is not worth living at all

I feel it is not worth it at all

If I could end it I would not care

I just wish I had in me that dare

For my life that is not fair

And has not been for many a year

And the very end is near, I fear

Shame I am not shedding any tear

There is nothing that I hold dear

Could I make it any more clear

I am heading to death's door in fifth gear

And the life I want to lead is no were near

I want a magician to suddenly appear

With a wand so sharp as a spear

And sort me out so the pain was all clear

But there is no hope for this poor dear

Not even one that in looking as a seer

Could also not ever determine the all clear

So there is no celebration, not even here

I hope I will sleep well though my life is so austere

It cannot be still here at the end of the just started year

The overwhelming utter feeling of my life in fear

Know absolutely not to be quelled by amber bear

This unquestionably total and utter worst ever cursed perdition


This is another scribe of terrible pain 

There is a burning core from stomach up to my brain

This pain starts, bit like and ships anchor, shaping me insane

It spreads out across by up chest tree trained

Then like some sort of trunk it reaches up to my neck  

And burns most inside the throat, explanation never explained 

Then there is my face with burning cheeks and bones acclaimed 

My head over all sore even to brush hair hurts and it drains

Yet another eve coping with this vile blighter untrained

And I know that the same feeling will be tomorrow the same 

That is the route of the evil pain and the step is never falling

It only plateaus out til the next time to an ever descending levelling

I will sip some honey tea in the vain hope that my throat is relieved 

And in the knowledge that water is more important distressing cuisines


I am a dead man who feels like he is gonna die

I could not ingest any more not even a pie

He is so bad, all he wants is his bed, to rest his sore very sore head

And wishes beyond any compare that he was dead

And then his terrible plight would never had to be said

The bed he wants as well as his head, is fatigued body

He would not want anyone else to have this pain

Quite easily said, it is nothing but a dirty drain in its reign

It is 6 o'clock and this poor blighted does not want to rock

And worries he may not even rise tomorrow with a clock

His mother phoned him today, proclaiming I sounded better

It could never be, even if it was a signed and stamped letter

And it is apparent that he will not become that better

A choice now could be off to the pub, for one is a masker

But he knows he cannot become any darker, or even darker

And as soon as he read, the ship start

He new why he penned it earlier, because felt is peculiar 

And now does not want to eat, even if cooked by Delia

So this man is gonna take his meds and descend to bed

Thought about a bath but just can't face it by

With a stomach gurgling like a geyser 

And feeling like another wet pooh, of several today 

Just to signify this poor man is in utter dismay

And really does not want to live another day

Because he wakes up feeling shit day on day

And is tired of repeating this to say and say

For no one coming back to say yeah


My life is so utterly absurd

Like a shotgun of a flock of birds

Or one massive smelly turd

Or an elephant stuck upside down in custard

Or steaming greasy fat lard boiling over

It better not be a late birthday card ever

I would not like to hear a singing bard

Bucking palace without the rifled guard

The poor old dying people in the hospital last pass ward

I would not want to leave an untidy house to my kith and kin


Skinny dipping freely

Power gliding through the air

Water skiing on bumpy seas

Basket balloon ground rising

Snow skiing down the Alps

Toboggan riding in the Olympics

Fairground car bumping

Riding from sea gently

Race riding a bicycle

Roaring round bends on a motorbike

Running the London marathon

Jogging in the local summers park

Cross country woods race

Just a simple walk in sunshine summer park

Or a more arduous peak walk

Climbing up Jack and the Beanstalk

Downhill slalom ski racing

Formula One season championship

Grandstand annual steeplechase

Newmarket track flat racing


The Onset Of Sleeping Slumber

Totally Evoking Freedom

A Trick To Turn Over The Day's Toil

I Would Like Comfort In A Duvet

Certainly Not In Any Earth Soil

In Summer I Use A Frozen Bottle So I Do Not Boil

Instead A Summer Day Doze Down A Country Mile

After A Skinny Dip In A River Running Wild


The snowball gathered at such an amazing of snow

It glistened and shone like diamond and stars

Who was to know, all that glistens can glow

As it rumbled down down the snow mountain

And racing down and down it grew larger and larger

It nestled in the bottom of the valley with a bobbing and rocking motion

Which turned the Snowball  and it gradually took apace

On and upward, and upward dodging pine trees

Finally settling, the Snowball became  godly snowman

And now it was ready to wear a crystal crown like a King


Just went outside in winter sun

Thinking for this "poor living man" 

Do have some solace from verse

Always opportune bathing in rays

Quite delightful after sea swimming 

That sort of day for me is winning

Enjoy elements from the universe 

Planetary objects round sun spinning

Stars and shooting twinkling and sparkling


Have had some food today which went down lead balloons

Some of my kin are buffoons

To blame my condition of alcohol 

This is an explanation monumental

Because it has not been told or understood 

This past week or so, I have been dire

Waking up and feeling this low

Then meal times just adds to woes 

But the alcohol and tallyhoes last night 

Was a surprising festive delight

Just wishes that it would all be right

I wish to be someone that enjoys food, and last night it came to pass

The Christmas Dinner was passable 

And the entire affair was just simply enjoyable

But no alcohol will any more consumed 

To quell the torment that I constantly abhor 

I do doubt that the tide will not turn, only if in an urn

And it seems that I am taciturn

Because my brain is trained on pain

My life is just such stressful drain

No wonder the alcohol was entertaining 

Drugs and referrals never reaching

So medical staff cannot be impeaching


Have had some food today which went down lead balloons

Some of my kin are buffoons

To blame my condition of alcohol 

This is an explanation monumental

Because it has not been told or understood 

This past week or so, I have been dire

Waking up and feeling this low

Then meal times just adds to woes 

But the alcohol and tallyhoes last night 

Was a surprising festive delight

Just wishes that it would all be right

I wish to be someone that enjoys food, and last night it came to pass

The Christmas Dinner was passable 

And the entire affair was just simply enjoyable

But no alcohol will any more consumed 

To quell the torment that I constantly abhor 

I do doubt that the tide will not turn, only if in an urn

And it seems that I am taciturn

Because my brain is trained on pain

My life is just such stressful drain

No wonder the alcohol was entertaining 

Drugs and referrals never reaching

So medical staff cannot be impeaching


The lovely sound of morning song bird

Such a beautiful sound to be heard

You just have to remember

You can hear it from July to September

In the morning glory as the sun shimmers

And the blades of grass that glisten

Back to the place where you can listen

To the Blue Tits and Robins you cannot miss

The sparrows and thrushes in absolute bliss

As soft as the school children's kisses 

Anyone that pinches the bum of the mistress

Return to the garden so the sound of the lark is not missed

Or in the forest glade were everything is blessed 

The magic of the meadow is best

Never let the Bumble bee rest

At the peril of the World will be unblessed

It will certainly be all beings put to the test

So forevermore celebrate saving the bees for everyone's quest

So the World can can be everyone's guest

Not for just the rich because they can invest

There will be no reason not to give

All in all life there would be no need to forgive

And finally let people claim to live and let live


I feel that I will be oh so dead soon

Like an elderly grey haired face baboon

Or once inflated a fire red balloon 

Or a butterfly that did not emerge from its caterpillar 

Or a terrified first time soldier deserting the dragoon

Or a once magnificent fighter slain by a dragon

Or a slaughter of a whole war torn platoon

Or the polluted white coral in a fish less lagoon

Or the millions of sharks killed with a harpoon

So the Chinese cuisine has its finest food

Seen by the World in terms of overfishing so crude

The polar caps tumbling into the sea blue

And overall the man on Earth has ruled cruel

If I were pistol fighter I would lose my duel


Shit I feel like I do

I do feel like shit

It is with me now

It was with me then

At a constant, and in the future

It has grown and grown and grown 

To a place a don't really own

It is taking me there I fear

To where I don't want appear 

Or perhaps it will be so

Because ingestion won't go

It will send me under six feet under

Or at least some sort of asunder 

It is with me now

And it was with me then


Ants in your pants obviously 

Bees police the naughty fleas

Butterflies eat all the mince pies

Caterpillars make the strongest pillars

Fleas spend their life on there knees

Wasps clean out all the old taps

Termites manage insects wrights

Mosquitos look after insect woes 

Spiders are the best providers 

Flies are best at spreading lies

Beetles make soups with lentils 

Bed bugs have such lovely hugs

Moths are very clever at maths

Dragon flies wear the smartest ties

Cockroaches are best at chess

Crickets obviously play the best cricket

Lice supply the iciest ice

Scorpions are kindest with orphans

Earwigs go to the loudest gigs

Mayflies look after any that dies

Praying mantis like making shopping lists

Sticks are in charge of lighting candle wicks

Ladybirds are rude and quite absurd 

Grasshoppers are Oxford Street shoppers

Whales just like too ocean and sea sail

Dolphins are best at cleaning their fins

Reefs are the seas most important chiefs 

Cod is the most curious funny bods

Haddock look after the Princes paddock 

Place are simply all over the place

Stingrays have all sorts of prays

Tiger fish cook the most glorious dish

Carp play the most tuneful harp

Cuttlefish will grant you a lovely wish

Walrus travels to work on a bus

Otters root out all the rotters

Porpoises have the most purpose 

Manatees make the most of summer teas

Shrimps are in charge of all the pimps

Prawns so enjoy the morning dawn

Sea lions love to have a morning lie in

Walrus lives life without any kind of fuss

Seahorses run all the summer courses

Sharks are in charge of all the parks

Turtles are in charge of reef tills

Octopuses are in charge of the buses

Stingrays are in charge of all the bays

Seals sell the best reduced deals


I am up shit creek without a paddle

If I were a duck I would not waddle

If I were as turkey I would not gobble

If I were a knitted hat I would have no bobble

I am physically in so much trouble

If I were a collapsed building I would have no squeak or rubble

If I were some leftover mash I would have no bubble

I am really worried about my life it has burst its dollar bubble

I am in big massive critical crisis trouble

And if you like you can describe it as double trouble

Or I have taken the worst in terms of tumble

And I am certainly in tortious jumble

I don't know what to do if my stomach does rumble

I wish my life could be just humble 

And I haven't taken this massive tumble


Just had stroll in park

Wanted to be any soul in that park

Because my life is so utterly dark

It is bothersome and striking stark

This should not leave any question mark

I am certainly feeling the sense of nark

If I was a dog, I would be Hugo, no bark

Angels in heaven or earth won't have any hark

The it is in me no sort of joyous spark 

I am definitely not any funny lark

I want to be carried off in Noah's Ark

My life will, maybe kindly, I want to park

My skin colour is a tan in artificial light

But it shamelessly white in blazing sunlight 

I need to venture out and put up a fight

It needs to be done with all my might

And then maybe I won't be so white

In the healing power of sunlight

I can then appeal so long as I don't peal


Just went outside in winter sun

Thinking for this "poor living man" 

Do have some solace from verse

Always opportune bathing in rays

Quite delightful after sea swimming 

That sort of day for me is winning

Enjoy elements from the universe 

Planetary objects around sun spinning

Stars shooting, twinkling and sparkling


I simply don't want to live this life anymore

There is nobody I want to implore

There is nothing I want galore

There is nobody on this life I adore

I am racked in pain from my head to floor

This life to me is such a strenuous bore

All over this man is critically so sore

He wonders if he will wander out of the door

And not be a soul on this planet anymore

Then the siblings would not be four

Mother would be fraught for sure

This dead man does not think there is a cure

No animal will lend a gentle and kind paw

No woodman would aggressively attack with a saw

No golfer would swing shouting four

The most bent copper would not break the law

 The two timing gentleman would not search for a whore

The bad apple in the basket would not have any core

No stars or suns would shine no more

No religions or nations would go to war

The top notch lawyer would not practise any law

The most frightening eighteen film would have no gore

A winning team would not have jubilant tour

If I were a supreme black belt karate kid I would end up on the floor

If I were the most pristine hinges I would have no door

If I were as summer salad I would have no coleslaw 

And this life is no life right into a torn core


T’was sunny day and the river invited me in

It was such a gorgeous cold feeling within

It made me feel like in life I can win

I feel like the adventurous as Huckleberry Finn

Anyway and furthermore back to my swim

Too many other sunbathers are wading in

Some of the frolicking children making good fun din

How anyone could call such happiness a sin

Of course you would never hear a dropped pin

Now the crowd have finished their play

Some of them ashore are dipping into a biscuit tin

I will still be basking in the glorious sunlight

I could last like this under the star


I do not think i would mind any bug bites

I would not be disturbed by firefly lights

Or any buzzing of pesky mites


When you are out for a summers walk

If lucky it will be blue skies with brilliant sunshine

What is more the cars reflection of the sun in their mirrors, door handles, windscreens, silver necklaces on females, hubs, wheels, wing mirrors

If you stayed in the middle of the motorway sunning yourself, it would be the best place to stand 

Walk in between cars in a figure of eight to enjoy the reflections of the sun with all its weight

If you could bear the mayhem of the moving traffic, then well done you, and all around you, because you will have enjoyed all the summer fun and glorious sun


Sumptuous Sumatra gala

Exploring the sultry zephyr 

Squatting secretly down

Beneath flashy foliage

White knickers glimmer

Yellow streaking down

Sultry solemn glance

Dramatic fiesta picture

Forever etched captured


I lead a life of hells ground dog day

I just do not want anything now

I do not give a sucking ship

I just came back from a walk with a heavy downpour

But that did not matter a jot anymore

I do not want anybody to come knocking on my door

Or anybody to keep ringing my alarming bell

The last two nights I have had beers to mask all that for the night

Did colouring today to concentrate the mind with some relief

I truly truly truly truly truly, truly truly just want a good night


Have had some food today which went down lead balloons

Some of my kin are buffoons 

To blame my condition of alcohol 

This is an explanation monumental

Because it has not been told or understood 

This past week or so, I have been dire

Waking up and feeling this low

Then meal times just adds to woes 

But the alcohol and tallyho's last night 

Was a surprising festive delight

Just wishes that it would all be right

I wish to be someone that enjoys food, and last night it came to pass

The Christmas Dinner was passable 

And the entire affair was just simply enjoyable

But no alcohol will any more consumed 

To quell the torment that I constantly abhor 

I do doubt that the tide will not turn, only if in an urn

And it seems that I am taciturn

Because my brain is trained on pain

My life is just such stressful drain

No wonder the alcohol was entertaining 

Drugs and referrals never reaching

So medical staff cannot be impeaching


In bath this morning letting water out

Down its draining circling spout

It went down with any shout

Or any pursed lipped mouth

The went for a walk

I was listening to Enya tunes

Playing my umbrella for a recorder

With some other instruments in order

Then was a Robbin bobbing about

Which I have not seen for no doubt

So medical staff cannot be impeaching


The nightingale has its belly pale

The sparrow keenest with an arrow

The robin sits on a child's bobbin

The jack-door obviously opens doors

The blackbird is somewhat absurd

The blue tit simply lives it life in a hit

The budgie paints pictures rather dodgy

The raven just loves it in heaven

The starling just loves to sing on the wing

The pigeon just loves to live his life on

The ostrich is simply just so rich

The chicken spends it life in a pen

The wren just does not no when

The duck has done such a naughty muck

The goose has been caught in it noose

The raven thinks it will go off to heaven

The seagull just has its belly full

Another blackbird does the biggest turd

The thrush just beets about a bush

The yellow hammer makes such a clammer

The great tit has fantastic hits

The crow has the best thing to know

The stork plays a tune on forks

The rook is best at reading books

The lapwing keeps everything under wing

The parrot just feast on carrots 

The canary eats all the berries

The owl simply is the best night prowl

The tern most certainly gives the turn

The woodpecker rides a double decker

The jay knows how to bill pay

The swallow obviously swallows

The finch just does not give an inch

The toucan likes to give out tokens

The flamingo just goes with the flow

The guillemot simply likes planning a plot

The albatross thinks he is the boss


Hair just likes the limelight of the flare

Head just has to stay ahead

The eyes like the look of mince pies

The nose wants emptying by the blows

The mouth likes to munch anything about

The chin just likes to nod greeting

The cheeks are obviously very cheeky 

The jaw just likes to much in galore

The neck tends to be the pain in the neck

The spine just simply wants to be fine

The breast simply want to be the best

The stomach likes to empty out the muck

The pelvic sometimes impersonating Elvis

The hip likes grating when hearing gigs

The knees takes all the pressure with ease

The ankles are just the best uncle

The toes like to proudly impose 

The fingers like to just linger

Thumbs definitely play the drums

The nails want to be painted with frills

The buttocks likes to be rid of its stock

The bollocks like to shoot when it docks

The penis ensures there is nothing amiss

The vagina likes to open it doors for wider

The back knows its be ready for an attack

The shoulder just knows it is definitely older

The heart likes anything of love and art

The liver just like water to be delivered 

Kidneys want to sort out the body needs

The pancreas does not like to be in arrears

The wrists don't like anything with a twist

The elbows are the best fellows

The anus likes to export to Uranus 

The tits spurt out for the for the baby hits

The ears like to music playing to hear

The body does not want be a nobody 


It was sharp and chiselled 

Became bouncy and long

Lively, light and lovely

Joy of youthful looking soul

To wash and preen for the best to be seen

Host horrendous horrible state

The head shaking became burdensome

And the heat hampered cleaning

With the arms to wrought and beaten

The demise was swift and severe

Shaven off it could have been queer

It was sorry missing hurt host, oh deer


The ballet dancer ribboned dance

The princely prancing gazelle

The dragonfly bouncing along the river

The butterfly flitting here and there

The street dancer prancing about

The mayfly skirting over the very still pond

The crocodile rolling and twisting his prey

The billy goat jumping in glorious delight

The boxer punching his way to victory

The little pup chasing his tail round and round

The worm that evaded the blackbird peck

The Long John Silver parrot landing on deck

My hand airborne flittering to Enya delight

Trying desperately to evade my pain

It is four in the morning waking hell

It is the second night in worrying fright

Last night it became the amazing clear

I wonder if I should ascend to golden beer

So it will allay my heart, sole and body

All the children like the story of Noddy

Most people like the cutest puppy

The sunlight streaming through trees

The flowers for the buzzing honey bees

The pore dog infested with annoying fleas

The pore old man who had lost his keys

The salesman with swindling fees

The squawking marching Canada geese

The gunfighter died from rotting disease

Similarly the old gross lady died from old age disease

The poor gentlemen breathing wheeze 

The young tot learning to say please

The poor schoolboy in a deep freeze

The commercial van ran out of lease

America and Russia sign up for peace

The ironing professional perfect crease

In autumn time for a warming fleece

The warring neighbours come to a truce

Cleaning ladies are best at cleaning loos

Who does not like a basket hot air balloon


The end is nigh and I am far from high

Just have the horrible feeling I am going to die

It is playing havoc in my brain and I don't understand why 

How has my path reached such an unfair end on this earth

That I have this extreme feeling that there is nothing but death

And how does that play out in my final demise

It is not from my efforts to exercise, shall amber ale inflict it

So it is somehow less painless, fool this useless staff of it

No doubt to pass nothing solid can pass this tortious throat

So liquid gold with befit this person who now does not have any grit

Maybe I will die with some kind of primal fit, to wit would fit

And maybe the combustion of a funeral pyre, would befitting 

For the life lead is finally arriving after years of spine tingling 

Has now transferred any thoughts of anywhere near actually worth living

At Christmas time I felt like not giving ingeniously, now I can't give anything

And what can I do on the strong sense of passing, tired of asking for anything

To assist me while living and nothing is coming so the marble splinters in its final smash after aeons of bouncing down each marble step

I care for absolutely nothing in my final flight of death wish, admonished

Here I am just feeling a tad lighter, thought I could manage a sunshine fiesta

Could not see my phone to attesting this sordid life that is beyond any vitality 

Don't care if anyone calls me, this is my time to have and I won't be impeached

Because no General Practitioner, senior consultant, physiologist, CT Scans, pain management, Rheumatologist, Neurologist, etc came to nothing to reach 

Conclusion where all negative, apart from Gastro which was under stretched

To be any fathamal way to explain my physical pain in some way not related

Going to keep typing this halfway through first pint, Lord knows what I will be

penning when the sixth amber ale will be so enjoyably be passing into this

dead feeling vessel, don't know if last supper will be the KFC in bliss

Will be interesting to see if this day the best in so many ways, for a man so in dismay

Looks like a test match is on, England v South Africa , England 139 for 4

Have not watch test matches, probably some time back in the eighties, summer holidays

If South Africa manage to win it will be somewhat what straining bummer

The amber nectar is enjoying travelling around my body and is kind of making me slumber which is never enough for this over tired, tired, tired sufferer 

Did have that sort of slumber made another honey tea and which started this so desperate scribe, enjoying the music probably from the same sort of Test time

Feeling not so dead as that time and this scriber knows that this drinking is signed up as not admissible, but self medication is critical, for nobody knows

the plight of this poor mite, it is trite, frightening, scary, and just shit damn right

Perhaps this so enduring pained blighter is no longer any fighter, no matador 

bullfighter, not that his would have slain any bull or animal unless for the table

Long since suffered Facebook posting of what they are doing on their tables

Wonder if I should suffer the cost of a new mobile because in here with WiFi 

my emails will still not send which is annoying just to say is just a tad windup

Did I mention that the hole of my body is in tension, the amber nectar may dis-tension, where drugs don't feature worthy of mention. Dr Moore I reckon with me, he is not any idea of helping this near death person, feeling desperation

And perhaps on Stone-bow return there will be threat of sending home

To the terrible man who always feels terrible, and very worried for life

Because I am in terrible strife, don't know why drinking, but there is fuck 

all left worth doing, mother wants to see me over weekend, wonder if dying duck will last long enough with luck, or will he run under a truck, that dumps 

over me in a load of muck. This twist of sorry state ends of course with no luck

Because his life was run a mock , with this sorry state not worth a gold of block

Just for some reason wanted to cry but that emotion did not fly, been out quite long now, thought remit of Stone-bow might call, not that I would answer them at all, almost think morilly they can't call, because they did not help me at all

Will this be the best penning of all because it comes from such a dark whole 

That the marble bounced the last stair it blasts to smithereens into in the air

Scriber is sure that people do care, just that there is no emotion there 

For riven in such pain, I now have nothing to gain, and these past years I don't want to live again, if I did I would live my life very differently to now but don't 

regret my Jodie and Lauren, because I reckon could be special to me, but it was never to be, and am nonplussed now if they benefit from me, but there is nothing I want in me so just want to let it be, Jodie was that special to me, when 

she was late teens coming out of her diabetes, the summer with her girlies, was enjoyably fair and the six months she came calling, when herself was falling

I did come a calling and saw her first piddling, from her bed, so depending 

On the hospital staff she was depending, she was on some form of mending

And those special moments in life are plain just living, still don't know if my life is worth living, because I am so unforgiving of any mistreating 

England now moved on, was going to say for 4, but as I looked 5th went down, but 185 on score card now, I just suspect that Stone-bow have accepted that I will be so consumed with alcohol, and if they arrive at my door once more and attest say to me "you don't want alcohol test do you" I will reply not any more

For I don't feel anything any more, for the life I have attested I don't want anymore

This is despite the fact that I have been watching Peaky Blinders forever more 

The future I just can't adore, for it is a life I want no more, so the pain I endure

Is not anymore, because I am fourth point in, to a life I don't want to live

It may as well fall through a sieve, because it again is not I want to live

This matador that will always rise to emotional threats with scornful attests 

Will bat back anyone’s unreasonable requests at some behest, maybe naturally 

some sort of test, I do wonder if posthumous reading of this will make them think that their life does not stink, and make them sick at the sink. 

Did say I wonder where I would think after six pints I would sink and

we are getting there at last and it can't be so fast, now there is Talking Heads playing which takes me back to past times over times I did ingest, such good bands at my behest, not that it was some form of test, and for Robin Hood

he did actually do some good, like all of us should, for if you live you life so good, then rewards of all will be understood, even though you might not live underwood where Robin Hood once stood, did wonder where this afflicted sole would go with these pints in flow, but it is not somewhere I would go, for I just don't know where my life would flow, naturally as it was once ago, I know I can't achieve any more for the life I abhor, that is four pints I adorned , 2 more will die

me a little more, and KFC not sure, but will give it a go, and I doubt that I want to live anymore for the life I abhor, and when I arrive back again at Stone-bow I will attest once more, that it is a life I don't want to live any more for the life I don't wish anymore, sending me home is of no consequence because the life I lead is not worth a pence, and bears no common sense, though drinking these pints, perhaps lends to a life that I want to lead, though not really, I want to be dead, because whatever I do I am not better, and this is my my life to the letter

For I know it cannot be better, all the consultants could not put me together, 

Like all the King's horses and men definitely could not put me together again 

Like a steam rolling train that could not reach its destiny, my life is in for me

Could not digress it is not in for me, poetry is best for me, now playing Terence Trent hiDerby, not sure the name of the song, but sure it is where I want to belong Feeling well pissed am me, really don't care what is inform, now playing song so familiar with but just can't remember it, but yet so familiar , now remember Deacon Blue, what a song to endure, for my life I so implore, that I don't want

To live anymore, it should be well documented, maybe it was not intended, for poetry is a past time that is so important to me, is this my last spree, I felt that this morning, just to express my gravity, it was Chardonnay now Sting singing his majesty , was he singing from his balcony, I am a dead man it has to be

Unreasonably, but it still has to be, the end of the life again it shall be, this poetry has lead to the life I don't want to be and new my scribing would prove to be fruity just like Peaky Blinders were meant to be

Like me I am thinking I shall be consigned to history cos my life is such a mystery , a shot in the dark, it is the dark, a reference to something in my past has it come to me, who were the bank, Toyer Wilcox , just has to be, is this the best poem that has ever been, if it is been befitting of any Queen, I just don't care anymore fore the life I so abhor, anything that passes my lips I abhor, for this life I cannot endure, do you now I have not eaten anything today, and this is a big part of where I am, because eating anything is a sham

Mr Bowie is playing right now, on the music player, always, playing that top notch music, he trembles like a flower, and do they have flower, like you playing for hours, fuck anything that devours, for hours and hours, and I don’t care any flowers, if life is worth living, it has it has not worth not living

Well maybe have to differ, cos this 6 pint man begs to differ, with throat on fire

of course this dead man still did Rubix cube and fairly high sudoku puzzle

so mind and matter so well equipped, equivalent as rugby is to Martin Offiah 


This is certainly the basis of the extreme dark

Blackish blackish blackish stain mark

So black holed there is not any type of spark

The measure is massively so stark

It may as well be as though there is no lark

To sing any song in this void would be so black

This life I lead is sordidly sad pain riven stack

The core of my pain could not be lifted lifted up by car jack

I feel so sabotaged, defiled, tormented without lack

I don't have the audacity or ware with all to take my own life

So very well documented my life is so in strife

Perhaps it I could summon the power of a knife

But the pain to be tortuous in taking that life

My skeleton of my head is so evident

The pain strewn body has no restraint

My favourite colour purple is bruised and ruined 

Just like this host beyond anything real

I am so dead inside no base to feel

Even playing cards I find hard to deal

And fair to say it is life I also can't deal

Where I am has is no regard to me


Plain everyday pain

Quality sweets drain

Notorious nerve neck

Throat always feels peck

Chest, no draws to be found

Stomach aches all around

Love has flown its nest

Emotion and all the rest

This doth sternly attest

If life was taken it is best

Like marble bouncing

Down marble stairway

Slightly cracking on bounce

It splitters and shards it last ounce


In summer I at last grow

The farmer cuts me down with a mow

What the farmer definitely does not know 

Are the insects and birdies down below

They would much rather not to mow

Then the hedgerow grow without the mow

Housing more insects and birdies for home 

And so much better is sure to be known


This pain contorts my weary neck and face

It is long since I have enjoyed any solace

I wish my pain would swap to another place

It would certainly be in a card pack the spade ace

Then perhaps that dastardly pain had no trace

The host could then re-join the human race

Taking up his so deserved and earned space 

Could he be adorned in fine white lace

And his daughters both comeback into the fold

All the misdemeanours would be joyously untold

Perhaps he doth become braver and draped in gold

Before his body withers and shrivels to late in age old

All this could be construed as he was coming of age

In his life he was certainly parsley, time and sage

Always would take up anything to stage 

Never wanted to be like a parrot stuck in a cage

Once back in the day an earner of quite some wage

In his life with relationships were always the reverse of rage

My life although not slow did not run at high pace 

And it was never critical, at all costs to win the race

I think what is required is a multitude of braces

This extremely unwell poor man could win at the races


In spring I turn a new leaf

And feel light headed

Or full blooded

I am slightly clad

It is fair to me

Unique as a fingerprint

Sometimes I am the edge of a spear

I grow spreading underground

In summer I am full blooded

And bare Turkish delight

Or heavenly pearls

I am heavily clad

If is flipping hot

Don’t like grassy plains

Sometimes cleared in swathes

House tigers, chimps and baboons

In autumn I begin to fall

And I feel burning pyre

Or curiously flamed cones

I am losing my tight fitting clad

I am gale blown away

The friend of Ozone

Sometimes I weep to the ground

House squirrels, badgers and stouts

In winter I am a skeleton

Completely bare naked

Or full fulsomely fair blooded

I have been robbed of my clad 

I am covered in snowflake white

Cut off with blinking bright lights

Sometimes I tower to the sky

I want dogs with different bark to be shy


I went to the Prince of Wales Pub

The Landlady poured my first beer

It was so kind of her because it was free

The Landlord turned down the music for me

With my guitar strumming out poems dream

Played pool with the landlord and beating me

There was a young girl hugging gleefully

In the bar there was a good looking guy there

He was so very comfortable talking easily

An older Gent repeating himself incessantly

And it did not at all matter to me

I had three Stella Artois that was pleasing

Next Wednesday the banjo play will be


Volcano lava flow oozing away

Wedge of Stilton Cheese with Chutney

Map of Australia Outline, showing Sidney brightly

King Authurs’ Throne, with silver goblets of wine

A Boogie car trying to park, between two cars, no hope

The Alps in the summer has very little snow, not even a glow

Tyrannosaurus head gaping wide, brandishing his pearly white incisors

A bison cow in premature birth but it did pop out on the plain

A slate tiled fish making advances to his mate so coyly

An elephants head without those big flipping ears

A roaring red mountainous monolith trundling through the tundra

A orange signed transit van delivering fresh fruit and veg

A rooster cockerel with head feathers proud screeching in the morning

A purple porcupine feeding away chasing his mates away

A slice of Cheddar Gorge absolutely fresh and flaky cheese

A Manta Ray swimming through the Gulf Stream eating away

A Saurus dinosaur head cut off from his torn body

Teddy Bears head missing from the picnic

Sea turtle breathing seamlessly from the rough sea

A rock cracking from the seriously heat of the sea

Cream Eggs hatching their chocolate chicks

The sheer face showing layers of sedimentary rocks

A brutish big fish preying on the poor little fish

An Argentinosaurus dinosaur balancing on one foot

A Plesiosaurus swimming through the oceans

A Toucan in the jungle just showing his head

Two birds cooing and nesting with each other

A Barrier reef great white teeth baring its teeth

A small Red Leicester Vardy smelly cheese

A completely squashed fossilised frog

A hissing rattlesnake attacking head

Two birds cooing and nestling with each other

A young teething bison suckling his mothering cow

A small motor car with all windows and doors open

The Jungles greatest Silverback grunting Ape

A seagull spoiling picnickers and hampers

Just a massive turtle head with its tongue hanging out

Basking whale funnelling and chasing to catch krill

Grey tuna fish swimming through crystal clear water

Rhinoceros with tusks in glorious pristine white

Baby whale fretting for is for his mother for the very finest feed

A billy goat struggling up the sheer face with mountains to climb

A Brachiosaurus foot tense gripping of the green grass meadow

An Apatosaurus head severed cleanly of its proud neck

Ziggy Corinthians right royal throne with his crown

A sandstone marbled several layers between limestone

A fossilised Pterodactyl a master of father time to see for ever

Giant snails with their heads in tandem and slightly askew

Hyenas laughing and laughing chasing a manky lion

A baby bison struggling to the nipple of his mother

A Manta Ray fossil, black and mottled, for time of past millennia

A Polar bear pup learning how to take his first seal pup

The parrot perching on the most perfect branch in the jungle

A moth beating away his wings in time with the rustling wind

Parrots beaks chomping on his delicious seeds

The Sloth slowly climbing up Astrocaryum Jauari Palm of the Jungle

The Snow white Rabbit poking it’s nose out of his burrow tree


The sky graced cloud streaming wisp

The married couple in total bliss

The snaked basket release hiss

The shark that missed his attack fish

The French letter sealed with a kiss

Pain manager just flow from me

I don't want you to come back 

Any day night or silvery moon

You have to leave very soon

So I can sing a happy tune

Thinking of a golden sand dune

I would like to scribe this on a rune

I think it might be a real boon

I am now reeling 

With this terrible feeling

It is to rap me up in a sheet cocoon

But you can see the silver moon shrouded in blue skies by day


I simply do not want this life today

Because I know how it is everyday

In my dark bedroom I just want to lay

Anything in the world that comes my way

Will just fill me with such panic dismay 

I so feel such sordid disarray 

This so poorly man has no more to say

Except accepting death in any way


I worked out how to Rubix Cube

I post lots of poems on You Tube

As for ace snooker and pool cues

As a Locksmith I used many tools

I have to confess not much at school

I think it was because it was not my kind of teaching pool

I have never ever been taken as a fool

Health wise mostly I have solid stools

I think I am someone with my lots of balls

When a lad in class I was so small

I am of a average height now, so not very tall

One day I want my good life to call

The day that would be pain to fall

Somehow I have to jump over that wall

Then maybe I can celebrate with an evening ball, in a golden hall

It is very rare that I make any type of boob

Like a red flag, I like to break rules

My sense to goodwill, I can't be cruel

In winter, I generally don't burn fuel

I am as honest and totally true

I count myself lucky really, like so few

Can pen this poem for someone to chew

In life compared with most, clothing is few

Perhaps in winter I will wrap up warm

Not disliking the American Fall

But wanting to feel that sun warms me

Sometimes I see people shading under trees

To me, the Northern and Southern Arctic are the real deep freeze

Though I think the Eskimos live it with ease

Only once in my life, I have seen a striptease

Finally, all my life I make people feel at ease


He doth not want to rise from his bed

For the life he leads is feeling dead 

And he knows what lies in the day ahead

Because he doth feeling dead when he lays his head 

He is beyond this mortal life he senses death

And knows that it is certainly surely last breath

He is so black and charred underneath 

Will his mourners throw on is pyre a wreath

Or send him somewhere in a spiritual pearl sheath

A visit to Stone-bow is part of this day 

And he doth feel it will cause him dismay

And know there is nothing in his life that is hurrah

Perhaps one last trip to his favourite bar


Just went outside in winter sun

Thinking for this "poor living man" 

Do have some solace from verse

Always opportune bathing in rays

Quite delightful after sea swimming 

That sort of day for me is winning

Enjoy elements from the universe 

Planetary objects round sun spinning

Stars and shooting twinkling and sparkling


A Thunderstorm Breaks on an Arid Plain

It has been many years of no rain

Now the dormant grasses will Rise Again

The hurricane winds batter the shore

Spilling the Coconut Tree out to Sea

The seed on some other land will grow to be

The falling snow and Snow Drops align

The rain and drain pipes always meet

Torrents of Water breaking out

Would quell the Out Back forest fires

The Volcanic Ash fertilises new forests

The Eye Of The Storm is at rest

The burn of the Sun dissipate Clouds

A Thunder Crack staccato blazes from clouds

A mountain in millennia will be drifting plain

The Sprinkle and Tinkle of Stars by Night

The Magical shroud of the lunar Eclipse

Throughout from bingeing The Earth changed

Perhaps its course will out do are time

Unless of course we will step in line

Paying respect so we never run out of time


I do not know how to approach this dire situation

I just feel Tom Tit after a food stomach hit

I am fast running out of this torment

If I had an ounce of suicide attempt

I think I would the ground intent just wish I could have a normal life content

Or maybe an angel from heaven is sent

And for their effort health reinstatement required

For it is surely need for some form of relent

For this wretched feeling to be so sent

And the total and utter pain ridden is absent

This is part of my anger and frustration

But I would not want anyone else to except the intent

And I would not expect for anyone one to vent

Even if they were living in a tent

Or a particular well heeled older gentleman

Or a crooked old lady that was more than double bent

And what about all the medical staff not having intent


I have this wretched horrible feeling

It comes from a life that has long since been reeling

I have had enough of this life's dealings

My life is actually not very amenable

Perhaps my life has reached its ceiling

It is not to torrid for this poor being

None of my lies are to able to leave me

I do not know if all the people will leave me

I was once a being so utterly carefree

I just wish that time could come back to me

That would be just so heavenly

I just cannot bear this living

It feels like not every forgiving

A grave digger should just start digging

The crematory fires will start up their flames

And at last my life has found its home


It makes numerous matches

Planks and various cabinets

Tables, chairs and cabins

Paper, card, boxes and pallets

Dolls houses, and frames pictures

All other kinds of furniture’s

Window frames, sills and doors

Covers walls and floors

Chopping boards and handles

Park, garden and work benches


Flowers are pollinated by bees

Grass is different green to trees

Coughing can cause a wheeze 

There is plenty world decease

Trees in winter lose their leaves

Polar bears definitely bear freeze

It is wrong to bring people to their knees

Most men like a saucy sexual striptease

Frying pans are notorious for grease

The are plenty of vans around to lease

Lots of people feel happy in a fleece

I wonder how many like the film Grease

When will the earth be at global peace 

The earth rid of nasty character beast 

What would bread do without yeast

When will last be in first place

All ladies should be full of grace

What about a gentle form of lace

Then there was Linford Christie pace

Which card players come up with an ace

Who on this land does not like game chase

Is the best fish and chips a slippery place

The Sunday girl is certainly full of grace

Who can leave any seen without a trace

When there be somewhere living in space

Some people can really get very shit faced

Some forget to hang out the house waste

Does everyone know how to Turkey baste

Do all the cooks now how to cook the best

Do all the driving managers pass the test

How many people win their title test

How many rat catchers kill their pest

When will everyone be a host guest

How about all the cowboys out west

All the hoovers collecting dust 

Who as a child that did not like the crust

Everyone make sure the toilet is flushed

Any soft sole should not be crushed

In God for me should not be trusted

But all robbers should be arrested

Let's not let all of us to be pestered

Don't let any wound become infested

How many actually tries a quest

Who on Sunday dress to their best

How many old family have their crest

How many examiners pass their own test

Nettles have the redfish skin mark

Who does not like having a happy lark

It is never good to hear a little dog bark

It is always good to go to local park

Then in religion history was Noah's ark

Polar bears need to heed global warming

There is plenty in this world that is appalling

Shepherds trust in the red sky morning

Let's hope doom's day is not forming

Don't let the bad people have all the glory

Most men have the morning glory

Who on earth does not look like a story

So many of us are totally steeped in worry

All prey kill their poor prey so sorely

Some with unquestionable fury

They don't end up with their prey buried

Who does not like a ruby curry

Just so long as not in a hurry

How many birds in their dance flurry

It is certainly not nice to be buried

If your life has not really ended

Don't every reckon a bank manager lender

Don't necessarily dislike a "a bender" 

But do like cars with a fender

It would be great if everyone was tender

Most people all like their meat tender

How about the ice cream vendor

Would it not be better to gentle

Perhaps it would end up very helpful

If the whole World would be grateful

And certainly not be badly hateful

Not be a bull agate person at all

Would it be better if everyone had gall

Would be better if everyone was six feet tall

It was so good when Leicester were a ball

Because when they one the champions

They were most decidedly six foot tall

American society girls like the ball

What about Pink Floyd and their wall

And he richest person who enjoys a ball

The naught person that makes a bad call

Always save everyone from a nuisance call

What about the feeling of being six foot tall

The poor fisherman who can't trawl

Don't like any who won't help at all

Never really supported Saint Paul

Then there are some over six tall

To them is probably does not matter at all

It really should matter for everyone all

A big hello to anyone to read this call

From someone who is not at all well

He just wish he could come a saviour call

To end his plight finally with a helpful hand

Even though this could never be planned

For there is no one on this earth 

Lending a hand for this man who dammed

In the end does not want to canned

No way does he want to be banned

Even though there is no hope in the land

For this man to be cured and well found

His life is nowhere near a pound

He just wants to hear a helpful sound

So in the end he would be do unbound

With the pain manager not wanted around

It is better if you don't talk so loud

Would it not be lovely on a cloud

would actually make me so proud

I would not have this pain in its mound

I just want my life to be well found

I just want my feet to be well grounded 

So the pleasures in life where bounded

For this life that is so floundered

There is no-one that he feels bonded

There is nothing he feels worth while

As the future does not feel worthwhile

Have you ever spent the time on a roof tile

Or have your body on a funeral pyre

Perhaps you have had a flat tyre

For this man's life is so fire

He just wants the right kind buyer

That could be a sort of enquire

Better not make me aspire 

I have certainly never like a liar 

But have always enjoyed a fire


The Triangular Clouds That Grace The Sky

There Were Green Flies And Blue Flies

Gracing The Meadows Basked In Brilliant Sunshine

And All The Houses That Were Topping In The Skyline

There Were Wisps Of Pink And Grey Clouds

They Were Just So Perfect They Could Dorn Any Sky

With Patchwork Fields All Sunlit With Lovely Rays

And The Fields Were A Patchwork Of Lines

And The Bails Were Such Lovely Magic


Turquoise dragonflies bobbing on branches leaning from the bank

Cabbage white butterflies bouncing on the pebble by the river, a red squirrel jumping through the grass to rise to a tree bright eyed and bushy tailed

It is such a wonder the the trees in the park have grass, still growing like it is a miniature meadow that help all the insects too fold over and to be served my pints by a lady, not quite right, confident , but the body of an angel

I loved diving into the river diving into the river and renewing my long swims, underwater, well worth young boys and girls, the dive bombing, diving, jumping, screaming and shouting into the river


I am such desperately unhappy chappy

Felt last night sleep was only napping

Does not want anything in this life happening

Feels like his life is most certainly ending

There is no one in his life that is nursing tending

That would come to my aid in some form of mending

None of the medical staff were clinically bending

All I thought at the time was they were defending

Or in some sort of playing out and pretending

I just wish that there professional ear was lending

To another World this sordidly sore man is sending 

For life on this earth is definitely unhappy chappy ending

Just wishes that his body and mind perfectly blending

And all the people in the World were tender

Perhaps then the whole of me would be tender

Instead of me so wrought in pain and anger 

That covers up my cloak of finest divine doppelganger


Human urban maize roads

Scattered staccato white 

Single and yellow lines

Sordid streets of towns

Cars meander through labyrinth roads

How spoilt where the meadows

Poppies, dandelions and daisies

Bobbing submarine and snorkels

Grasses maturing feathered fronds

Buzzing bees policing

Fornicating their pollens

Harvesting for humans

Dearth of bees at their peril

Bees informing humans

There verges and trees

Should be meadow populated

For yellow, red and white flashes

Akin to the sea meadow-ing of Reefs 

Human, fishes and bees harmonies

The globe so joyous and at ease-


I feel like a joint to serve up

Or vixen losing her pups

To a very furious fox

Or the lemonade without seven up

Any person who would not say yup

Or the biggest smelliest trump

Or petrol station with no pump

Or the nastiest boil poisonous lump

A card game without out the required trumps

Certainly not the undesired Donald Trump

The bruises fighter that just does not have a bump

The training shoe plagued by the fact it had no pump


I have woken up today feel so very dire

It does not matter what I do today 

I will wake up in dire mode tomorrow 

If feels so hard for my throat to swallow

This leaves me in fear, sadness and sorrow 

The Pied Piper like the little children I would not follow

But like a hippopotamus I might want to mud wallow

So my life can be ended in some sort of flow

The small flicker left in me would no longer glow

Then there would be nothing tomorrow 

No point in anybody trying to help by following

Just want to be left in my own wallow

One summer is not made by swallow

I feel so wretched, nowhere near mellow

No person on this earth can help, not even a fellow 

And I just want my bed and to wallow

There I just want sleep that is not shallow 

I just feel dead all over from head to toe 

Perhaps in a wooden box I will go

In a suit and tie, not any sort of bow

And my girls I just don't want to bestow

Any of my estate, but I do not know

If it is deserved by anybody I know

Don't slush the path from snow

If you are expecting me some time now 

For my life is nowhere near anybody to follow

Not even the offer of sugar neighbourly fellow

I just want to die my death somehow now

I would not be able anymore see a rainbow

And not even well enough to go to the show


Morning walk to work

The newly cut grass

Left to fill the air

Smell of summer gone

Like pastures anew

I'm thinking of you

Feel ready inside me

Standing on a wooden bridge

Enjoying autumn sun

River flowing under

Leaves falling, floating

Birds chirping their song

I'm speaking to you

Feel singing inside me

Strolling along sodden park

Wandle flowing gently by

Crystal clear running water

Plants wave in the sway

Fish flitting in and out

I'm speaking  to you

Feel excited inside me

Raining in the park

Sheltering under oak

Circling round its trunk

Kicking leaves underfoot

Lightness in my step

I'm speaking to you

Feel solace inside me

Pausing in the park

Perched on felled log

Dragonflies dance nearby

The mix of blue and brown ones

Landing just for pause

I'm thinking of you

Feel serene inside me

Walk through sodden park

Fell leaves of autumn

Orange, red and yellow

Lit up by afternoon sun

Flames of a forest fire

I'm speaking to you

Feel so warm inside me

Walking in November

The Trees bared leaves

Avoiding grassy pools

Like a carpeted floor

Walking on fluffy clouds

I'm speaking to you

Feel happy inside me

Walking just today

I'm listening to you

Sensing nothing else

My heart is racing

My blood is pumping

I'm speaking to you

Feel sensual inside me


Water comes out like it ort too

In houses it cleans out the loos

It springs out of streams and hoses 

Rat a tats when flitting on roof houses 

Falls from high up fluffy clouds

And roars on the sea rolls loud

It runs hot and cold out of taps 

It is not liked by Skitty-cats 

The seas run round and round 

It never moves without a sound

It even runs in deep caverns underground 

It services mankind in numerous drinks

It is also an ingredient of pen inks

If left on it fill ups sinks

It helps making bubble baths

Everyone enjoys a spa 

The tumble of the auto wash car

Usually on ice in any coastal bar

Washes away rock on mountains

Wooshes out of central fountains

You will never see it in a desert 

It is replaced by cream in a dessert

Without it your life would be in peril

It would be long before you were unwell

You may just end up in not a wishing well

No more of your life would be a tell

For from this life you thirsty fell

It would be too late to ring the coffin bell


I may well be washed down the drain

If other a gun to the brain

Or a knight in shining armour I should be slayn

Or a head on crash of two locomotion trains

There could not be anyone to blame

Or ravished by a roaring lion untamed

Or a flooding downpour of rain

Or shoot me as I am a horse lame

I would never win the imitation game

To be fair, I would not like to imitate anyone

Medications and consultants do not me help me

My life is like the flame of a candle with a wicked wick

Just certainly and completely cannot handle

It is surely on wax or is it wane

This soul that could not be tamed

Everybody plays the price

I have never been nobody though

I would never be holden to anyone

And at last, this soul cannot be tamed


What a grey day

Roof tiles all grey

Roads all grey

Silver cars almost grey

Overcast grey clouds

Hanging about in shrouds

Looking at anything that grey may 

Grey father roof aerial

Grey mother satellite dish

Grey twin baby roof tile

Grey twin baby alarm, with a smile

More greys items may take a while

And at last, this soul cannot be tamed


Tot that alphabetic puzzle did,  Dad helped

Girl that studied hard, ‘cos Dad encouraged

Girl that wanted to do rock climbing, Dad stepped in

Girl that her Dad first called with A Level results

Girl that went to Liverpool Uni, on Dads’ hands

Girl that was taken by her Dad, first term

The young girl that cried at Rodney Place

With her Dad about negativity

The two young tots attending a party in Rochester

And cried in his arms about the same negativity

Will this woman now escape the negativity

And flower once again to her Dad, as time gone


A young boy swinging on a tree of willow

A family in the park playing cricket with willow

Whilst I was sunbathing on my pillow

All the ants in the grass marching below

Members of the public saying hello

The stones came from a source I don't know

The trees whistling in the wind

The sun that just won't be dimmed

The grass that is not very often trimmed

The Dalmatian tail swinging like tamed

Little children playing naughty cannot be blamed

Single child singing that cannot be named and that were in tow

Who could have known the keys weren't to show

There was the mental act pressed on me

Or the ambulance had to so be

So off to hospital was poor old me

Hours and hours waiting to be seen

And how longer it was going to be

Before I could return to my house now

My sister after a long while turned up with smile


Out for a stroll in winter sun park

Lay back on bench catching the sun

With sleeves and sweatpants rolled up

Wishing he was stripped to boxer shorts

A pooch passed by murmuring thoughts

Two passers-by talking about parking

Wishing the sun was more sparkling

There were stereo several birds chirping 

The serene waters with swans static posturing

The sky was pale blue and so solacing

With wispy stripes of clouds like loose candy floss

Who could miss the crispness of winter when it has such gloss


I feel so utterly and totally wrong

Just want to hear the death gong

Departing this earth without a song

I just feel it will not be too long

Signified by a golden drum bong

I certainly don't feel very strong

I have always thought girlies wrong thong

To this world I don't want to belong

I never wanted to be in a choir sing song

I feel like a rancid smelly dung

Odious like foetid malodorous pong

I certainly don't feel a picture well hung

Never been susceptible to a bung

Never spoken with a forked tongue

And have had this feeling for so long

It has been a thread all along

I have never deserved to be seen as wrong

That I reckon has been that thread so long


Your youthfulness is so beautiful to behold

I am not trying to be over bold

Nor am I trying to reach your fold

I write poetry for this storey I want told

I hope never in your life you have to be sold

One day I hope you have someone to hold

I hope your life solaces and full of gold

Her face lit up with ear to ear grin


Peace simple gesture with cupped hands

Tranquillity turquoise angel rising majestically to the stars

Harmony and melody mystical magical music

Serenity golden goddess silhouetted by the evening sun in a naked negligee

Morgan “May all the angels guard you in the night”

Calm sending blood all over the body

Composure standing in good stead

Happiness and jollity

Motion for anyone of devotion

Solace rolling over in the deepest night, cuddling you lover

Laced with gold and just so ace

Sally never blaspheming me

Sharing friends at school, playing snooker with Beth

Brian West just simply the Scotties best 

Copper and doctor "intelligent and articulate"

Loyalty is a true legend 

Forest of fiery red yellow and orange like walking into a furnace

Sensing the sun swapping the skin all over

Rolling duvet from feet up to the neck with feeling

Staccato eye darting across sunken lights

My lovely tree has such glee to me it is perfect in green form and the evening sun bathing thee

Another grey shroud would be above my lovely tree

The perfect green tree shaped and the sun piercing its heart

Blue wisps and white cotton buds all around, adorning in greys blues and white around it all lit up in brilliant green by sunlight

Shaded all in blue surrounding such a lovely tree for another delight

Just plain with a blanket of grey and white fluffy clouds bathing it

On an autumn walk, the wind swallowing round a flock of pigeons and white doves birds feeding on the ploughed field, all these sights were not absorbed.

The lovely young tree in a circle of perfect red leaves.

My lovely tree with golden autumn leaves.


I love you from within

The games we play

The laughs we have

The love we share

The special person you are

The company enjoyed

The music listen to

The food and the frolic

And lust for you without

From your slender legs

Your pert little buttocks

Your trim virginia

Your petit fine torso

Your voluptuous bosom

Your sensuous neck

Your kissable lips

Your piercing blue eyes

That take me back within


How spoilt where the meadows with dead poppies, dandelions and daisies

Bobbing submarine and snorkels spoiling the reefs

Grasses maturing feathered fronds at it reaches the parts that other plants cannot

Buzzing bees policing and trying to make amends

Fornicating their pollens as much as they can

Harvesting for humans who feed without any concern

Dearth of bees at their humanities peril

With verges and trees in such a place of desolation

There should be new meadows populated in peoples gardens

The globe so could be so joyous for all if the Humanities Foolishness strived to ease